Saturday, April 1, 2017

Standing for Freedom - Rejecting Religious Theocracies

     Religion should be a private matter that belongs in the home and place of worship. It does not belong in the political realm. Religious theocracies are poison. Nations that do not separate church/mosque from state almost all are failed states. The few exceptions are nations propped up by oil wealth. Even these nations tend to be unproductive places that export fanaticism, intolerance, oil and virtually nothing else. In the religious theocracies without the necessary oil wealth to keep their populations compliant and submissive, the true nature of religious theocracies can be seen in full force. Massive oppression and corruption, child marriage, the criminalization of thought, no religious freedom, the loss of creativity, imagination and initiative. The leaders of religious theocracies are often corrupt, decadent people that live in a way they would never tolerate from their subdued populations.

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