The stock market is booming in a certain third world country. The billionaires, millionaires and foreign investors are happy. The majority of the population lives in desperate poverty, and are completely unaffected by the imagined wealth of financial markets.
Reading a financial paper from overseas, one would think all is well in that country's booming economy. Because the only measures used to measure wealth, stock markets and gross domestic product, measure very little, if anything at all.
The country has become more polluted, the land more degraded. Almost all the fresh bodies of water are polluted. The air is hazardous to breath. The surrounding ocean has lost most of its fish and marine life. Most of the forests are gone. Garbage is everywhere, especially plastics and styrofoam that ends up getting burned or that makes its way by the tons daily into the waterways and into the ocean. But none of that is reflected in the financial markets, entities incapable of measuring true wealth, or understanding what it means.
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