Thursday, June 20, 2024

Weak People Need Jews To Hate

 There are books written about antisemitism and why people hate Jews. 

Weak people need someone to hate.

Weak people need the Jew to hate.

A tiny minority population many perceive as different and that is successful in many places, makes an easy target.

Much of the discussion on antisemitism centers around reasons people hate Jews and countering the reasons, as though any of this is rational, which it is not.

Those that recognize the inherent evil in antisemitism often spend enormous effort countering the many  accusations and defamation.

Even if one defamation is countered and proven false, another one is created, even as the earlier defamation already proved false often continues to remain.

Every Jew on the planet could be an angel, and Israel the world's most perfect nation, and none of it would matter.

When hate is combined with obsession, it is almost impossible to free the person from their obsession. 

When a person that hates Jews is also sadistic, there are no limits to the extent of the depravity and cruelty that person can inflict. History shows this repeatedly. The holocaust is an example. The October 7 massacre inside of Israel is another.

Antisemitism needs to be called out for what it is. It is a form of evil. The antisemite will continuously find reasons to hate the Jew, but the cause of the hate is a moral and ethical weakness that rests inside of the antisemite.

Hatred for Jews reflects the weakness of the people that hate. Many indulge in this hate, giving it voice and power, instead of rejecting it.

The weakness of hate, the way hate gets magnified when combined with obsession, the way hate and obsession when combined with cruelty or sadism leads to horrific outcomes, proven time and time again over history, should be reason enough to stop the Jew hating train the world is once again riding. 

The failure to learn from history is proving to be disastrous.

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