Thursday, June 27, 2024

Theocracies Are Undermining Free Nations

 The values that enable countries to prosper, free speech, the separation of church and state, freedom and liberty from tyrannical government and theocratic regimes, are not being defended. 

Some argue, what about the wealthy oil rich theocratic regimes? Do they not show that theocratic rule by religion works? They do not. These countries are completely dependent on free, productive and independent nations that buy their oil and subsidize their dysfunction. Take away the oil, and these nation collapse. 

These countries do not innovate. They do not create. Some, like Qatar, export cruelty and bigotry all over the world. Qatar  relies on an imported, exploited labor class of foreign workers. Oil wealth enables Qatar to export its religious intolerance. 

A deadly alliance has now formed between brutal dictatorships and brutal, intolerant religious theocracies, religious fascists and fascists on the left and right, and millions of mostly young, useful idiot supporters in the west. 

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