Monday, November 13, 2023

The Hatred Against Jews will Destroy Us All

 It was naive to think that people would unite to stop or at lest lessen the major threats to all of human life, including from nuclear weapons and environmental devastation. This includes the poisoning of the environment from plastic, heavy metals, forever chemicals and other toxic chemicals, and much more. This includes the continued destruction of rain forests, primary forests, coral reefs, sea grasses, marine life, other wildlife, and much more. 

The more the environment is destroyed, the more poverty and misery increases.

It is not this that brings out millions of people in furious rage. It is not the many wars occuring now in which millions of children are dying directly from the wars, or from the starvation and disease that wars often bring.

It is not even from the harm that Hamas, Islamic Jihad and all of their supporters have brought to the children of Gaza and Israel. 

It is the fact that it is Israel and the Jew that are involved in Gaza.

October 7, 2023 proved once and for all that the hatred of Jews never disappeared. Hamas and Islamic Jihad on October 7 attacked thousands of civilians. They beheaded people. Babies, children and defenseless adults were burned alive. Girls and young women were raped and murdered. Some were raped and kidnapped. Thousands of civilians were shot at point blank range. Hundreds of people, including babies, children, old people and defenseless men and women were kidnapped. The naked and half naked bodies of young women, already murdered or maybe even still alive, were paraded around Gaza to be spat upon and defiled. One young man is recorded calling his proud parents that he murdered ten defenseless Jews, only to receive their joy and blessings, not condemnation.

All over the world, millions celebrate the slaughter, rape, kidnapping, mutilations of defenseless Jews of all ages. After these atrocities, Israel had no choice but to remove Hamas and Islamic Jihad from Gaza. If it does not, Hamas and Islamic Jihad will slaughter and rape again, and continue to use the above ground civilians and children of Gaza as their human shields as they hide in their beneath ground terror tunnels.

If the world really cares about the children of Gaza, it will demand that Hamas and Islamic Jihad leave from Gaza now so that the war ends and no more children are harmed. 

There are plenty of places where they can go far away from Israel where the raping and murdering of Jews is celebrated. Already their pampered multi billionaire and multi millionaire  leaders are living in luxury hotels in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and elsewhere. They can join them there. 

The kidnapped hostages in Gaza are freed and in exchange Israel releases all Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists to join their fatcat leaders in countries far away from Israel. The war ends when gaza is freed from the murdering, raping, mutilating hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Excuses have been made throughout history to blame the Jew for everything. The human need to scapegoat, to blame others, to never take responsibility, to have an enemy to hate, target and mobilize behind, never disappeared. Rather than end the hatred against Jews so that there can be a good future together for Palestinian Arab and Israeli Jew, millions would rather indulge in their demonic need to hate Jews. 

Rather than address the serious issues that threaten all of human existence, including nuclear weapons and environmental degradation, millions instead would rather hate, rape and kill jews. 

Rather than address the mass poverty in the world, the many wars, the genocide occuring now in Darfur, the many other serious problems the world faces, millions, maybe even billions, would rather waste their lives trying to exterminate the tiny population of Jews still alive on planet earth.

Millions of people believe the end times comes when the Jews are slaughtered, and that this is what God wants. 

The end times will come but not for that reason. It will come if human beings keep destroying the planet, each other, and if they keep indulging in their pathological and demonic hatred against Jews.


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