Venezuela's recently ousted chief prosecutor, Luisa Ortega Diaz, has fled from Venezuela, where she would be arrested if she remained. Colombia has offered her asylum.
She is accusing the Maduro regime of a massive corruption scandal, the details of which can be found by a simple internet search.
It is better that she is late to the anti-corruption party than never to attend. But the facts remain that Hugo Chavez was no stranger to corruption. It is estimated that by the time he died, his net worth and that of his children exceeded a billion dollars.
While ordinary Venezuelans face food and medicine shortages and widespread unemployment and poverty, the elites of Venezuela, including Maduro and company, have turned themselves into millionaires and billionaires. They steal and call it socialism. Venezuelan leaders claim to to be fighting for the people, while they rob and brutally oppress the people of Venezuela.
Tareck El Aissami, Vice President, is accused of drug trafficking. He has opened Venezuela up to Hezbollah and Iranian operatives and interests.
The regime is consolidating power to protect its criminal interests.
Meanwhile, the protester death toll continues to rise. Thousands of Venezuelans have been beaten and are imprisoned. There is no end in sight to the oppression.
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