Saturday, January 21, 2017

Obama Marches Off To A Secure Future, Leaving Behind His Legacy Of Trump

                The republicans and conservatives talk in platitudes and ignore reality.  The democrats and liberals do the same. After four or eight years of unfulfilled promises, the country changes from one side to the other, falling for the sweet talk and promises over and over.
                 Obama wooed the nation with empty promises and false hope that even he must have known was unachievable. After Bush (who embarked on avoidable, disastrous wars while he himself avoided the Vietnam war)  and Obama, the bar has been so lowered that along came Trump.
                  Obama will make millions from book deals, speaking engagements and so on. Leaving the rest of us behind with a new president that we can only hope is not as unstable and heartless as he seems, and that is not as insulting, thin skinned and petty as he has demonstrated himself to be.

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