Thursday, June 27, 2024

Gaza: Genocide Or Casualties Of War?

 In war, there are civilian casualties, especially when the enemy does not distinguish themselves from civilians, when they use civilians as human shields, when they hide behind and beneath civilians, when they build protective tunnels for themselves below ground and no bomb shelters or protections for the civilians above ground, when they shoot rockets and ambush the enemy while hiding in the midst of civilians knowing that inevitable return fire and other enemy responses will result in civilian casualties, when their own rockets fall short and hit their own civilians, when their bullets and explosives also hit surrounding civilians, when they openly declare that they want civilian casualties and that they intentionally seek civilian casualties for propaganda, sympathy and a demented vision of martyrdom, and when they fight from densely populated areas.

In Darfur, there is a genocide. No one cares and no one protests. Arab militias are killing the native black Muslim population.

In Syria, Yemen, Myanmar, the Congo Region, Northern Nigeria, Mali, Somalia, and elsewhere, civilians are deliberately being attacked. There are no protests and no one cares.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza went into Israel on October 7 and wounded, raped, mutilated, burned people alive, and murdered thousands of defenseless people of all ages, and then retreated to Gaza with kidnapped children, a baby, families, people of all ages, starting a war and using the civilians and children of Gaza as their human shields.

 Gaza is called genocide by millions of people, instead of what it really is, despicable and tragic war. It is protested by millions, while the real genocide in Darfur, Syria, Yemen, Myanmar and elsewhere are not protested at all. All of this has to do with the fact that human life does not count at all to these many millions unless the object of their hatred can be blamed. They could care less about victims. They only protest on behalf of victims if it serves their hatreds and/or political or religious narratives.

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