Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The New Generation Of Petty Armed Secretaries (Cops) In Law Enforcement

      A good cop understands the value in discretion. A good cop is not a petty person. A good cop understands that good police work is not about riding around issuing warnings or citations for every petty offense. A good cop is not out there alienating decent, law abiding people, especially in order to meet a meaningless official or unofficial quota. A good cop understands the world is not black and white, and that there are many shades of grey. If cops think issuing warnings and citations makes them look good in the eyes of their superiors, then it is a shame that is their mentality and the mindset of their bosses and police department. Too many police departments think the value of police work is in producing meaningless numbers and statistics instead of solid patrol. And it is too bad there are too many eager men and women willing to be mindless armed secretaries instead of real police.

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