This blog originated as a futile effort to expose ineffective and harmful programs and practices as it pertains to animal cruelty, dog fighting, animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation. A number of nonprofit organizations, individuals and others profit handsomely from their exploitation of voiceless populations.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
The New Generation Of Petty Armed Secretaries (Cops) In Law Enforcement
A good cop understands the value in discretion. A good cop is not a petty person. A good cop understands that good police work is not about riding around issuing warnings or citations for every petty offense. A good cop is not out there alienating decent, law abiding people, especially in order to meet a meaningless official or unofficial quota. A good cop understands the world is not black and white, and that there are many shades of grey. If cops think issuing warnings and citations makes them look good in the eyes of their superiors, then it is a shame that is their mentality and the mindset of their bosses and police department. Too many police departments think the value of police work is in producing meaningless numbers and statistics instead of solid patrol. And it is too bad there are too many eager men and women willing to be mindless armed secretaries instead of real police.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Worshipping The Creator, Trashing The Creation
There are those of a religious persuasion that point out that God created a perfect world. Why then are people trashing it or standing idly by? Every day brings more man made destruction and environmental degradation from a multiplicity of ways. Untold tons of garbage, much of it nonbiodegradable plastics and styrofoam, ends up in the oceans daily. How is it possible to worship the creator, yet trash the creator's creation?
A Sensible, Not Costly, Practical Plan Regarding Illegal immigrants In The U.S.
Republicans cannot claim to be the party of limited government if all that means is limiting the government entities they do not like, and increasing and enhancing the government entities they do like. It makes them no different than the democrats, except in their preference for where there should be big government, and where there should be limited government.
Trump states he want to increase or quadruple the number of federal immigration officials. This will be hugely expensive, and will cost the government billions. It is costly to hire and employ federal government workers, who receive some of the best salaries, benefits and pensions of any government employee. What is it that will be accomplished by this hugely expensive undertaking that cannot be accomplished by better utilization of existing immigration and other resources?
Police daily arrest criminals that they find out are illegally in the United States. They are already in police custody. Rather than follow existing procedures, in which immigration authorities are only sometimes notified and often then do nothing, simply put a formal procedure in place. Namely, people arrested for a prescribed list of crimes will require a mandatory notification to immigration authorities by the arresting law enforcement authorities, and then there will be a mandatory requirement by immigration authorities to respond timely and appropriately.
( An aside- The white and black nationalist racists in the United states that are professional whiners and cry babies and that complain about illegal immigrants and everything else are the last ones willing to do real work. They talk about preserving their racial purity, and while these little babies are busy protecting their skin color, rest assured they are even busier avoiding real work.)
Ronald Reagan put in place an amnesty for illegal immigrants and a path to citizenship. Even a conservative like Reagan knew this was the right thing to do. Most illegal immigrants love this country and want to be here. They are vital to the American economy, and their labor, blood sweat and tears keeps the economy flowing. They do the job that Americans are unwilling to do. Yet they get little in return, and often are exploited. Put in place again Reagan's plan. Let illegal immigrants register. After a period of five to seven years, in which they demonstrate good conduct, allow them a path to legitimacy.
To those that say people that enter the United States illegally are criminals, they only say this because they are not in the shoes of the illegal immigrants. People living in situations of desperate poverty, hardship, overpopulation, environmental depletion, economic, political or religious oppression, will do everything they can to have a better life for themselves and their families. Any sane, rational person will seek a better life elsewhere, even if that means making a treacherous journey to the United states, and being subject to exploitation.
Instead of bashing illegal immigrants, it is high time to address the desperate conditions that drives people to flee their countries, and the entities responsible for these conditions. This includes war, religious fanaticism, intolerance and bigotry fueled by certain countries. This includes religious institutions that encourage people to not practice safe and sane family planning (which also prevents sexually transmitted diseases), no matter how overpopulated, environmentally degraded, and poverty stricken the country might be. This includes corruption, huge concentrations of wealth in the hands of a few, and the complete lack of opportunity. War, poverty that makes the poorest American seem rich, environmental depletion, no way to earn a livelihood, no freedom and more drive people in desperation to flee their lands for a better place.
It is time for the United States to do what it has not yet done. Deport the illegal immigrants who really are criminals committing criminal acts within the United States, including drunk driving. Concentrate the efforts there, and leave the law abiding, hard working people alone.
When European immigrants first came to what is now the United States, did they ask permission from the native American people? They did not. Instead, they came uninvited, and then proceeded to decimate the indigenous populations. After that, waves of immigrants came, legally and illegally, making America the prosperous melting pot it is today. The hard working illegal immigrants in the United States harm no one, and serve the nation by their tireless, poorly rewarded, often exploited labor. They give much and ask for little in return. Are these the people the federal government wants to expend resources, money and energy on? If the answer is yes, then truly America is no longer the beacon of hope, liberty and freedom.
Trump states he want to increase or quadruple the number of federal immigration officials. This will be hugely expensive, and will cost the government billions. It is costly to hire and employ federal government workers, who receive some of the best salaries, benefits and pensions of any government employee. What is it that will be accomplished by this hugely expensive undertaking that cannot be accomplished by better utilization of existing immigration and other resources?
Police daily arrest criminals that they find out are illegally in the United States. They are already in police custody. Rather than follow existing procedures, in which immigration authorities are only sometimes notified and often then do nothing, simply put a formal procedure in place. Namely, people arrested for a prescribed list of crimes will require a mandatory notification to immigration authorities by the arresting law enforcement authorities, and then there will be a mandatory requirement by immigration authorities to respond timely and appropriately.
( An aside- The white and black nationalist racists in the United states that are professional whiners and cry babies and that complain about illegal immigrants and everything else are the last ones willing to do real work. They talk about preserving their racial purity, and while these little babies are busy protecting their skin color, rest assured they are even busier avoiding real work.)
Ronald Reagan put in place an amnesty for illegal immigrants and a path to citizenship. Even a conservative like Reagan knew this was the right thing to do. Most illegal immigrants love this country and want to be here. They are vital to the American economy, and their labor, blood sweat and tears keeps the economy flowing. They do the job that Americans are unwilling to do. Yet they get little in return, and often are exploited. Put in place again Reagan's plan. Let illegal immigrants register. After a period of five to seven years, in which they demonstrate good conduct, allow them a path to legitimacy.
To those that say people that enter the United States illegally are criminals, they only say this because they are not in the shoes of the illegal immigrants. People living in situations of desperate poverty, hardship, overpopulation, environmental depletion, economic, political or religious oppression, will do everything they can to have a better life for themselves and their families. Any sane, rational person will seek a better life elsewhere, even if that means making a treacherous journey to the United states, and being subject to exploitation.
Instead of bashing illegal immigrants, it is high time to address the desperate conditions that drives people to flee their countries, and the entities responsible for these conditions. This includes war, religious fanaticism, intolerance and bigotry fueled by certain countries. This includes religious institutions that encourage people to not practice safe and sane family planning (which also prevents sexually transmitted diseases), no matter how overpopulated, environmentally degraded, and poverty stricken the country might be. This includes corruption, huge concentrations of wealth in the hands of a few, and the complete lack of opportunity. War, poverty that makes the poorest American seem rich, environmental depletion, no way to earn a livelihood, no freedom and more drive people in desperation to flee their lands for a better place.
It is time for the United States to do what it has not yet done. Deport the illegal immigrants who really are criminals committing criminal acts within the United States, including drunk driving. Concentrate the efforts there, and leave the law abiding, hard working people alone.
When European immigrants first came to what is now the United States, did they ask permission from the native American people? They did not. Instead, they came uninvited, and then proceeded to decimate the indigenous populations. After that, waves of immigrants came, legally and illegally, making America the prosperous melting pot it is today. The hard working illegal immigrants in the United States harm no one, and serve the nation by their tireless, poorly rewarded, often exploited labor. They give much and ask for little in return. Are these the people the federal government wants to expend resources, money and energy on? If the answer is yes, then truly America is no longer the beacon of hope, liberty and freedom.
Murder, Chicago And Other Cities. The Limits Of Technology. Bread And Butter Police Work
There was an article regarding possible new reliance in Chicago on implementing certain technology in high crime areas to reduce murder, shootings and other violent crime. The article cited other cities that used the technology, finding it expensive and not effective.
There is no substitute for basic police work that seems straightforward to implement, but in fact is not if there are certain barriers in the way. Here is a basic guide to what are those barriers, and what can be done to have a truly effective police department. (Murder and violent crime are affected by what what police departments do or do not do, but have much to do with other variables, including family, culture, and so forth).
First, technology and gadgets are not substitutes for police work. They can be aids, but are nothing more.
Second, the bread and butter of real quality police work are officers on the ground on patrol. There cannot be undue reliance on police officers driving around in cars, because although this is necessary, it is incomplete. Police officers driving around in cars never truly become part of the community, nor can they engage with the community to the degree that an officer on foot can. To effectively patrol high crime, at risk communities, it is necessary to have officers on patrol in vehicles, along with officers that patrol on foot. Officers on bicycles can also be useful, depending on weather and other factors.
Regarding officers patrolling on foot....This is the essence of true community policing. Not the convoluted academia produced paper ridden nonsense now called community policing. This means officers are assigned to the same neighborhood or beat, day in and day out. It is their responsibility to learn their beat like the back of their hand, and actively patrol it. In this way, they become part of the community. An officer riding around in a squad car, responding to one radio call after another, can never achieve the high level of community interaction and concentrated patrolling as can an officer on foot. The walking beat cop becomes an effective deterrent, an integral part of a community that is not seen as an outsider, a positive role model for children and youth, and a rich resource for knowing who are the criminals and what they are up to. Average people are more willing to provide useful information to a cop they know and trust, and that they see almost every day.
Third, to have an effective patrol force of officers on the ground, there has to be a streamlining of the police department. It cannot be laden with layer upon layer of administrators, paper pushers, do nothing supervisors and clout privileged people that consider themselves exempt from real work, supervisors supervising supervisors ad nauseam, unnecessary bureaus, units, divisions, that are smoke and mirror diversions and unnecessarily wasteful.
