Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A Problem With Dimon's List Of Problem Areas Holding Back The U.S. Economy

     Jamie Dimon listed six reasons the U.S. economy is held back. He wrote that over the past 16 years, trillions of dollars have been spent on war. He added that he is not saying that this money did not need to be spent, but that every dollar spent on battle is a dollar that cannot be put to use elsewhere. Why can he not say that much of that money did not need to be spent? What is he afraid of? Business leaders like to peddle soft positions and shy away from anything too controversial.
      Timid leadership that puts money over morality has held back the economy. The elite leadership, which people put so much trust in, almost collapsed the economy not that many years back, while they raked in fortunes during and after the crisis. As for wars that never had to be fought, the financial and human cost continues to be paid, and not by overly paid business leaders and executives.

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