Friday, January 6, 2017

Microaggression Accusations - An Excuse To Macro Manipulate. Welcome To Academia

    A white college student related a story regarding something she said in a class with a black professor. The professor did not like her comment, and accused her of racism and microaggression. Even though the professor is in a powerful position relative to the student, the professor made the student feel like she is a victimizing racist.
    We already know that colleges and universities are increasingly becoming places of political indoctrination and group think. Now we have hypersensitivity to the extreme, where racism and sexism are found at every turn, while real bigotry, hatred, violence and cruelty in this world continues to be ignored and excused.
    Microaggression accusations are a way to macro manipulate, suppress and control others.
    For a professor to believe he or she is entitled to shape the thoughts of a student, who already is in an inferior position, to conform to his or her ideology, is unacceptable. But of course, arrogance reigns supreme, along with narcissistic hypersensitivity and imagined victimhood, in the often far less than hardworking world of academia.

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