Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Lowering The Bar Until We Got Trump....Trump And The Minister

         Maybe if there was a real independant, probing press we would not be where we are now....
         Maybe if we were not so easily seduced by easy answers and slogans...
         Maybe if we not the products of mind numbingly boring school systems where conformity is a top value....
         Maybe if we were not so easily seduced over and over by hustlers and showmen....
         Maybe if we were not assaulted from infancy with mind numbing commercials and advertisements....
         Maybe 16 years of Bush and then Obama contributed to the lowering of the bar, paving the way for the Trump election....
         Maybe if people did not feel so compelled to follow another human being and not think for themselves.......
          The minister reminds me of Trump's showmanship, on a much smaller scale. They play and work the crowd like it is a violin. They say whatever they want, and no one seriously challenges them.  They tell the crowd what it wants to hear. They distort and twist the truth to suit their own purpose. They are showmen. The minister offers a steady diet of twisted lies and hate to his sheeplike followers. They both incite crowds. The minister has a twisted, perverted agenda that has made him fabulously wealthy without ever having to work a real job. We do not know yet what the other will offer, but we better be weary, because he is now the most powerful man in the world.

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