Saturday, June 22, 2024

Christ Is King Is Antisemitic Only To Antisemites

Jews in the United states are a tiny, productive, religious, ethnic minority in a free country with a majority Christian population. 

Some people that do not like Jews, antisemitic people, think that by pronouncing that Christ is King, they are offending Jews. 

They mistakingly think that Jews are offended, or that this antagonizes Jews, which is what they hope to accomplish.

Jews know that Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus. People that declare this with ill intent are only saying it to assert their dominance and illusions about Jews.

Christ is king is not offensive. Real Christians that believe Christ is king, and believe in the divinity of Jesus, and actually follow what Jesus taught, are not antisemitic. 

Jews are taught to respect the people of other religions. Jews are not taught to denigrate the people of other religions. Jews are taught to do unto others what you would have others do unto you. This applies to all people, no matter their religion. 

Anyone that says otherwise is not being truthful.

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