Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Similarities And Differences Between ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Iran And Other Islamist Regimes

They have religious police that tell people how to dress, think, act, behave.
 Blasphemy is a crime punishable by death.
 Death is the punishment for leaving the religion.
 They kill those they perceive as infidels.
 They differ only in who they perceive as infidels. In that they often perceive each other as infidels, they actively strive to kill each other.
 They promote bigotry and intolerance.
 They promote violence and hatred. They spread intolerance, bigotry and hatred worldwide.
 They promote hatred towards Jews, Christians, Baha'is, Yazidis and other religions.
  If they promoted peace and goodwill instead of hatred, bigotry and violence, this world would be a  far better and different place.
  The fanaticism, hatred and bigotry are ignored or supported by those that get supplied their oil. Or by those that hate Jews and want them destroyed, and therefore support everything the Islamists do.
  There is no separation of religion and the state.
  There is no free speech.
  Without oil, these regimes could not survive.
   Beheadings, hanging, amputations and more are common.
  They justify their actions by blindly following the most intolerant, violent verses in the Quran.
  They want Islam to be fully accepted in the west, while they forbid or restrict the practice of other religions in the lands under their control. Or worse, such as the ISIS genocide against Yazidis and Christians, and their enslavement of Yazidi women and young girls. They support their rape and torture of these Yazidi girls and young women by verses in the Quran that they believe gives them permission to rape and torture so called non believers.
  They squander their oil wealth to spread hate, war and intolerance.
  They justify terrorism and violence when it serves their interests or aligns with their hatreds.
   Acceptance to varying degrees of child marriage, unequal rights and poor treatment of women and others.
    By conditioning their people to have an external enemy to hate, they deflect attention from themselves and the miserable realities they create.

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