There is no substitute for on the ground police patrol, no matter how much a police department or those that profit from convoluted nonsense pretend otherwise. Patrol, the bread and butter of police work, needs officers on the ground, and their supervisors on the ground with them.
When a police department is streamlined, and the unnecessary nonsense and waste is removed, there is more than enough manpower for effective patrol.
Officers assigned to neighborhood beats must be motivated. They cannot use this as an opportunity to hide. Having a supervisory force on the ground, as opposed to hiding themselves and doing little to nothing, will set the right example.
No police department should have meritorious hiring that is nothing more than a masquerade (no matter how this might be presented otherwise on paper), for clout, cronyism, and political favoritism. If a police department cannot professionalize itself by ridding itself of clout and cronyism, then that is an appropriate time for the federal government to take over the promotional process.
Clout and cronyism, with few exceptions, ensures mediocre leadership at best, and more often ensures incompetent, lazy, abusive, emotionally unstable leadership.
A professional police department does not rely on a numbers game, which is discussed in other blogs.
Patrol, the bread and butter of police work, means cop in vehicles responding to calls and patrolling by vehicle, cops on the ground patrolling on foot the same beat day in and day out, and at times other cops on bicycles. It is not brain surgery to figure this one out. But it is hard to implement when police departments are ridden with unprofessionalism, waste, cronyism, inappropriate promotional practices, and smoke and mirror games.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Neo Nazis, Many Liberals And Leftists; The Weaklings Response To Islamist Terror And Bigotry
Somewhere in the past many liberals and leftists decided that people and groups they put in victimhood category were incapable of responsible conduct, and that it was politically incorrect, racist, bigoted, or opposed to their liberal or leftist values to hold their coveted victims responsible. Imperialism and aggression by the United states and west were and are condemned, while imperialism, violence and aggression in the Islamic world or by non whites in Africa or elsewhere are ignored, justified or excused. Within the United states, black on black violence, or any black violence, is often ignored.
Many liberals and the left cannot see how their patronizing, groveling double standard has contributed to so much bloodshed, violence and suffering. They do not grasp the inherent bigotry in treating people as victims not held responsible for their actions.
Here is a recent example of the aforementioned.... There has been no outcry against the ethnic cleansing and genocide against middle east Christians and Yazidis. Thousands of Yazidis girls and women are still held as sex slaves by Islamists, and are being raped and tortured daily. Many liberals and leftists are selective in their hypocritical outrage. They are silent when people are persecuted by their coveted victims. (Many republicans and conservatives also failed these people.)
The neonazis, instead of ignoring or excusing Islamic atrocities, simply blame everything on the Jews (as do black racists who share the neo nazi Jew hatred and pathology). These cowards are incapable of anything more than nonstop, incessant whining about Jews. They blame any and all wrongdoings in the world on Jews, freeing their weakling selves from any responsibility. If there were no Jews in this world, they would have to find another scapegoat. And their lazy leaders, who make fortunes from their Jew hate and mindless followers, would have to find another way to get through life without having to work a real job.
Meanwhile, Islamists wage war in South Thailand, South Philippines, Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya, Kashmir, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places that have nothing to do with Jews. Over six million people have died in the wars and conflicts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ignored because it is black on black killing. The wars and killings will not stop as long as hate and bigotry are the diet fed to hundreds of millions by oil rich Islamist regimes and others, strengthened by the lack of backbone in many liberals and leftists, many conservatives and republicans, and in all the Jew hating whiny weaklings of the neo nazi right and their black racist counterparts.
Close The Door On Islamic Regimes That Promote Intolerance And Terror, Not On Individual Muslims
If it will be business as usual with Islamic regimes that promote violence, bigotry and hate, then the Trump administration will accomplish nothing in stemming Islamic war, violence and terror. It is in the interest of the United States to align itself with the average Muslim that peacefully follows Islam and the verses in the Quran that promote peace and tolerance, and that rejects and does not follow the verses that promote violence and intolerance. Forbidding Muslims to enter the United States is not the way to accomplish this. Especially for those Muslims that are the victims of Islamist ideology and terror. Keeping a blind eye to the bigotry Saudi and other oil rich Islamic nations are spreading and teaching in their worldwide network of schools, mosques and madrasas will only ensure that the hate and killing never stops.
The Similarities And Differences Between ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Iran And Other Islamist Regimes
They have religious police that tell people how to dress, think, act, behave.
Blasphemy is a crime punishable by death.
Death is the punishment for leaving the religion.
They kill those they perceive as infidels.
They differ only in who they perceive as infidels. In that they often perceive each other as infidels, they actively strive to kill each other.
They promote bigotry and intolerance.
They promote violence and hatred. They spread intolerance, bigotry and hatred worldwide.
They promote hatred towards Jews, Christians, Baha'is, Yazidis and other religions.
If they promoted peace and goodwill instead of hatred, bigotry and violence, this world would be a far better and different place.
The fanaticism, hatred and bigotry are ignored or supported by those that get supplied their oil. Or by those that hate Jews and want them destroyed, and therefore support everything the Islamists do.
There is no separation of religion and the state.
There is no free speech.
Without oil, these regimes could not survive.
Beheadings, hanging, amputations and more are common.
They justify their actions by blindly following the most intolerant, violent verses in the Quran.
They want Islam to be fully accepted in the west, while they forbid or restrict the practice of other religions in the lands under their control. Or worse, such as the ISIS genocide against Yazidis and Christians, and their enslavement of Yazidi women and young girls. They support their rape and torture of these Yazidi girls and young women by verses in the Quran that they believe gives them permission to rape and torture so called non believers.
They squander their oil wealth to spread hate, war and intolerance.
They justify terrorism and violence when it serves their interests or aligns with their hatreds.
Acceptance to varying degrees of child marriage, unequal rights and poor treatment of women and others.
By conditioning their people to have an external enemy to hate, they deflect attention from themselves and the miserable realities they create.
Blasphemy is a crime punishable by death.
Death is the punishment for leaving the religion.
They kill those they perceive as infidels.
They differ only in who they perceive as infidels. In that they often perceive each other as infidels, they actively strive to kill each other.
They promote bigotry and intolerance.
They promote violence and hatred. They spread intolerance, bigotry and hatred worldwide.
They promote hatred towards Jews, Christians, Baha'is, Yazidis and other religions.
If they promoted peace and goodwill instead of hatred, bigotry and violence, this world would be a far better and different place.
The fanaticism, hatred and bigotry are ignored or supported by those that get supplied their oil. Or by those that hate Jews and want them destroyed, and therefore support everything the Islamists do.
There is no separation of religion and the state.
There is no free speech.
Without oil, these regimes could not survive.
Beheadings, hanging, amputations and more are common.
They justify their actions by blindly following the most intolerant, violent verses in the Quran.
They want Islam to be fully accepted in the west, while they forbid or restrict the practice of other religions in the lands under their control. Or worse, such as the ISIS genocide against Yazidis and Christians, and their enslavement of Yazidi women and young girls. They support their rape and torture of these Yazidi girls and young women by verses in the Quran that they believe gives them permission to rape and torture so called non believers.
They squander their oil wealth to spread hate, war and intolerance.
They justify terrorism and violence when it serves their interests or aligns with their hatreds.
Acceptance to varying degrees of child marriage, unequal rights and poor treatment of women and others.
By conditioning their people to have an external enemy to hate, they deflect attention from themselves and the miserable realities they create.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Kuwait Hangs A Filipina Domestic Worker; The Plight Of Overseas Workers
A Filipina overseas worker in Kuwait was hanged this past week. She was a house maid that was accused of murder. A young woman was stabbed to death multiple times and the Filipina was blamed. So called honor killings are not unknown in the Islamic world. Or there could have been another motive. But what does not seem apparent is any motive the Filipina worker would have had to commit this crime. Even more troubling is that there were no fingerprints or physical evidence attaching her to the murder.
Overseas Filipino workers, especially women, remain vulnerable. The United Nations, which is too busy bashing their favorite scapegoat country, Israel, day in and day out, fails to protect vulnerable populations. Any country with foreign workers has a duty and obligation to provide for their security and protection. Unfortunately, foreign workers, legal or not, continue to be a heavily exploited population.
Nations must bear responsibility for creating the conditions that drives their citizens to distant shores in search of a better life no matter how risky and dangerous this might be.
Religious institutions should not continue to not be held morally responsible as they promote policies that encourage people to overpopulate their countries, ensuring nothing but poverty, environmental degradation and desperation.
For that one poor woman, who never should have been hanged to death for a crime that was never proven she committed, and who left behind two children, all of this is too late.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Drowning In A Sea Of Blood From Religious Violence And Hate
Two disastrous combinations are religion mixed with violence, and religion mixed with bigotry. There is plenty of both, and it is only getting worse.
What one religion claims is a defensive war may very well be a war of aggression. Expanding a religion by war may have been non apocalyptic in the unpopulated world of centuries ago, but is the recipe for apocalypse in the present age of a heavily populated world filled with nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. Instead of the endless justifications for killing, if religion instead promoted and practiced tolerance and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, most of the bloodshed would end and humanity would stand a chance.
When a religion spins nonsense that they are the resistance, rest assured they are poison and nothing more. Liberation does not come from religious sanctioned killing. Resistance is nothing more than the excuse to kill.
There is no such thing as holy war. There is only war, an evil onto itself.
Many of us grew up perceiving the Soviet Union and Red China as a threat. We never knew how poisonous and persistent is something far worse- religion that promotes war, terror and hate.
What one religion claims is a defensive war may very well be a war of aggression. Expanding a religion by war may have been non apocalyptic in the unpopulated world of centuries ago, but is the recipe for apocalypse in the present age of a heavily populated world filled with nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. Instead of the endless justifications for killing, if religion instead promoted and practiced tolerance and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, most of the bloodshed would end and humanity would stand a chance.
