Wednesday, June 12, 2024

BDS Israel And Hitler's BDS, The Road To Genocide

 The list is long of dysfunctional, corrupt, criminal nations. No matter how often these nations brutalize their own people, steal from their own people, wage senseless wars, routinely imprison, torture, rape and murder anyone that does not conform and fall in line, there will be no outcry, no BDS, because Israel and Jews cannot be blamed.

BDS criminalizes Israel and legitimizes real criminal nations.

BDS is nothing more then part of the worldwide effort to destroy Israel and have genocide committed against its majority population, most of whom are Jews that originated in the middle east and North Africa. 

The Jews from the middle east, Asia and North Africa know only too well that if Israel is destroyed, they can never return to many of the lands from where they, their parents or grandparents fled, including Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Iran, Egypt, Algeria and more.

BDS seeks to demonize and dehumanize Jewish Israelis, the majority population of Israel, by criminalizing their one and only small state and only home.

BDS is part of the genocidal effort to destroy Israel, while appearing less violent than the violent part of the effort that does not hesitate to rape, kidnap, torture, murder and mutilate people inside of Israel, regardless of their age or gender. BDS knows full well that even though they themselves may or may not openly call for the violent destruction of Israel and genocide of the millions of Israelis that are Jewish, a weakened Israel will be vulnerable to the many enemies of Israel that openly seek genocide. 

October 7 showed again that when given the chance, the enemies of Israel will kidnap, rape, mutilate, torture and murder thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel, and that this will be denied, or justified, defended, celebrated and applauded by millions of people the world over. 

Before Hitler started mass murdering Jews, there was first the BDS of the Jews of Germany and Europe, where they were weakened and made even more helpless and vulnerable to the extermination that was to follow.

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