Sunday, April 2, 2017

It Takes A Village To Raise A Violent Sociopath. Cop Killing Song And Media Incitement

     A number of years ago, a rap singer wrote a song about cop killing. Now, years later, it is suggested the controversial song was a prophetic commentary about police brutality and racism and where it leads.
     The song was not prophetic. While gangs were killing each other in the early nineties, a time when crack cocaine was spreading like wildfire and homicide rates were much higher than they are now, rappers were glorifying the violence. The flimsy excuse was often given that their glorification of violence was merely a reflection of reality, when in fact what they were doing was helping shape reality. By glorifying violence and the reduction of women into nothing more than sex objects, they sent a clear message to young people that what should have been unacceptable was not.
     The more violent sociopaths there are, the more violence there will be (including the violence between police and violent sociopaths). Those that incite violence and hate (and most often blame others for the violent result), have blood on their hands.
      It takes a village to raise a child. It also takes a village to raise a violent sociopath.

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