Sunday, January 29, 2017

Close The Door On Islamic Regimes That Promote Intolerance And Terror, Not On Individual Muslims

                   If it will be business as usual with Islamic regimes that promote violence, bigotry and hate, then the Trump administration will accomplish nothing in stemming Islamic war, violence and terror. It is in the interest of the United States to align itself with the average Muslim that peacefully follows Islam and the verses in the Quran that promote peace and tolerance, and that rejects and does not follow the verses that promote violence and intolerance. Forbidding Muslims to enter the United States is not the way to accomplish this. Especially for those Muslims that are the victims of Islamist ideology and terror. Keeping a blind eye to the bigotry Saudi and other oil rich Islamic nations are spreading and teaching in their worldwide network of schools, mosques and madrasas will only ensure that the hate and killing never stops.

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