Friday, June 7, 2024

Experts On How to Fight In Gaza Without Civilian Casualties

 Below is a comprehensive list of all of the military experts and other experts that can explain how to fight an enemy without incurring civilian casualties when the enemy:

Fights in a densely populated area.

Builds huge tunnel networks for themselves and leaves the civilians above ground without any bomb shelters or other protections.

Wants civilian deaths in order to claim martyrdom and in the belief that it wins sympathy for themselves and their beliefs.

Indoctrinated an entire generation of young people to believe their only mission in life is to kill Jews, and to die in the process if necessary.

Uses the civilian populations to hide behind and beneath.

Combatants wears civilian clothes to blend in and be indistinguished from civilians.

Uses civilian buildings, including schools, kindergartens, apartments, mosques, hospitals, medical centers, UN buildings, universities, children's bedrooms, all of which to store arms, ambush the enemy and conceal entrances to tunnels.

Wages war, including shooting and ambushing the enemy while surrounding themselves with civilians, so that when there is return fire civilians will die.

Shooting rockets while surrounded by civilians so when there is return fire civilians will die.

Wants as many civilian casualties as possible in order to not only gain sympathy, but in order to win their war of propaganda.

Uses hostages as human shields, and surrounds hostages with their own civilians in order for there to be maximum civilian casaulties in the event of a rescue effort.

How do you fight an enemy such as this without their being civilian casaulties?

Who are the experts that have the answer?

The answer is there are none.

No country in its right mind would allow a terrorist group to do the terrible atrocities Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others did on October 7 and not respond. No country that cares about its own civilians and citizens would allow a terrorist organization to continue to exist on its doorsteps after the terrorist organization committed a massacre.

Free the hostages. Free Gaza. Hamas surrenders and are given free one way tickets to join their multi millionaire and multi billionaire leaders in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and elsewhere. Then the war ends and the civilians on all sides are no longer in harm's way.


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