When a religion spins nonsense that they are the resistance, rest assured they are poison and nothing more. Liberation does not come from religious sanctioned killing. Resistance is nothing more than the excuse to kill.
There is no such thing as holy war. There is only war, an evil onto itself.
Many of us grew up perceiving the Soviet Union and Red China as a threat. We never knew how poisonous and persistent is something far worse- religion that promotes war, terror and hate.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Eliminating Obamacare Without A Suitable Replacement Will Lead To This....
Here is an all too familiar scenario which our political leaders with their cushy benefits never have to worry about.....
A person gets sick or injured. They are forced to burn through all of their assets until the day comes they have nothing left. From then on the government pays for what becomes substandard, but still expensive care. This scenario will become more common if people with preexisting conditions and others lose their health insurance.
Just because a program is cut or a regulation is removed does not necessarily translate into money saved.
If Obamacare is eliminated without a suitable replacement, expect more personal financial failures and more, not less, government spending.
A person gets sick or injured. They are forced to burn through all of their assets until the day comes they have nothing left. From then on the government pays for what becomes substandard, but still expensive care. This scenario will become more common if people with preexisting conditions and others lose their health insurance.
Just because a program is cut or a regulation is removed does not necessarily translate into money saved.
If Obamacare is eliminated without a suitable replacement, expect more personal financial failures and more, not less, government spending.
Obama Marches Off To A Secure Future, Leaving Behind His Legacy Of Trump
The republicans and conservatives talk in platitudes and ignore reality. The democrats and liberals do the same. After four or eight years of unfulfilled promises, the country changes from one side to the other, falling for the sweet talk and promises over and over.
Obama wooed the nation with empty promises and false hope that even he must have known was unachievable. After Bush (who embarked on avoidable, disastrous wars while he himself avoided the Vietnam war) and Obama, the bar has been so lowered that along came Trump.
Obama will make millions from book deals, speaking engagements and so on. Leaving the rest of us behind with a new president that we can only hope is not as unstable and heartless as he seems, and that is not as insulting, thin skinned and petty as he has demonstrated himself to be.
Obama wooed the nation with empty promises and false hope that even he must have known was unachievable. After Bush (who embarked on avoidable, disastrous wars while he himself avoided the Vietnam war) and Obama, the bar has been so lowered that along came Trump.
Obama will make millions from book deals, speaking engagements and so on. Leaving the rest of us behind with a new president that we can only hope is not as unstable and heartless as he seems, and that is not as insulting, thin skinned and petty as he has demonstrated himself to be.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Trump Talk Of Unity Is Nonsense If Those With Preexisting Conditions Will No Longer Be Insured
The jewel of Obamacare in an otherwise deeply flawed program is in enabling the millions of people with preexisting conditions to get health insurance. This is the jewel of Obamacare. If the whole thing is immediately discarded, then the baby will have been thrown out with the bathwater.
And all the words about unity will be nothing but lies.
Is it unity to leave behind millions of people that have preexisting conditions without health insurance? Millions of people will suffer.
Who will pay the cost of such a colossal mistake? The already heavily in debt nation and the millions with preexisting conditions that will face financial ruin.
And all the words about unity will be nothing but lies.
Is it unity to leave behind millions of people that have preexisting conditions without health insurance? Millions of people will suffer.
Who will pay the cost of such a colossal mistake? The already heavily in debt nation and the millions with preexisting conditions that will face financial ruin.
The Only War That Should Be Fought Is The War Not Being Fought
Every day tons of plastics, styrofoam and other non biodegradable garbage pours into the oceans. Every day the lands, oceans and air become more degraded. More and more life find it impossible to survive in a world increasingly contaminated, polluted, overexploited and poisoned.
Every single day means more garbage into the oceans, much of it that does not degrade. Every day means that worldwide, more of the lands, oceans and air are degraded, poisoned and polluted. Every day is a step backwards.
The only war that should be fought is war to stop trashing this planet. No one gets killed in that war. The war that should be fought is the one that few choose. Instead, people would rather be led like sheep and kill each other over some religion or belief.
Every single day means more garbage into the oceans, much of it that does not degrade. Every day means that worldwide, more of the lands, oceans and air are degraded, poisoned and polluted. Every day is a step backwards.
The only war that should be fought is war to stop trashing this planet. No one gets killed in that war. The war that should be fought is the one that few choose. Instead, people would rather be led like sheep and kill each other over some religion or belief.
Monday, January 16, 2017
The Dept. Of Justice And The Chicago Police Dept. Clout, Cronyism, Political Patronage And Promotions
In regards to Chicago Police promotional practices, the Department Of Justice(DOJ) reported the following - "In reality, there are documented instructions and guidance for most promotions and decision makers, but this instruction is not widely known."
Does the DOJ honestly believe that the deficiency is that the instruction is not widely known, or known at all? Who cares if the instruction is known or not? That is not the issue. And who cares what is written on paper? There are thousands of examples of what is written not corresponding to what is practiced. Or when what is written is a coverup for what is practiced. The issue is the use of clout, cronyism, and political patronage in promotions.
Why does it matter if clout and cronyism are used in promotions? Because the surest way to get leadership that is mediocre and unimaginative at best, with very few exceptions, and that is more often lazy, emotionally unstable, incompetent, unqualified and worse is by promoting people based on clout, cronyism and political patronage. Clout and cronyism are also demoralizing for people that do not have it, and that legitimately want to advance in their careers.
Will the DOJ investigate this matter, or is it enough for them that something good is written on paper?
Does the DOJ honestly believe that the deficiency is that the instruction is not widely known, or known at all? Who cares if the instruction is known or not? That is not the issue. And who cares what is written on paper? There are thousands of examples of what is written not corresponding to what is practiced. Or when what is written is a coverup for what is practiced. The issue is the use of clout, cronyism, and political patronage in promotions.
Why does it matter if clout and cronyism are used in promotions? Because the surest way to get leadership that is mediocre and unimaginative at best, with very few exceptions, and that is more often lazy, emotionally unstable, incompetent, unqualified and worse is by promoting people based on clout, cronyism and political patronage. Clout and cronyism are also demoralizing for people that do not have it, and that legitimately want to advance in their careers.
Will the DOJ investigate this matter, or is it enough for them that something good is written on paper?
The Lunacy That Trashing The Earth Is Acceptable By God
An argument against protecting the environment has been- worship the creator, not the creation. Protecting the environment is worship of the creator. Would anyone that respects another person go into that person's house and trash it? Why would anyone of a religious mindset believe God or a higher power wants prayers but accepts treating the creation, namely the earth, as a toilet?
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Exposing Community Policing And How To Implement Real Community Policing
The only way to support legions of people in do nothing positions and for someone to profit is to make something more complicated than it is really. Community policing is one of those things.
The bread and butter of what police work should be is not sufficient to support the employment of patronage workers, layers upon layers of supervisors, administrators, and all the industries that make fortunes from police departments. And let us not forget the many lawyers that have found it lucrative to sue police departments and police, no matter how frivolous and unfounded the lawsuits might be.
Many years ago, cops walked beats. This was the truest form of community policing. Cops on the ground, in a neighborhood, did more community policing and real police work than all the convoluted, paper laden academia produced nonsense now called community policing.
Technology is not policing, nor is it community policing. Technology is an aid to police work, and nothing more.
Police work needs to move back to the place from where it should never have left. The bread and butter of police work is patrol, with cops on the ground. This has to be multi layered, which it ceased to be decades ago. This means police patrol by car, while others patrol on foot, and at times some patrol on bicycle.
Having cops assigned to a neighborhood to patrol on foot requires a whole new commitment on the part of police departments and officers. This means that police get assigned to a neighborhood that they will patrol every day on foot day when on duty. Cops riding around in squad cars never get to know a neighborhood and its people as can cops on the ground. Cops in squad cars are busy answering calls and handling other assignments.
Cops walking beats become part of the community. They serve as positive role models. They interact with the public far more than an officer in a squad car. They provide a deterrent. They learn who are the criminals, and after a while, even the criminals and cops walking the beat come to understandings that work in favor of law abiding people. The cop on the ground comes to know the people and neighborhood in a way that is advantageous for all.
All the technology in the world and fancy programs cannot achieve what a cop on the ground walking a beat can.
Police departments might say they do not have the manpower. They do, once they rid themselves of the paper pushing worthless jobs, layers upon layers of unnecessary administrators and supervisors, upper echelon brass and their sycophants, and all the diversions and excuses for not doing real police work. Including childish numbers games some departments engage in.
Cops walking beats in neighborhoods also have to be committed. Walking a beat cannot be an excuse to hide and do nothing. If a police department is completely lacking a work ethic so that the aforementioned cannot be achieved, then shut it down and start from scratch.
All of the above requires much more detail.
But if no one is interested in real reform, if it is easier to complain and never do anything, then surely there will be no change for the better. Hopefully this will not be the case.
The bread and butter of what police work should be is not sufficient to support the employment of patronage workers, layers upon layers of supervisors, administrators, and all the industries that make fortunes from police departments. And let us not forget the many lawyers that have found it lucrative to sue police departments and police, no matter how frivolous and unfounded the lawsuits might be.
Many years ago, cops walked beats. This was the truest form of community policing. Cops on the ground, in a neighborhood, did more community policing and real police work than all the convoluted, paper laden academia produced nonsense now called community policing.
Technology is not policing, nor is it community policing. Technology is an aid to police work, and nothing more.
Police work needs to move back to the place from where it should never have left. The bread and butter of police work is patrol, with cops on the ground. This has to be multi layered, which it ceased to be decades ago. This means police patrol by car, while others patrol on foot, and at times some patrol on bicycle.
Having cops assigned to a neighborhood to patrol on foot requires a whole new commitment on the part of police departments and officers. This means that police get assigned to a neighborhood that they will patrol every day on foot day when on duty. Cops riding around in squad cars never get to know a neighborhood and its people as can cops on the ground. Cops in squad cars are busy answering calls and handling other assignments.
