Sunday, August 27, 2017

Chicago Police Department, New York Police Department And Crime

       Many things influence crime rates. However, police departments do matter when it comes to crime. In comparing Chicago to New York, it is fair to compare the two different police departments.
       What are the promotion practices of the two cities? Are people promoted based on objective civil service, independently audited exams? 
       Are people also promoted based on merit? If so, is merit a clearly defined and objective process, or is meritorious used as a guise for clout and cronyism?
       Is clout, patronage and cronyism an integral part of the police department? If so, this can be an important reason why crime rates differ. Clout, cronyism and patronage are toxic.
       Are foolish number games utilized, in which quantity over quality is emphasized in arrest, traffic and other activity?
       Does one city have a press that is independent and willing to critically look at all entities, regardless of whether or not they are in the government sphere, including police, and everywhere else? Or is the press unwilling to be too critical out of fear of losing valuable connections along with other reasons?
       Do the departments differ in the number and roles of upper brass or management?  Police departments saddled with heavy costs unrelated to patrol will not be effective.
       There are many questions that should be asked and that should be answered.
        Problem is, no one is asking.


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