Republicans cannot claim to be the party of limited government if all that means is limiting the government entities they do not like, and increasing and enhancing the government entities they do like. It makes them no different than the democrats, except in their preference for where there should be big government, and where there should be limited government.
Trump states he want to increase or quadruple the number of federal immigration officials. This will be hugely expensive, and will cost the government billions. It is costly to hire and employ federal government workers, who receive some of the best salaries, benefits and pensions of any government employee. What is it that will be accomplished by this hugely expensive undertaking that cannot be accomplished by better utilization of existing immigration and other resources?
Police daily arrest criminals that they find out are illegally in the United States. They are already in police custody. Rather than follow existing procedures, in which immigration authorities are only sometimes notified and often then do nothing, simply put a formal procedure in place. Namely, people arrested for a prescribed list of crimes will require a mandatory notification to immigration authorities by the arresting law enforcement authorities, and then there will be a mandatory requirement by immigration authorities to respond timely and appropriately.
( An aside- The white and black nationalist racists in the United states that are professional whiners and cry babies and that complain about illegal immigrants and everything else are the last ones willing to do real work. They talk about preserving their racial purity, and while these little babies are busy protecting their skin color, rest assured they are even busier avoiding real work.)
Ronald Reagan put in place an amnesty for illegal immigrants and a path to citizenship. Even a conservative like Reagan knew this was the right thing to do. Most illegal immigrants love this country and want to be here. They are vital to the American economy, and their labor, blood sweat and tears keeps the economy flowing. They do the job that Americans are unwilling to do. Yet they get little in return, and often are exploited. Put in place again Reagan's plan. Let illegal immigrants register. After a period of five to seven years, in which they demonstrate good conduct, allow them a path to legitimacy.
To those that say people that enter the United States illegally are criminals, they only say this because they are not in the shoes of the illegal immigrants. People living in situations of desperate poverty, hardship, overpopulation, environmental depletion, economic, political or religious oppression, will do everything they can to have a better life for themselves and their families. Any sane, rational person will seek a better life elsewhere, even if that means making a treacherous journey to the United states, and being subject to exploitation.
Instead of bashing illegal immigrants, it is high time to address the desperate conditions that drives people to flee their countries, and the entities responsible for these conditions. This includes war, religious fanaticism, intolerance and bigotry fueled by certain countries. This includes religious institutions that encourage people to not practice safe and sane family planning (which also prevents sexually transmitted diseases), no matter how overpopulated, environmentally degraded, and poverty stricken the country might be. This includes corruption, huge concentrations of wealth in the hands of a few, and the complete lack of opportunity. War, poverty that makes the poorest American seem rich, environmental depletion, no way to earn a livelihood, no freedom and more drive people in desperation to flee their lands for a better place.
It is time for the United States to do what it has not yet done. Deport the illegal immigrants who really are criminals committing criminal acts within the United States, including drunk driving. Concentrate the efforts there, and leave the law abiding, hard working people alone.
When European immigrants first came to what is now the United States, did they ask permission from the native American people? They did not. Instead, they came uninvited, and then proceeded to decimate the indigenous populations. After that, waves of immigrants came, legally and illegally, making America the prosperous melting pot it is today. The hard working illegal immigrants in the United States harm no one, and serve the nation by their tireless, poorly rewarded, often exploited labor. They give much and ask for little in return. Are these the people the federal government wants to expend resources, money and energy on? If the answer is yes, then truly America is no longer the beacon of hope, liberty and freedom.
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