Sunday, June 2, 2024

Nothing Justifies Rape, Message To Abby Martins Of The World

 Nothing ever justifies rape, murder, kidnapping, mutilation, crimes against humanity.

There are many who believe politics or religious beliefs, or both, trump basic human morality. 

They do not.

No amount of deflection, no amount of whataboutism, no amount of denial, changes the fact that nothing justifies rape and other crimes against humanity.

There are no exceptions ever.

Demonizing Israel and Jews in the worst ways possible in order to normalize rape, kidnapping, mutilation and murder against Jews is evil in and of itself.

Even if the many demonize Israel narratives were true, it does not change the fact that rape, kidnapping, mutilation and murder are never acceptable or justified. 

Pretending that these crimes did not occur in order to defend a bunch of rapists, kidnappers, mutilaters and murderers is also a form of evil.

Good and evil exist. 

Good and evil are not always easily defined. Contrary to what many people think, the lines between good and evil are not simply discernable by a person's political or religious beliefs.

But when it comes to a crime against humanity such as rape, the line between good and evil is absolute and clearly drawn.

Rape is an evil act. It is never justified. Not even against your worst enemy. 

The people that rape, the people that defend the people that rape, the people that use denial as cover for the people that rape, are all on the side of evil, with the evil of the rapist being the most severe.

It does not matter who are the victims, whether it is Jews or some other people, rape is always wrong.

No decent human being should ever be on the side of rapists. It does not matter how much that person hates the ones that were or are being raped.

If we live in a world where a terrible crime like rape is defended, justified or excused, there is no hope left for anyone, let alone our children.

If we live in a world where terrible crimes like rape are covered up by denial, and where rapists are never held accountable, nor their defenders and deniers, then we live in a world where evil is victorious over righteousness and good.

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