Cops walking beats become part of the community. They serve as positive role models. They interact with the public far more than an officer in a squad car. They provide a deterrent. They learn who are the criminals, and after a while, even the criminals and cops walking the beat come to understandings that work in favor of law abiding people. The cop on the ground comes to know the people and neighborhood in a way that is advantageous for all.
All the technology in the world and fancy programs cannot achieve what a cop on the ground walking a beat can.
Police departments might say they do not have the manpower. They do, once they rid themselves of the paper pushing worthless jobs, layers upon layers of unnecessary administrators and supervisors, upper echelon brass and their sycophants, and all the diversions and excuses for not doing real police work. Including childish numbers games some departments engage in.
Cops walking beats in neighborhoods also have to be committed. Walking a beat cannot be an excuse to hide and do nothing. If a police department is completely lacking a work ethic so that the aforementioned cannot be achieved, then shut it down and start from scratch.
All of the above requires much more detail.
But if no one is interested in real reform, if it is easier to complain and never do anything, then surely there will be no change for the better. Hopefully this will not be the case.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
The Mayor King Of Cronyism. How An Inadequate Police Department Comes To Be
The mayor of a major city was the unchallenged king of clout and cronyism. He made sure that city government was jam packed with his cronies. In that he imagined himself mayor king, a superior mortal among mortals, it is doubtful that he ever considered the moral implications of governance by cronyism. Or how corrosive it is for decent men and women without clout to have to work in a government so weighted against them.
While he amassed his army of political lackeys and rewarded often incompetent cronies, the public kept electing him over and over. The media, true to form, was complicit or silent in the rule by king in what is supposed to be a democracy.
It will be decades before the police department and other city departments free themselves of the shackles of the mayor king's often incompetent cronies. The best thing that can be done to not honor the mayor king of cronyism is to end the cronyism in that city once and for all.
Starting first with the police department, the one place where there desperately needs to be professionalism.
Unlike the mere lowly mortals where some have a hard time finding jobs after retirement flipping burgers, the mayor king was courted by prestigious universities that showed their true colors (higher education that is divorced from morality) and countless firms.
As he lives in the lap of luxury, the city will pay for his cronyism for many years to comes. Not just from clout's gift of incompetency, but also from the financial burdens it inflicts.
While he amassed his army of political lackeys and rewarded often incompetent cronies, the public kept electing him over and over. The media, true to form, was complicit or silent in the rule by king in what is supposed to be a democracy.
It will be decades before the police department and other city departments free themselves of the shackles of the mayor king's often incompetent cronies. The best thing that can be done to not honor the mayor king of cronyism is to end the cronyism in that city once and for all.
Starting first with the police department, the one place where there desperately needs to be professionalism.
Unlike the mere lowly mortals where some have a hard time finding jobs after retirement flipping burgers, the mayor king was courted by prestigious universities that showed their true colors (higher education that is divorced from morality) and countless firms.
As he lives in the lap of luxury, the city will pay for his cronyism for many years to comes. Not just from clout's gift of incompetency, but also from the financial burdens it inflicts.
Is It A Failure To Not Investigate Anonymous Complaints? Chicago Police And The Dept. Of Justice
The Department of Justice (DOJ) cites not investigating anonymous complaints or those submitted without a supporting affidavit, as a failure in the City of Chicago. It may appear that the DOJ has found something of substance, but is that truly the case?
Investigating allegations of abuse or misconduct are time consuming, lengthy processes that are costly. If a street level supervisor is assigned the investigation, that means he or she will not be supervising officers on the street while tied up on the investigation. Is it wise to spend millions of dollars on investigations that are costly in ways not just financial without ensuring the allegations are not frivolous or worse?
Without oversight as to how allegations are taken, it is easy for criminals, gang members, anyone with a grudge against a particular officer, to pick up the phone and make up fictitious allegations. This is not an imagined scenario. When people could make up fictitious allegations against a police officer while remaining anonymous, many did so.
Imagine if you are a criminal or gang member, and you want to stop a hardworking, conscientious officer from doing his or her job and to back off. You get a couple of friends or yourself to use a phone that cannot be traced, and call in fictitious allegations. Accuse the officer of sexual abuse, drug dealing, stealing, anything that will get him or her investigated. Eventually the officer and the investigating supervisors will be so worn down from the allegations that the officer will back off and do the minimal work possible.
It is easy to protect the identity of serious people that are making serious allegations without compromising their security and safety. That is far different than accepting anonymous allegations without any oversight as to how the allegations are taken.
The DOJ is barking up the wrong tree. As usual, real reform will not come. Especially when it comes to promotional practices. Clout, cronyism and promotions are not a matter that should be glossed over. This is exactly the tree the DOJ should be barking up.
Professional police departments do not have fictitious meritorious promotion practices. People are promoted because of objective testing or other impartial measurements that have nothing to do with clout, connections, or political patronage. Why does clout and cronyism on police departments never get investigated, while the focus remains on red herrings?
The difference between professional police departments and unprofessional police departments is discussed at length in another blog. Making police departments professional involves way more than simplistic notions that there is a deficiency of education or training. The simplistic notion that more higher up supervisors are needed is also barking up the wrong tree. More supervisors are not needed. The better utilization of existing supervisors is what is needed. Police departments with layers upon layers of do nothing supervisors and do nothing supervisors supervising supervisors accomplishes nothing except waste money. Police departments must not be homes for lazy people that want to avoid work, from the officers to the supervisors.
The fundamental responsibility of a police department is to serve and protect, and the fundamental way to do this is by patrol. The fundamental responsibility is patrol, not paper pushing, not worthless programs that reward the politically connected, not childish numbers games. Patrol not just in a car, but also on foot and at times bicycle. If the police department is turned into a politically correct entity where officers are afraid to do their jobs because they have been cowed into submission, expect the gang members and criminals, who are not cowed, to prevail.
Investigating allegations of abuse or misconduct are time consuming, lengthy processes that are costly. If a street level supervisor is assigned the investigation, that means he or she will not be supervising officers on the street while tied up on the investigation. Is it wise to spend millions of dollars on investigations that are costly in ways not just financial without ensuring the allegations are not frivolous or worse?
Without oversight as to how allegations are taken, it is easy for criminals, gang members, anyone with a grudge against a particular officer, to pick up the phone and make up fictitious allegations. This is not an imagined scenario. When people could make up fictitious allegations against a police officer while remaining anonymous, many did so.
Imagine if you are a criminal or gang member, and you want to stop a hardworking, conscientious officer from doing his or her job and to back off. You get a couple of friends or yourself to use a phone that cannot be traced, and call in fictitious allegations. Accuse the officer of sexual abuse, drug dealing, stealing, anything that will get him or her investigated. Eventually the officer and the investigating supervisors will be so worn down from the allegations that the officer will back off and do the minimal work possible.
It is easy to protect the identity of serious people that are making serious allegations without compromising their security and safety. That is far different than accepting anonymous allegations without any oversight as to how the allegations are taken.
The DOJ is barking up the wrong tree. As usual, real reform will not come. Especially when it comes to promotional practices. Clout, cronyism and promotions are not a matter that should be glossed over. This is exactly the tree the DOJ should be barking up.
Professional police departments do not have fictitious meritorious promotion practices. People are promoted because of objective testing or other impartial measurements that have nothing to do with clout, connections, or political patronage. Why does clout and cronyism on police departments never get investigated, while the focus remains on red herrings?
The difference between professional police departments and unprofessional police departments is discussed at length in another blog. Making police departments professional involves way more than simplistic notions that there is a deficiency of education or training. The simplistic notion that more higher up supervisors are needed is also barking up the wrong tree. More supervisors are not needed. The better utilization of existing supervisors is what is needed. Police departments with layers upon layers of do nothing supervisors and do nothing supervisors supervising supervisors accomplishes nothing except waste money. Police departments must not be homes for lazy people that want to avoid work, from the officers to the supervisors.
The fundamental responsibility of a police department is to serve and protect, and the fundamental way to do this is by patrol. The fundamental responsibility is patrol, not paper pushing, not worthless programs that reward the politically connected, not childish numbers games. Patrol not just in a car, but also on foot and at times bicycle. If the police department is turned into a politically correct entity where officers are afraid to do their jobs because they have been cowed into submission, expect the gang members and criminals, who are not cowed, to prevail.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Why Millions With Pre Existing Conditions Cannot Be Left Uninsured If Obamacare Is Discarded
It is reckless and unsound to take a program that serves millions and throw it away without having in its place a better replacement. It is known that a major flaw of Obamacare is the high insurance premiums that have made insurance unaffordable for many. This can and should be addressed.
There are millions of people with preexisting conditions that could not get medical insurance prior to Obamacare. Throwing away Obamacare cannot leave these people behind. Returning millions to a state of uninsurability will not only result in enormous suffering, it will mean financial ruin for many. And it will end up costing an already in debt government billions.
There are millions of people with preexisting conditions that could not get medical insurance prior to Obamacare. Throwing away Obamacare cannot leave these people behind. Returning millions to a state of uninsurability will not only result in enormous suffering, it will mean financial ruin for many. And it will end up costing an already in debt government billions.
Accessible Safe Family Planning Is The Pro Life, Pro Family Choice
Making responsible, safe family planning available to impoverished women and families is the pro life, pro family direction, contrary to what the opponents say.
In one heavily populated impoverished country, there is little separation of the religious establishment from the state. The religious establishment does not want family planning. The religious establishment does not want condoms or other forms of birth control that have nothing to do with abortion. They insist these forms of birth control leads to family breakdown and that they are anti life. Yet there is a high rate of teenage pregnancy and broken families. Thousands of children live on the streets. Many of these children are sick, diseased, malnourished, and are using glue and other dangerous substances.
Preventable diseases like AIDS and other stds that kill people and ruin lives spread unnecessarily because the so called pro life people have forbidden the use of condoms.
