Tuesday, August 15, 2017

A Police Team Formed To Combat Dogfighting And Animal Abuse That Only Achieves The Opposite

     When almost twenty years ago a small team was formed at a police department to combat dog fighting and animal abuse, it was meant to serve as an example for what cops should do when encountering these crimes. The team was then meant to cease to exist. It was not meant to be an enduring excuse for the rest of law enforcement to continue to do little to nothing, and for animal organizations to keep exploiting these crimes for their own gain. Yet that is what it shamefully became, which rendered it ineffective and only for show.  After two decades have almost passed, the pathological dynamic of police indifference towards animal cruelty and dogfighting and the exploitation of these crimes by animal organizations (with police and animal organizations each being the enablers of the others' pathology) is stronger than ever.

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