Friday, January 27, 2017

Kuwait Hangs A Filipina Domestic Worker; The Plight Of Overseas Workers

          A Filipina overseas worker in Kuwait was hanged this past week. She was a house maid that was accused of murder. A young woman was stabbed to death multiple times and the Filipina was blamed. So called honor killings are not unknown in the Islamic world. Or there could have been another motive. But what does not seem apparent is any motive the Filipina worker would have had to commit this crime. Even more troubling is that there were no fingerprints or physical evidence attaching her to the murder.
          Overseas Filipino workers, especially women, remain vulnerable. The United Nations, which is too busy bashing their favorite scapegoat country, Israel, day in and day out, fails to protect vulnerable populations. Any country with foreign workers has a duty and obligation to provide for their security and protection. Unfortunately, foreign workers, legal or not, continue to be a heavily exploited population.
          Nations must bear responsibility for creating the conditions that drives their citizens to distant shores in search of a better life no matter how risky and dangerous this might be.
          Religious institutions should not continue to not be held morally responsible as they promote policies that encourage people to overpopulate their countries, ensuring nothing but poverty, environmental degradation and desperation. 
          For that one poor woman, who never should have been hanged to death for a crime that was never proven she committed, and who left behind two children, all of this is too late.

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