Women and families are not allowed to make the choice as to how many children they can properly have and care for. The result of no access to safe family planning are high rates of preventable sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, high rates of teenage pregnancies, thousands of children and people of all ages living on the streets, broken families, mass poverty, high rates of dangerous street abortions performed by medically unqualified people, and other deleterious outcomes. It is not hard to figure out which side is really pro life and pro family.
In one heavily populated impoverished country, there is little separation of the religious establishment from the state. The religious establishment does not want family planning. The religious establishment does not want condoms or other forms of birth control that have nothing to do with abortion. They insist these forms of birth control leads to family breakdown and that they are anti life. Yet there is a high rate of teenage pregnancy and broken families. Thousands of children live on the streets. Many of these children are sick, diseased, malnourished, and are using glue and other dangerous substances.
Preventable diseases like AIDS and other stds that kill people and ruin lives spread unnecessarily because the so called pro life people have forbidden the use of condoms.
Women and families are not allowed to make the choice as to how many children they can properly have and care for. The result of no access to safe family planning are high rates of preventable sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, high rates of teenage pregnancies, thousands of children and people of all ages living on the streets, broken families, mass poverty, high rates of dangerous street abortions performed by medically unqualified people, and other deleterious outcomes. It is not hard to figure out which side is really pro life and pro family.
Ignoring Overpopulation Until Overpopulation Is Impossible To Ignore
Overpopulation is one of those things that people ignore and push down the road. And then the day comes in which people realize it can no longer be ignored, at which time it is much harder to do anything. Overpopulated areas, especially in vast regions of the world lacking in resources, invariably become crowded, polluted, dirty, noisy, heavy traffic areas where the quality of life is greatly diminished.
The human population has exploded, leaving behind less forests, less mangroves, less quality agricultural land, less coral reefs, less ocean marine life, less wild fish populations, less wildlife, less large megafauna, less biodiversity.
Instead, there is more concrete, more contaminated rivers, lakes, streams and oceans, more toxic poisons in the waters and air, more pollution, more religious fanaticism and hate, more ways to kill, more weapons of mass destruction, more nuclear waste, more plastics, styrofoams and other non biodegradable trash destroying the oceans, more degraded lands and seas, more poisoned air, land and water.
If it is this bad when there are over 7 billion of us, imagine when soon there will be over 9 billion of us.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Islamist Belief That Keeps The Israeli/Palestinian Arab And Other Conflicts From Getting Resolved
For thousands of years Jews, Christians,Yazidis and others have lived in the middle east. Jews, Yazidis and other religions were around for thousands of years before Islam came into existence. Middle east Christians were there for more than 16 centuries before the rise of Islam. Then came the waves of ethnic cleansing. In the present, Yazidis and middle east Christians are being ethnically cleansed, slaughtered and driven out from the middle east. In the past, at the onset of Islam, the Jewish tribes that lived all over the Arabian peninsula were slaughtered and driven out from what is now Saudi Arabia. As Islam expanded, millions of non Muslims were murdered and ethnically cleansed. In recent history, the Jews were driven from their homes throughout the Arab Muslim majority world and from other Muslim countries and forced to flee to the state of Israel as refugees, where their descendants now form the majority population of Israel. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim lands was greater than the number of Arab refugees that fled from Israel when Israel became a state. The Jews from the middle east are in the one tiny non Muslim country in the middle east, which many Muslims and others are determined to destroy. There is the Islamist belief that once a land becomes Muslim dominated and controlled (Turkey, a Muslim country, controlled all of the middle east for centuries), it can never be ruled by non Muslims. Islamists believe there is a religious obligation to destroy Israel and return it to Muslim control. Prior to 1967, when Jordan controlled the west bank, and there were no Jewish settlements (Jews that lived in Hebron and other places in the west bank were massacred or driven out prior to Israel becoming a state), there was a determined effort to destroy Israel.
If settlements were the stumbling block to peace between Israel and Palestinian Arabs, the conflict would have already been resolved. This is not an argument for settlements. Even if the much desired by many two state solution comes into being, the conflict will not end if the theology that supports war and jihad does not end.
Obama, Bush before him, and other politicians ignore the Islamist belief that helps keep the world in a state of perpetual war. The reason the Israeli and Palestinian Arab conflict (Jew/Muslim), the conflict in Kashmir (Hindu/Muslim), the conflict in the south Philippines (Catholic/Muslim), the conflict in south Thailand(Buddhist/Muslim), and other places cannot be resolved is because of the inability by Islamists to accept rule by non Muslims (even when Muslims are extended all the rights of the non Muslim populations) in lands that were once ruled by Muslims, even if that control was centuries ago. If Jews followed the same Islamic principle, then Jews rightfully could attack Saudi Arabia and other Arab Muslim countries to regain their stolen lands. Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and others would also wage endless war to regain lands that were once controlled by them and that were lost to Muslim conquerors.
Some Muslims will say that things were better for Jews before Israel came into existence. They think that under Sharia law, where the people from certain non Muslim religions like Judaism and Christianity are allowed to live as second hand citizens, is desirable. But even though Jewish life under Muslim rule was not as brutal at times as was Jewish life under Christian rule, which culinated in genocide, why would any Jew or Christian in their right mind want to live in a permanent state of vulnerability and inferior status?
Second class status still did not prevent occasional outbursts of violence against vulnerable Jewish and Christian populations. Genocide also occurred under Islamic rule to second class citizens, which Assyrians, Armenians and others experienced.
If the political leaders of the free world had any guts, they would worry less about political correctness and more about enforcing the principle that religious freedom is a fundamental right of all, and that no religion has the right to dominate, oppress, and persecute the people of other religions and delegate them to second class status or worse.
In Islam, religions like Yazidis are afforded no protections, and thus the Yazidis have been subjected to genocide and the mass kidnappings of their young women and girls, of whom thousands are being held as slaves that are raped daily. In Iran, the Baha'is are subject to persecution.
It is important to extend religious tolerance to Muslims. It is sheer stupidity to ignore Islamic intolerance. Wars and conflicts that can be resolved will never be resolved if the western world capitulates to the Islamist demand that all lands that were once under Muslim control and that no longer are, be returned to Muslim rule.
If settlements were the stumbling block to peace between Israel and Palestinian Arabs, the conflict would have already been resolved. This is not an argument for settlements. Even if the much desired by many two state solution comes into being, the conflict will not end if the theology that supports war and jihad does not end.
Obama, Bush before him, and other politicians ignore the Islamist belief that helps keep the world in a state of perpetual war. The reason the Israeli and Palestinian Arab conflict (Jew/Muslim), the conflict in Kashmir (Hindu/Muslim), the conflict in the south Philippines (Catholic/Muslim), the conflict in south Thailand(Buddhist/Muslim), and other places cannot be resolved is because of the inability by Islamists to accept rule by non Muslims (even when Muslims are extended all the rights of the non Muslim populations) in lands that were once ruled by Muslims, even if that control was centuries ago. If Jews followed the same Islamic principle, then Jews rightfully could attack Saudi Arabia and other Arab Muslim countries to regain their stolen lands. Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and others would also wage endless war to regain lands that were once controlled by them and that were lost to Muslim conquerors.
Some Muslims will say that things were better for Jews before Israel came into existence. They think that under Sharia law, where the people from certain non Muslim religions like Judaism and Christianity are allowed to live as second hand citizens, is desirable. But even though Jewish life under Muslim rule was not as brutal at times as was Jewish life under Christian rule, which culinated in genocide, why would any Jew or Christian in their right mind want to live in a permanent state of vulnerability and inferior status?
Second class status still did not prevent occasional outbursts of violence against vulnerable Jewish and Christian populations. Genocide also occurred under Islamic rule to second class citizens, which Assyrians, Armenians and others experienced.
If the political leaders of the free world had any guts, they would worry less about political correctness and more about enforcing the principle that religious freedom is a fundamental right of all, and that no religion has the right to dominate, oppress, and persecute the people of other religions and delegate them to second class status or worse.
In Islam, religions like Yazidis are afforded no protections, and thus the Yazidis have been subjected to genocide and the mass kidnappings of their young women and girls, of whom thousands are being held as slaves that are raped daily. In Iran, the Baha'is are subject to persecution.
It is important to extend religious tolerance to Muslims. It is sheer stupidity to ignore Islamic intolerance. Wars and conflicts that can be resolved will never be resolved if the western world capitulates to the Islamist demand that all lands that were once under Muslim control and that no longer are, be returned to Muslim rule.
Lowering The Bar Until We Got Trump....Trump And The Minister
Maybe if there was a real independant, probing press we would not be where we are now....
Maybe if we were not so easily seduced by easy answers and slogans...
Maybe if we not the products of mind numbingly boring school systems where conformity is a top value....
Maybe if we were not so easily seduced over and over by hustlers and showmen....
Maybe if we were not assaulted from infancy with mind numbing commercials and advertisements....
Maybe 16 years of Bush and then Obama contributed to the lowering of the bar, paving the way for the Trump election....
Maybe if people did not feel so compelled to follow another human being and not think for themselves.......
The minister reminds me of Trump's showmanship, on a much smaller scale. They play and work the crowd like it is a violin. They say whatever they want, and no one seriously challenges them. They tell the crowd what it wants to hear. They distort and twist the truth to suit their own purpose. They are showmen. The minister offers a steady diet of twisted lies and hate to his sheeplike followers. They both incite crowds. The minister has a twisted, perverted agenda that has made him fabulously wealthy without ever having to work a real job. We do not know yet what the other will offer, but we better be weary, because he is now the most powerful man in the world.
Maybe if we were not so easily seduced by easy answers and slogans...
Maybe if we not the products of mind numbingly boring school systems where conformity is a top value....
Maybe if we were not so easily seduced over and over by hustlers and showmen....
Maybe if we were not assaulted from infancy with mind numbing commercials and advertisements....
Maybe 16 years of Bush and then Obama contributed to the lowering of the bar, paving the way for the Trump election....
Maybe if people did not feel so compelled to follow another human being and not think for themselves.......
