The line between good and evil is clearly drawn when it comes to crimes such as rape.
Yet many people defend rape by prioritizing their political or religious beliefs above basic human morality. They actually defend rape.
There are those that say their religion allows for the rape of enemy captives.
Others justify rape as a defensible act of resistance.
Some things are always wrong and indefensible, and rape is one of them.
A person's political or religious beliefs does not make rape, the indefensible, transform into the defensible.
How favorable someone is towards the rapists, and how unfavorable they are towards the victims also does not alter the fact that rape is always wrong.
Politics, personal feelings, animosities and religious beliefs are used by many to falsely turn rape, which is always taboo, into something acceptable. Deflections, whataboutisms, excuses, are used to justify the unjustifable.
Others use denial or silence as a way to excuse or protect the rapists and never hold them responsible or accountable. For these people, protecting their narratives, illusions and the predators are more important than protecting women and girls.
Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others committed mass rape and murder on October 7. Because the victims of rape, sexual abuse and murder were defenseless people inside of the land of Israel, the rapists have many defenders in their corners.
Almost all of the women and girls that were sexually abused and raped were murdered.
The mob hysteria to defend rape, calling for more intifadas, more October 7's, more support, justifications and cover for the rapists and contempt for the victims, stems from an old and perverted hatred for a tiny religious, ethnic minority people that consists of people from all races.
Many are the women protesting in support of the rapists. Many demonically scream for violent resistance by any means necessary, knowing full well what this means after October 7. It means raping women and girls, mutilating and murdering them, oftentimes while they are still raping them. Legions of these women supporting Hamas rapists and murderers stand shamelessly for incredible evil and harm from men that rape, mutilate, cut up human beings, and murder.
There are witnesses to October 7. There are survivors of the massacre that witnessed rape, mutilation and murder while they were hiding undetected. There is enormous forensic documentation and evidence, including photos, physical evidence, eye witness accounts and more.
Some of the witnesses described mutilation and murder by groups of men while the women were being raped, including having breasts cut off, faces and other body parts cut and disfigured.
There are the volunteers from Zaka, an organization tasked with respectfully recovering bodies and body parts, that are witnesses by virtue of having been assigned the handling and removal of the bodies of murdered women, men, infants, children from the October 7 massacre.
There are medical professionals, physicians, nurses, paramedics, other first responders and others that saw the carnage.
Soldiers, police and private citizens that fought against Hamas and Islamic Jihad still inside of Israel saw for themselves the many murdered Israelis. They saw mutilated bodies. They saw naked and half naked women and girls. They saw murdered babies, children, people of all ages, and bodies where there had been mutilation, sexual abuse and rape.
There are chilling videos of Hamas men with young Israeli women taken captive, discussing what they will do with the women.
There are interviews with captured Hamas and Islamic Jihad men about the women and girls they raped. One Hamas young man related how he was part of a group of men that raped and murdered a women that was passed around from one man to the other, with his own father being one of the rapists.
Even the New York Times, no friend to Israel, did an investigation uncovering these horrific crimes against humanity, published on December 28, 2023, called, "Screams Without Words, How Hamas Weapnized Sexual Violence On October 7". A great more documentation has come to light since that investigation was published.
Many are those that excuse these crimes based on their warped mentality that only Israel and Jews can be blamed, even when Jews are the victims of rape and other horrific crimes. It is the ancient blame and demonize the Jew for everything, and absolve those that commit crimes against Jews.
Millions of people experience horrific oppression, terrible abuse and worse all over the world, and do not rape and murder.
It does not matter if someone supports Israel or completely opposes Israel.
There are lines in the sand that must never be crossed.
There are terrible, evil things that must always be opposed. Rape is one of them.
The effort to dismiss that there was sexual abuse, rape, sodomizing, genital mutilation and more on October 7 in an effort to discredit Israel and elevate Hamas and Islamic Jihad, is incapable of accomplishing that because the other grave and terrible things done on that day are no less horrific. It also speaks to the incredible callousness of the people that choose their political and religious allegiances over simple humanity.
Armed people from Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza, went into the homes of noncombatants and slaughtered people in their bedrooms, in their bathrooms, in their houses. They slaughtered unarmed civilians at a music festival. They slaughtered unarmed civilians wherever they could find them. This was not war. This was murder.
There are terrible, evil things that should always be opposed. The many people in the west are protesting in support of a bunch of Hamas and Islamic Jihad murderers, and their right to continue murdering.
There are lines in the sand that must never be crossed; terrible evils that must always be opposed.
Murder is one of them.