Monday, January 2, 2017

Good Slogans, Big Money Wins Elections

            A good slogan backed by a lot of money wins elections. First it was Obama, with the catchy slogan change you can believe in, which really was nothing more than b.s. you can believe in. Then came Trump. Make America great again. Once again a catchy slogan backed by big money won an election. And of course a good speech helps. Maybe because we are inundated by commercials and catchy slogans from infancy we have lost our capacity for critical thought. The liberal establishment wanted Obama, and had the money to get him the presidency, even though he was untried, inexperienced, unproven. And then, having had enough of Obama, conservative, anti- establishment(even though Trump is very much part of the establishment), and Trump money made sure we have another untried, unproven, inexperienced man that hopefully will not be a disaster.

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