Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Only Effective Way To Keep People In Their Own Country

      Gangs, drug cartels, terrorist organizations continue to grow, fueled by the insatiable American demand for narcotics. The more they grow, the more neighborhoods, communities, cities and countries are destabilized.
      Recent news from Mexico included reports about a newspaper that had to shut down because it became too dangerous to continue publishing. Another news story concerned a young woman that was raped, finding her life is threatened by coming forward, while the well connected rapists are free.
       The more countries are destabilized by gangs, criminals, drug cartels, terrorist organizations, extremists, Islamist fanatics, the United States will find that there is no wall high enough that will keep desperate people out from escaping their hopeless situations. Desperate people escaping violence and poverty will not let obstacles stand in their way. They have nothing to lose.
        Reducing poverty (which includes allowing women access to safe family planning), reducing  fanaticism, intolerance and violence is the surest way to keep people in their own countries. Without opportunity, without hope, beset by violence, poverty or both, desperate people will be on the move.

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