Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Not Logging Rainforests Is Needed, Not Tariffs And A Timber Trade War With Canada

       Illegal logging is destroying the Peruvian Amazon, despite U.S. efforts to stop this illegal activity, according to a recent article by a major Chicago newspaper. According to the article, the world bank asserts that 80 per cent of the timber exports from Peru are obtained from illegal logging. U.S. efforts to stop this criminal activity have resulted in little success. Each year, Peruvian Amazon rainforest is lost equivalent to the size of Rhode Island.
       After Brazil, Peru has the second greatest amount of Amazon rainforest. Lose the Amazon, and the lungs of the planet are lost. The detrimental consequences of losing the Amazon are many.
       People rely on wood. It needs to come from somewhere.
       People and politicians need to choose their battles wisely. Having timber that is responsibly harvested must be the number one priority, making everything else regarding timber a distant second. 
        Preserving the rainforests of the Amazon, the Congo, Borneo, southeast Asia and elsewhere must be the focus of energy and efforts, rather than tariffs and an unnecessary trade war with Canada, one of the more responsible countries on this planet. 

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