Thursday, June 27, 2024

Disobeying Commandment Not To Murder

If humanity followed the one commandment out of the ten that prohibits murder, instead of making all kinds of exception for it, all of the following never would have happened:

There would have been no Armenian genocide. 

There would have been no holocaust.

There would have been no genocide in Cambodia.

There would have been no genocide in Rwanda.

There would have been no genocide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

There would be no ISIS and genocide against Yiddish and middle east Christians.

There would be no genocide now in Darfur.

There would have been no October 7 slaughter inside of Israel of defenseless people of all ages.

There would not have been, and would not be now, many other wars and massacres not mentioned.

War and murder are not the same. Conflating the two is just another tactic used to defend murder. Murder includes the deliberate killing of another human being that poses no threat to the murderer. 

Murder is the most basic law by which all of humanity must abide. But instead, exceptions are being made, unleashing the darkest of forces upon humanity.

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