Tuesday, June 11, 2024

October 8 Leftists Complicit In Civilian Casaulties In Gaza

 On October 7 when Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza filmed themselves slaughtering defenseless people inside of Israel, that should have been enough to spark outrage, condemnation, and an immediate demand that all hostages immediately be returned.

On October 8, the whole world could see from the extensive videos, not only what Hamas themselves documented - but also from first hand accounts, witness testimonies, the extensive footage of the carnage and slaughter, burnt vehicles, bodies still burning, and more. 

Thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel, from babies to old people, were raped, wounded, murdered, burned alive, mutilated, tortured, beheaded, kidnapped and more. 

Instead of worldwide outrage and an urgent demand that all of the people kidnapped be returned home right away, including an infant, children, young women, men and women of all ages, there was instead an opposite reaction. 

Instead of worldwide outcry that raping, murdering, kidnapping, mutilating, torturing is never acceptable, there was instead celebration and condemnation of Israel by millions that believe basic human morality is superseded by religion or politics. 

Millions of people defend rape, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, or deny or pretend it did not happen, as long as these crimes are committed by the side that they support, against the people they despise and demonize.

They defend crimes against humanity, including kidnapping, rape, torture and murder, using lofty words such as resistance, liberation and more to legitimize what should never be acceptable.

This should have ended October 8 under the weight of worldwide outrage. Qatar should have stopped all support and funding for Hamas, and demanded the immediate release of all hostages. Instead, Islamists and leftists the world over gave cover to Hamas to exist, to keep the hostages, to continue their genocidal campaign to slaughter Jews.

The green light was given by leftists, Islamists, Jew haters the world over of all persuasions, for Hamas to do exactly what Hamas leaders call for: many more October 7's. 

This is a war that never had to be. It could be stopped now by Hamas releasing all hostages, surrendering and leaving Gaza to join their extremely wealthy, luxury living leaders in Qatar, Iran, Turkey and elsewhere. 

Instead, Hamas and Islamic Jihad continue to use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields to hide behind and beneath, hoping for maximum civilian casualties.

The world is on fire, not just in Gaza. It will get worse now that rape, kidnapping, murder, torture, and crimes against humanity have millions of defenders. 

What should always be taboo is instead embraced. Hitler did the same, and history shows where that led.

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