The minister reminds me of Trump's showmanship, on a much smaller scale. They play and work the crowd like it is a violin. They say whatever they want, and no one seriously challenges them. They tell the crowd what it wants to hear. They distort and twist the truth to suit their own purpose. They are showmen. The minister offers a steady diet of twisted lies and hate to his sheeplike followers. They both incite crowds. The minister has a twisted, perverted agenda that has made him fabulously wealthy without ever having to work a real job. We do not know yet what the other will offer, but we better be weary, because he is now the most powerful man in the world.
The Real, Shameful Legacy Of George Bush and Barack Obama
For thousands of years Yazidis, Christians and other non Muslims have lived throughout the middle east. In less than 20 years, by the stupidity of George Bush and company, foolish, reckless people determined to wage war, and then followed up by the recklessness of Obama, most of the Yazidis, Christians and other religious minorities of the middle east have been slaughtered or driven out. In the case of the Yazidis, thousands of Yazidi men have been mass murdered, and thousands of Yazidi young girls and women have been taken captive by Islamists. Thousands of these unfortunate women are still held as slaves, and are being raped and tortured daily.
Barack Obama knew that Iraq was not secured. The United States had broken an egg, and instead of picking up the pieces and helping to make things right again, or at least better, Obama and company chose to hastily retreat from Iraq and the middle east, leaving behind a vacuum that Islamist murderers stepped into. Why did Obama desert Iraq and the middle east, leaving the Yazidis, Christians and others open to genocide and ethnic cleansing? Because politics and appearance meant more than anything else?
What is Obama's legacy to the Yazidis and Christians, moderate Muslims and others of the middle east? What about to the thousands of Yazidi women and girls still held captive by Islamists that are raping and torturing these helpless children and young women daily?
Yazidis, middle east Christians and others have lived in the middle east for thousands of years. It took less than twenty years for two American presidents to help drive most of them out and do nothing while others were slaughtered or taken as slaves.
Barack Obama knew that Iraq was not secured. The United States had broken an egg, and instead of picking up the pieces and helping to make things right again, or at least better, Obama and company chose to hastily retreat from Iraq and the middle east, leaving behind a vacuum that Islamist murderers stepped into. Why did Obama desert Iraq and the middle east, leaving the Yazidis, Christians and others open to genocide and ethnic cleansing? Because politics and appearance meant more than anything else?
What is Obama's legacy to the Yazidis and Christians, moderate Muslims and others of the middle east? What about to the thousands of Yazidi women and girls still held captive by Islamists that are raping and torturing these helpless children and young women daily?
Yazidis, middle east Christians and others have lived in the middle east for thousands of years. It took less than twenty years for two American presidents to help drive most of them out and do nothing while others were slaughtered or taken as slaves.
Meryl Streep Vs. Trump; Exactly What The Media Wants, And The Reason Why They Helped Him Become President
Meryl Streep is a talented actress that is entitled to her opinion regarding Trump. Trump keeps lowering himself by making personal attacks against people that insult or criticize him. He needs to dignify himself and the office he soon will hold or it will be a long four years.
The media loves celebrity news of any sort. Trump is great for their ratings, and ratings means money. That is why they gave Trump all the media coverage in the world and helped him get elected. He is their star, even when they pretend to not like him. Trump is great for the media business, regardless of whether or not they profess to be progressives, leftists, liberals, conservatives or anything else.
The media loves celebrity news of any sort. Trump is great for their ratings, and ratings means money. That is why they gave Trump all the media coverage in the world and helped him get elected. He is their star, even when they pretend to not like him. Trump is great for the media business, regardless of whether or not they profess to be progressives, leftists, liberals, conservatives or anything else.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Turning The Oceans Into A Sewer As Life Goes On As Usual
Everyday more plastic enters the oceans by the tons. Everyday means that our environment is further degraded and destroyed. This means real wealth is not being created. Real wealth is disappearing. And yet life goes on as usual, as people disregard this very threat to our health, well being and survival.
It is unfortunate that technology in some realms has advanced, leaving people to believe that humanity has advanced. The oceans and earth cannot be turned into a sewer, no matter how far technology advances.
It is unfortunate that the ability to not contaminate remains primitive and poorly advanced. A few small steps here and there may make people feel good, but it does not address the problem. It makes things worse if people think the small steps are a sign of improvement and cause for complacency.
The fact is that day in and day out, tons of garbage pours into the oceans. Especially from regions of the world that are densely populated and lack the capacity to pick up and properly dispose of plastics and other non biodegradable garbage (China, Indonesia, and the Philippines, in that order, are the biggest sources of plastics into the Pacific). Little is being done to stop this destruction. Much of the plastics and non biodegradables break down into too small to recover particles that are extremely dangerous to life. The amount of plastics and other non biodegradables entering the oceans daily far exceeds all cleanup efforts. Furthermore, cleanup efforts, including utilizing ocean currents, do not capture the millions of tons of plastics and other non biodegradables that have broken down into small particles.
This has to move massively beyond the small steps. The improper disposal of plastics and other non biodegradable garbage is a crisis. There must be a worldwide effort to properly dispose of non biodegradable garbage and clean up as much as possible the existing garbage. Food and other products must get wrapped in biodegradable materials. A massive cleanup must be undertaken to remove the garbage that can be captured. The daily flow by the tons of plastics, styrofoam and other non biodegradable materials into the oceans cannot continue if complex life is to continue.
Automation will ensure the loss of millions of jobs. People still need to do something and earn a living. Employing people to remove garbage is desperately needed, and can employ millions.
Technology cannot continue to ignore non biodegradable materials contaminating the oceans while the focus remains on things far less important.
Many will do nothing because they are too weak and lazy to do anything in their lives but hate someone or some other group different than themselves.
Others will do nothing because they believe their religion, the god they worship, will rescue them to a better place. If you have a house that you turn into a filthy sewer, do you think you will be welcomed into another house?
It is easy to ignore the way mankind is turning the oceans into a contaminated toilet because most do not see it. The day will come when this will haunt us all.
It is unfortunate that technology in some realms has advanced, leaving people to believe that humanity has advanced. The oceans and earth cannot be turned into a sewer, no matter how far technology advances.
It is unfortunate that the ability to not contaminate remains primitive and poorly advanced. A few small steps here and there may make people feel good, but it does not address the problem. It makes things worse if people think the small steps are a sign of improvement and cause for complacency.
The fact is that day in and day out, tons of garbage pours into the oceans. Especially from regions of the world that are densely populated and lack the capacity to pick up and properly dispose of plastics and other non biodegradable garbage (China, Indonesia, and the Philippines, in that order, are the biggest sources of plastics into the Pacific). Little is being done to stop this destruction. Much of the plastics and non biodegradables break down into too small to recover particles that are extremely dangerous to life. The amount of plastics and other non biodegradables entering the oceans daily far exceeds all cleanup efforts. Furthermore, cleanup efforts, including utilizing ocean currents, do not capture the millions of tons of plastics and other non biodegradables that have broken down into small particles.
This has to move massively beyond the small steps. The improper disposal of plastics and other non biodegradable garbage is a crisis. There must be a worldwide effort to properly dispose of non biodegradable garbage and clean up as much as possible the existing garbage. Food and other products must get wrapped in biodegradable materials. A massive cleanup must be undertaken to remove the garbage that can be captured. The daily flow by the tons of plastics, styrofoam and other non biodegradable materials into the oceans cannot continue if complex life is to continue.
Automation will ensure the loss of millions of jobs. People still need to do something and earn a living. Employing people to remove garbage is desperately needed, and can employ millions.
Technology cannot continue to ignore non biodegradable materials contaminating the oceans while the focus remains on things far less important.
Many will do nothing because they are too weak and lazy to do anything in their lives but hate someone or some other group different than themselves.
Others will do nothing because they believe their religion, the god they worship, will rescue them to a better place. If you have a house that you turn into a filthy sewer, do you think you will be welcomed into another house?
It is easy to ignore the way mankind is turning the oceans into a contaminated toilet because most do not see it. The day will come when this will haunt us all.
How To Loot, Steal, And Rob Your Own Country Blind and Still Have Everyone Rally To Your side
Dictators, oligarchs, kleptomaniacs, power and money hungry leaders know that manipulating nationalism and religious sentiment is the surest way to rally people's support.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Russia Chooses Sides In The Growing Shia Vs.Sunni Conflict. Learning Nothing From History And Having Personal Dislikes Shape Policy
The U.S. and Russia are determined to not learn from history. The Soviet Union did not succeed in their invasion of Afghanistan. That was recent history that George Bush chose to ignore. The longer history of failed invasions in Afghanistan were ignored by the Soviet Union and the United States. The U.S. could have responded to the Taliban and Al Qaeda without a full scale ground invasion that has the U.S. bogged down there some 15 years later. Especially in light of the fact that the Taliban was a Saudi sponsored, funded and created monstrosity.
Then Bush and Co., (including Colin Powell, who perhaps could have shaped things to be different ) foolishly invaded Iraq, ignoring all the lessons of Vietnam. Obama, ever playing politics, withdrew from Iraq, having learned nothing from the lessons of WW2 (where U.S. troops are stationed to this day in Japan and Germany, over 70 years after the war), setting the stage for the genocide against Yazidis,middle east Christians, and others by Sunni Islamist fanatics.
The U.S. under Reagan backed Islamic fanatics that were fighting the Soviets, even though it was known that these fanatics were torturing Soviet prisoners of war, mutilating them and killing them in the most horrific ways imaginable.These fanatics, which included Bin Laden, turned later on their U.S. sponsors.
In the fighting between Shia and Sunni Muslims, (which is tearing apart Yemen and causing mass starvation, along with other countries) Russia is choosing sides with Iran, Assad in Syria, and others on the Shia side. Just like in the Soviet days, when the Soviet Union backed one group of murderous dictators, and the west backed another.
If Russia and the U.S. care about stability in the world, none of the religious fanatics, Shia or Sunni, will be backed. But Russia seems more driven by dislike for the United States and west than plain common sense. If Islamic fanatics, Shia or Sunni, get their hands on nuclear weapons, Putin will learn then who are the real enemies.
