There are certain clear threats to the survival of humanity. Nuclear weapons and their proliferation are one of them. It is only a matter of time before a rogue regime or demented leader in possession of nuclear weapons holds the world hostage. Even if North Korea's leader is not suicidal, it is only a matter of time before someone that is suicidal along with homicidal comes along.
The nuclear demon is here. It is not going away. There is no simple answer to ridding the world of this monster. The demon has spread and become stronger as the decades have passed since the advent of nuclear weapons. Pushing the problem under the rug and pretending it does not exist has only made the demon stronger. North Korea was a can pushed down the road by administration after administration.
The demon has grown. It has spun off other demons. Everywhere there are nuclear weapons, the demon or its offspring exists. If there is a God in heaven, surely Khan from Pakistan will be punished for bringing the evil demon to Pakistan, and then spreading it to North Korea and Iran while he enriched himself. The evil demon does not care about religion, politics, left, right, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Christian, or anything. It exists to destroy.
The nuclear weapons threat from North Korea does not exist because of Trump. Trump did not create the monsters that run North Korea. Even if calm returns in the short term in regards to North Korea, the evil demons of nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons proliferation are loose in the world and must not be ignored.
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