Saturday, November 4, 2023

Support for Hamas And Islamic Jihad Is Support for Genocide

 On October 7, 2023, it was Hamas and Islamic Jihad that attacked thousands of Israeli civilians for no other reason than that they are Jewish. 

They raped young women and girls. They beheaded babies and children. They beheaded defenseless adults. They burned alive babies, children and adults. They murdered a baby's parents and then murdered the baby by putting the baby in a microwave oven. They cut off the hands of babies and children. They disemboweled pregnant women. They shot at point blank range thousands of people, with many killed and many wounded. 

They kidnapped hundreds, from babies, defenseless men and women, able bodied and disabled, to old women in their nineties, and brought them back as to Gaza. 

In Gaza, they spent billions of dollars on tunnels beneath the densely populated enclave, designed and built solely to wage war against Israel.They knew full well that the Israeli response to their October 7 massacres, rapes, atrocities, kidnappings, would put the civilians of Gaza in harm's way.  Hamas and Islamic Jihad use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields.

The leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, far from danger in their luxury hotels in Qatar, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon and elsewhere, could care less how many civilians are killed in Gaza. 

They openly declare their goal is to destroy Israel and commit genocide against its Jewish population.

They showed on october 7, 2023, all their words about killing Jews were not only talk. They showed the whole world that they hate Jews so much that they will rape, sodomize, torture, behead, burn alive, shoot, kidnap, murder any Jewish civilian they can get their hands on. 

They showed the whole world their complete disregard for the lives of the civilians of Gaza, who they are more than happy to sacrifice as long as they get to kill Jews. 

The many on the left, on the right, hiding behind religion, throughout the world, who support Hamas and Islamic Jihad, have blood on their hands. They complain about genocide yet support the genocidal rapists, torturers, kidnappers and murderers. 

Let there be an immediate ceasefire. The civilians of Gaza stay. But Hamas and Islamic Jihad, these rapists, murderers and torturers, get a free pass out of Gaza to join their luxury living leaders in one of the countries that revels in this horror, including Turkey, Qatar and Iran.

The hostages get set free. Gaza free from the oppression of the jihadi rapist and murderers, gets rebuilt without the tunnels. 

And then finally, a political solution to this conflict gets implemented ending the war once and for all so no one else suffers. 


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