Making responsible, safe family planning available to impoverished women and families is the pro life, pro family direction, contrary to what the opponents say.
In one heavily populated impoverished country, there is little separation of the religious establishment from the state. The religious establishment does not want family planning. The religious establishment does not want condoms or other forms of birth control that have nothing to do with abortion. They insist these forms of birth control leads to family breakdown and that they are anti life. Yet there is a high rate of teenage pregnancy and broken families. Thousands of children live on the streets. Many of these children are sick, diseased, malnourished, and are using glue and other dangerous substances.
Preventable diseases like AIDS and other stds that kill people and ruin lives spread unnecessarily because the so called pro life people have forbidden the use of condoms.
Women and families are not allowed to make the choice as to how many children they can properly have and care for. The result of no access to safe family planning are high rates of preventable sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, high rates of teenage pregnancies, thousands of children and people of all ages living on the streets, broken families, mass poverty, high rates of dangerous street abortions performed by medically unqualified people, and other deleterious outcomes. It is not hard to figure out which side is really pro life and pro family.
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