Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Animal Welfare, Trump, Erdogan, Obama; The Common Thread

     Donald Trump congratulated Erdogan, Turkey's president, on winning a recent referendum in Turkey. The referendum gives Erdogan more power, and is a further erosion of Turkey's democracy. Did Trump understand it is not something worthy of congratulations?
      Trump got elected by making promises. People believed Trump's promises, just as they believed Obama's. Now that Trump is in power, he is over his head, just as Obama was. People with big egos believe they should hold positions of power they never should have, while others are forced to endure their learning curves.
       When it comes to animal welfare, tell people what they want to hear and the money flows.
Ditto for conservation and an array of other issues. For politicians, tell people what they want to hear, and the reward is power. Empty words and promises makes poor leaders powerful, and ineffective organizations rich.

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