Sunday, April 30, 2017

Religious Cover To Evil; The Slavery and Rape Of Yazidi Women And Children

    Grown men took helpless women and children, believing their religion gives them the right to enslave and rape. Many women are being raped multiple times by multiple men who have no regards for the enormous physical and emotional harm they inflict. Children are raped by men that do not care about destroying a child's life, and that believe their religion allows them to commit this evil against children as young as nine. Thousands of helpless Yazidi women and children are still in the hands of ISIS Islamists.
      In some of the wealthiest oil rich countries in the world, religious figures justify slavery and rape against so called infidels. ISIS did not appear out of a vacuum. When one day they are defeated militarily, new ISIS type groups will form in their wake, and existing ISIS type groups will grow. Because as long as evil finds religious cover, this will never stop.

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