Monday, April 17, 2017

More Of The Same - Jeff Sessions War On Drugs. And Just Say No

      The new attorney general has announced a war on drugs and wants the people of the United States to follow the words of Nancy Reagan and just say no.
      What have the existing and previous wars on drugs given? Other than a black market that has destabilized nations, strengthened gangs and terrorist organizations, and that cost trillions? The trillion dollar drug trade has contributed to corruption on all levels, including in law enforcement itself. And what is there to show for it other than trillions spent, full jails and prisons, stronger gangs, and no shortage of drug addicts? 
        Doing more of the same will yield more of the same. And it has not been good. 
        Regarding just saying no....It might be wiser to ask instead why do so many people say yes. Why do so many people self medicate? What is lacking in the treatment of addiction, and in the treatment of the emotional and physical pain that drives many people into the world of addiction?

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