Thursday, June 27, 2024

Legitimizing Murder

 No matter the many excuses given to justify murder, the fact remains that only the murderer makes the decision to pull the trigger or plunge a knife into a living human. 

If you free the murderer from responsibility, and hold the murderer blameless, the outcome is always horrific.

This is happening now.

This happened before. In Nazi Germany, murder was made legal. History show where that led. Mass murder, a holocaust, Europe destroyed, over 70 million people killed, millions of survivors permanently wounded physically and/or emotionally.

In every genocide before WW 2 and since, the prohibition of murder no longer applying to certain populations gave the world the Armenian genocide, the genocide against Tutsis in Rwanda, the still ongoing genocide in Darfur, genocide against Yazidis, genocide in the Congo region, genocide in Cambodia, the October 7 massacre inside of Israel, and many more genocides and mass murders. 

It does not matter the excuse or justification given to murder. 

Land, resistance, occupation, settlers, colonialists, Zionists, all of these excuses and more given to murder do nothing but open the gates of hell and free the murderers from responsibility and accountability. 

Murdering has many defenders. There they are by the millions, arguing that in the name of honor or political or religious beliefs, exceptions are made so that murder is permissible. 

Murder is always wrong. There are no exceptions. Killing in self defense is not murder. War and the casualties of war are not murder. 

Murder includes the deliberate taking of another person's life that poses no threat.

Its defenders with their multitude of excuses as to why it is okay to murder are unleashing a nightmare far worse than can be imagined.


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