Thursday, August 17, 2017

Charlottesville And Two Other Recent Acts Of Terrorism. Terrorists And Their Apologists

       When a man deliberately drove a car into a crowd of people, killing a woman and wounding others, that was an act of terrorism and murder.
        Terrorism is not defined by the race or religion of the terrorist. It is defined by the action.
        Terrorism includes deliberately attacking and harming, or seeking to harm, civilian populations in the pursuit of religious or political goals.
        There is no excuse to not call acts of terrorism for what they are.
        There is no justification for excusing terrorism. Defenders of terror like to deflect and say it is in response to a previous wrong or grievance. If people want to live in a world governed by evil, then keep on excusing and justifying terror.
        Terrorism is always evil. It is not relative, as many want to believe. It is not right in some places, but wrong in other places, or right against some people, but wrong against others. If that simple moral compass continues to be lost, then expect terror to continue to proliferate.
        In Burkina Faso, Islamic jihadists shot up a restaurant, killing at least 18.
        In Northern Nigeria, three Boko Haram female Islamist suicide bombers blew themselves up, two in a market place, and one at a nearby camp for displaced people, killing at least 30 people and wounding over 80.
         All victims of terrorism deserve our support. All terrorists must be resisted.

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