Then Bush and Co., (including Colin Powell, who perhaps could have shaped things to be different ) foolishly invaded Iraq, ignoring all the lessons of Vietnam. Obama, ever playing politics, withdrew from Iraq, having learned nothing from the lessons of WW2 (where U.S. troops are stationed to this day in Japan and Germany, over 70 years after the war), setting the stage for the genocide against Yazidis,middle east Christians, and others by Sunni Islamist fanatics.
The U.S. under Reagan backed Islamic fanatics that were fighting the Soviets, even though it was known that these fanatics were torturing Soviet prisoners of war, mutilating them and killing them in the most horrific ways imaginable.These fanatics, which included Bin Laden, turned later on their U.S. sponsors.
In the fighting between Shia and Sunni Muslims, (which is tearing apart Yemen and causing mass starvation, along with other countries) Russia is choosing sides with Iran, Assad in Syria, and others on the Shia side. Just like in the Soviet days, when the Soviet Union backed one group of murderous dictators, and the west backed another.
If Russia and the U.S. care about stability in the world, none of the religious fanatics, Shia or Sunni, will be backed. But Russia seems more driven by dislike for the United States and west than plain common sense. If Islamic fanatics, Shia or Sunni, get their hands on nuclear weapons, Putin will learn then who are the real enemies.
Fast, Mad, Allegedly Easy Money Has Helped Many To Lose Money
Gambling is an addiction. Even for those that are not addicted, the notion that money can come fast and easy comes at a heavy price for many. Too bad the television and other financial expert hustlers pushing gambling under the pretend notion it is investing are not the ones paying the price.
Saturday, January 7, 2017
When The Stock Market Is Nothing But a Big Casino, With Brokerages Luring In The Unlucky
Short term, the stock market is nothing but a casino. And just like a casino, it has ruined the lives of many. Gambling is gambling, and just because it is called a stock market and not a casino does not make it any different or better than a casino.
Gambling is an addiction for many. People recognize a person addicted to gambling and a casino are a bad combination for the gambler and his or her family.
Stock market gambling goes under the guise of investing. All the supposedly legitimate financial companies that do everything they can to lure in the short term traders know perfectly well they are ruining lives. And not just the gambling addicts. The many people who foolheartedly believe they can beat the markets short term and learn the hard way otherwise. Many have lost life savings.
Long term, the stock market has worked. Unless someone is unfortunate to need their money at a time of recession and market decline. But now is an unprecedented time, in which governments have been pushing people into this one asset class. In days past, many people liked the safety and ease of a simple savings account at a bank, where a certain amount of interest could be earned at no risk. Governments took that away, having made sure savers get punished by getting nothing for saving. Government manipulation to push people into stock markets will have a consequence, as will governments inflating stock markets.
Whatever happens now, whether the market continues its euphoric rise, or whether it crashes, will not affect those with time on their hands and that are willing and able to ride out a downward trend.
For the short term traders, other than a lucky few, money will be lost regardless of the long term trends.
Gambling is an addiction for many. People recognize a person addicted to gambling and a casino are a bad combination for the gambler and his or her family.
Stock market gambling goes under the guise of investing. All the supposedly legitimate financial companies that do everything they can to lure in the short term traders know perfectly well they are ruining lives. And not just the gambling addicts. The many people who foolheartedly believe they can beat the markets short term and learn the hard way otherwise. Many have lost life savings.
Long term, the stock market has worked. Unless someone is unfortunate to need their money at a time of recession and market decline. But now is an unprecedented time, in which governments have been pushing people into this one asset class. In days past, many people liked the safety and ease of a simple savings account at a bank, where a certain amount of interest could be earned at no risk. Governments took that away, having made sure savers get punished by getting nothing for saving. Government manipulation to push people into stock markets will have a consequence, as will governments inflating stock markets.
Whatever happens now, whether the market continues its euphoric rise, or whether it crashes, will not affect those with time on their hands and that are willing and able to ride out a downward trend.
For the short term traders, other than a lucky few, money will be lost regardless of the long term trends.
The Dow At 20000 Is No More A Predictor Of The Future Than The Musings Of An Earthworm
A well known voice in the world of financial markets said that the stock market at 20,000 (the Dow Jones) is where it should be at because the market is anticipating the pro growth policies of the in coming Trump administration. The market, he assumes, is forward thinking.
The market has no consciousness. It does not think. It has no awareness. It does not know anything more about the future than an earthworm.
The market goes up or down on one main thing. If more money is flowing in to buy than to sell, the market goes up. If not, the market goes down. Sentiment may drive cash flows, but sentiment, like cash flows, cannot predict the future. In recessions, markets tend to go down as there is less money to invest and for other reasons. If there is no recession, markets tend to go up. The market does not know whether Trump will be good or bad for the country, the economy, or the world.
People attribute to financial markets things they do not possess.
The market has no consciousness. It does not think. It has no awareness. It does not know anything more about the future than an earthworm.
The market goes up or down on one main thing. If more money is flowing in to buy than to sell, the market goes up. If not, the market goes down. Sentiment may drive cash flows, but sentiment, like cash flows, cannot predict the future. In recessions, markets tend to go down as there is less money to invest and for other reasons. If there is no recession, markets tend to go up. The market does not know whether Trump will be good or bad for the country, the economy, or the world.
People attribute to financial markets things they do not possess.
Friday, January 6, 2017
The Booming Stock Market In A Third World Country As It Is Stripped Of Its Real Wealth
The stock market is booming in a certain third world country. The billionaires, millionaires and foreign investors are happy. The majority of the population lives in desperate poverty, and are completely unaffected by the imagined wealth of financial markets.
Reading a financial paper from overseas, one would think all is well in that country's booming economy. Because the only measures used to measure wealth, stock markets and gross domestic product, measure very little, if anything at all.
The country has become more polluted, the land more degraded. Almost all the fresh bodies of water are polluted. The air is hazardous to breath. The surrounding ocean has lost most of its fish and marine life. Most of the forests are gone. Garbage is everywhere, especially plastics and styrofoam that ends up getting burned or that makes its way by the tons daily into the waterways and into the ocean. But none of that is reflected in the financial markets, entities incapable of measuring true wealth, or understanding what it means.
Reading a financial paper from overseas, one would think all is well in that country's booming economy. Because the only measures used to measure wealth, stock markets and gross domestic product, measure very little, if anything at all.
The country has become more polluted, the land more degraded. Almost all the fresh bodies of water are polluted. The air is hazardous to breath. The surrounding ocean has lost most of its fish and marine life. Most of the forests are gone. Garbage is everywhere, especially plastics and styrofoam that ends up getting burned or that makes its way by the tons daily into the waterways and into the ocean. But none of that is reflected in the financial markets, entities incapable of measuring true wealth, or understanding what it means.
Microaggression Accusations - An Excuse To Macro Manipulate. Welcome To Academia
A white college student related a story regarding something she said in a class with a black professor. The professor did not like her comment, and accused her of racism and microaggression. Even though the professor is in a powerful position relative to the student, the professor made the student feel like she is a victimizing racist.
We already know that colleges and universities are increasingly becoming places of political indoctrination and group think. Now we have hypersensitivity to the extreme, where racism and sexism are found at every turn, while real bigotry, hatred, violence and cruelty in this world continues to be ignored and excused.
Microaggression accusations are a way to macro manipulate, suppress and control others.
For a professor to believe he or she is entitled to shape the thoughts of a student, who already is in an inferior position, to conform to his or her ideology, is unacceptable. But of course, arrogance reigns supreme, along with narcissistic hypersensitivity and imagined victimhood, in the often far less than hardworking world of academia.
We already know that colleges and universities are increasingly becoming places of political indoctrination and group think. Now we have hypersensitivity to the extreme, where racism and sexism are found at every turn, while real bigotry, hatred, violence and cruelty in this world continues to be ignored and excused.
Microaggression accusations are a way to macro manipulate, suppress and control others.
For a professor to believe he or she is entitled to shape the thoughts of a student, who already is in an inferior position, to conform to his or her ideology, is unacceptable. But of course, arrogance reigns supreme, along with narcissistic hypersensitivity and imagined victimhood, in the often far less than hardworking world of academia.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
The Stock Market And Financial Markets Go Up, While The Wealth Of The World Goes Down
People may feel individually wealthier when the stock market goes up, but the stock market is not a reflector of the real wealth of this world. The real wealth of this world is first and foremost in the health of its environment, along with political, economic, social and religious stability, and non nuclear proliferation. The environment is getting more degraded with tons of plastic and other non biodegradables pouring into the oceans daily, along with thousands of other deleterious events. Nuclear proliferation is increasing. Religious bigotry and fanaticism are increasing, causing increased political, economic and social instability. The world population is stripping the earth of its last bits of nature, making the world an even more degraded and unstable place.
The stock market and financial markets are an easy way to remain divorced from reality and live in a fantasy that things are getting better when in fact they are not. Rising stock markets are a way of ensuring complacency and remaining delusional.
The stock market and financial markets are an easy way to remain divorced from reality and live in a fantasy that things are getting better when in fact they are not. Rising stock markets are a way of ensuring complacency and remaining delusional.
Police Departments, High Homicide And Crime Rates. Where Does Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, And Other Cities Stand?
Many things contribute to high crime and homicide rates. This includes poor parenting, fathers having children that they do not raise, blighted communities, entrenched gangs and gang culture, limited opportunities except in the black market drug trade, and so on. Public pressure for police to not be proactive is counterproductive. The cottage industry of lawyers suing police does not help the public. But what police departments do matters.
Professional police departments are more successful in addressing crime than unprofessional police departments.
Professional police departments eliminate clout and connections in promotions. Meritorious promotions are not euphemisms for politically connected, clout heavy people getting rewarded. Meritorious promotions, if they exist at all on a professional police department, are clearly defined. The people that evaluate the candidates considered meritorious have no connection to the candidate, and are completely impartial in their evaluation. If this cannot be achieved, then all the promotions are based on impartial tests. Professional police departments have no place for unprofessional, clout based promotions.
