Friday, April 7, 2017

David D., Chemical Weapons And The Weaklings World Guide

      Weak minded people need a scapegoat and a crutch. Instead of facing the complexities, difficulties and ambiguities of life, they need a target to demonize and blame for everything.
      And so a well known Jew hater blames the Jews for Trump's cruise missile response to Assad's use of chemical weapons. 
      It comes down to this: should there be a response to the use of chemical weapons or not? The world decided after WW1, a war in which chemical weapons were widely used, that their use had to be permanently outlawed. That is the issue, not what deranged Jew haters want it to be. In their obsessed, demented minds, all discord, all wars, all turmoil in the world is blamed on Jews or Israel. 

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