Professional police departments are not filled with layer upon layer of supervisors, paper pushers and administrators. The purpose of a police department is to serve and protect, with patrol as the most basic responsibility. Wasting money and manpower on anything else is counterproductive.
Inspectors, paid six figure salaries to ride around and look for petty infractions, a job that is already delegated to the supervisors on the streets, is a small example of money thrown away. Police departments that cannot reform themselves and discard wasteful practices are doomed to not be successful and have unnecessarily high crime rates.
Layers of supervisors and administrators that are free from basic police responsibilities are a waste of money and manpower. Becoming a supervisor should not be a lifetime pass of freedom from work. Thousands of brass ( supervisors) and administrators pushing paper, having leisurely lunches and dinners, endless meetings, doing little to nothing day in and day out, with supervisors supervising supervisors supervising supervisors in an endless cycle of pretend work, contributes to failed police departments.
Regarding technology; it is not a substitute for basic patrol. Some police departments mistakenly believe otherwise.
Community policing has been hijacked to become a meaningless game filled with nonsense paperwork that justifies worthless jobs and positions. Real community policing existed a long time past, and meant a cop walking a beat in a neighborhood. Neighborhood beat cops knew their neighborhoods, and were an example of what real community policing can be.
Professional police departments do not play numbers games, in which tactical and specialized units are evaluated on the basis of quantity of arrests, not quality. Numbers games encourages laziness, poor and shoddy police work.
Professional police departments are concerned with policing, not public relations games and worrying about news affairs and image over substance..
There are many more things that can be done. All of the above requires much greater detail.
But it is all pointless if no one is interested.
Meanwhile, is your police department professional?
Professional police departments are more successful in addressing crime than unprofessional police departments.
Professional police departments eliminate clout and connections in promotions. Meritorious promotions are not euphemisms for politically connected, clout heavy people getting rewarded. Meritorious promotions, if they exist at all on a professional police department, are clearly defined. The people that evaluate the candidates considered meritorious have no connection to the candidate, and are completely impartial in their evaluation. If this cannot be achieved, then all the promotions are based on impartial tests. Professional police departments have no place for unprofessional, clout based promotions.
Professional police departments are not filled with layer upon layer of supervisors, paper pushers and administrators. The purpose of a police department is to serve and protect, with patrol as the most basic responsibility. Wasting money and manpower on anything else is counterproductive.
Inspectors, paid six figure salaries to ride around and look for petty infractions, a job that is already delegated to the supervisors on the streets, is a small example of money thrown away. Police departments that cannot reform themselves and discard wasteful practices are doomed to not be successful and have unnecessarily high crime rates.
Layers of supervisors and administrators that are free from basic police responsibilities are a waste of money and manpower. Becoming a supervisor should not be a lifetime pass of freedom from work. Thousands of brass ( supervisors) and administrators pushing paper, having leisurely lunches and dinners, endless meetings, doing little to nothing day in and day out, with supervisors supervising supervisors supervising supervisors in an endless cycle of pretend work, contributes to failed police departments.
Regarding technology; it is not a substitute for basic patrol. Some police departments mistakenly believe otherwise.
Community policing has been hijacked to become a meaningless game filled with nonsense paperwork that justifies worthless jobs and positions. Real community policing existed a long time past, and meant a cop walking a beat in a neighborhood. Neighborhood beat cops knew their neighborhoods, and were an example of what real community policing can be.
Professional police departments do not play numbers games, in which tactical and specialized units are evaluated on the basis of quantity of arrests, not quality. Numbers games encourages laziness, poor and shoddy police work.
Professional police departments are concerned with policing, not public relations games and worrying about news affairs and image over substance..
There are many more things that can be done. All of the above requires much greater detail.
But it is all pointless if no one is interested.
Meanwhile, is your police department professional?
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
The True Priority Of The Republican Congressional Members That Wanted To Scrap Ethics Rules
The congressional members that wanted to make changing ethic rules as their first priority in the new congress showed their true colors. They may say that the American people are their priority, but that is a lie. Their first concern and priority is enriching and empowering themselves.
Russia And Russian Television (RT) Give Life To The Bloody Dictator Of Syria
Russian television insists the Russian campaign in Syria is legitimate because the Assad government is the elected government of Syria. They conveniently ignore the fact that there never was a free and open election, that Assad inherited his post and power from another dictator (his father), and that before all this terrible bloodshed began, there was a nonviolent movement that asked for reform that Assad brutally repressed.
If only Assad, a western educated eye doctor, gave to the Syrian people what he himself was given- opportunity and freedom. The Syrian people asked for reform. Assad brutally crushed their peaceful protest. People were arrested, tortured, murdered.
Moderate and peaceful opposition were crushed. In their wake, along with the wake of the completely idiotic American invasion and then untimely withdrawal from Iraq, came the deranged Islamists that filled the vacuum.
It is necessary to defeat the deranged, demented, genocidal Islamists. But to ignore the mass murder, torture, barrel bombs, and all the other atrocities of the Assad regime, means nothing more than choosing one evil over another.
The better choice is choosing neither.
Now the conflict has morphed into war between Shia and Sunni. Most Syrians, unlike Assad, are Sunni. Assad is backed by the Shia regime of Iran, Iranian backed Lebanese Hezbollah, and Shia recruits that Iran hires from Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Russia entered the bloody war, ensuring that Assad stays in power.
If only Assad, a western educated eye doctor, gave to the Syrian people what he himself was given- opportunity and freedom. The Syrian people asked for reform. Assad brutally crushed their peaceful protest. People were arrested, tortured, murdered.
Moderate and peaceful opposition were crushed. In their wake, along with the wake of the completely idiotic American invasion and then untimely withdrawal from Iraq, came the deranged Islamists that filled the vacuum.
It is necessary to defeat the deranged, demented, genocidal Islamists. But to ignore the mass murder, torture, barrel bombs, and all the other atrocities of the Assad regime, means nothing more than choosing one evil over another.
The better choice is choosing neither.
Now the conflict has morphed into war between Shia and Sunni. Most Syrians, unlike Assad, are Sunni. Assad is backed by the Shia regime of Iran, Iranian backed Lebanese Hezbollah, and Shia recruits that Iran hires from Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Russia entered the bloody war, ensuring that Assad stays in power.
Monday, January 2, 2017
Good Slogans, Big Money Wins Elections
A good slogan backed by a lot of money wins elections. First it was Obama, with the catchy slogan change you can believe in, which really was nothing more than b.s. you can believe in. Then came Trump. Make America great again. Once again a catchy slogan backed by big money won an election. And of course a good speech helps. Maybe because we are inundated by commercials and catchy slogans from infancy we have lost our capacity for critical thought. The liberal establishment wanted Obama, and had the money to get him the presidency, even though he was untried, inexperienced, unproven. And then, having had enough of Obama, conservative, anti- establishment(even though Trump is very much part of the establishment), and Trump money made sure we have another untried, unproven, inexperienced man that hopefully will not be a disaster.
White People Pandering To Black People Is Poison
White people that pander to black people and others they consider victims have ensured an increase in violence and hardship by the failure to hold anyone accountable.
If Trump Lowers Taxes On The Rich And Does Away With The Estate Tax, It Will Be Business As Usual, Not Making America Great
There is talk that the republicans and Trump administration will lower taxes on the rich and do away with the estate tax. If Trump wants to do needed infrastructure projects that will help provide employment, and at the same time increase military spending, how do people think this will be paid for? Lowering taxes on the rich and doing away with the estate tax will ensure the nation goes way more in debt. It will cause an increase in income disparity. It will enable wealth to be even more concentrated in the hands of a few. It will ensure the middle class continues to decline.
A country without a vibrant, healthy middle class cannot remain a strong democracy.
A country without a vibrant, healthy middle class cannot remain a strong democracy.
Black Racism Is Poison
While white racism is poison that has harmed and kept many black people and others down, black racism is poison that has made sure they stay down.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
When People Insist They Cannot Be Racist Because They Are Black
When a person insists he or she cannot be racist because he or she is black, even when they are racist, their refusal to accept responsibility for their own prejudices are proof they are racist. The nonsense that only white people with power can be racist is not only untrue, it is an example of a bigoted person not accepting responsibility for their bigotry. Bigoted racist people can be poor, they can be rich. No one should be given a free pass to be a hateful, bigoted sob because they think themself powerless or poor. Racism is not about what race is in power. It is about bigotry, hate, belief in racial superiority, of which any human being is capable.
Thank Black Lives Matter For More Black Lives Lost
No matter how many people are killed, there will be no outcry by Black Lives Matter or the legions of liberals and leftists who could care less about how many black people die if they cannot score political points or profit in some way. Black Lives Matter's response will be their typical cop out excuse that the murders are not institutional racism, and therefore are not worthy of their attention.
Meanwhile, less pro active policing has helped homicide rates go higher. Thank Black Lives Matter and so called progressives for more black lives lost.
Meanwhile, less pro active policing has helped homicide rates go higher. Thank Black Lives Matter and so called progressives for more black lives lost.
Russian Television (RT). Government Propaganda And Proof No Free Press Exists.
Russian Television. The propaganda arm of the Kremlin. They defend whatever Russia does. Uncritically, like sheep. They have question more as their motto, but they will not let it be known that this does not include their uncritical, unquestioning cheerleading of everything Russia does.
When their on air ingratiating cheerleaders pretend to be leftists and progressives, it becomes even more nauseating.
So there it is- the world of the media. Either it is corporate propaganda, government propaganda from an oligarchy run by a president with unchecked power, or propaganda from another dictatorship or kingdom.
There is no free press.
When their on air ingratiating cheerleaders pretend to be leftists and progressives, it becomes even more nauseating.
So there it is- the world of the media. Either it is corporate propaganda, government propaganda from an oligarchy run by a president with unchecked power, or propaganda from another dictatorship or kingdom.
There is no free press.
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