Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Corbyn And British Supporters Of Murder And Tyranny In Venezuela

       British labour leader Corbyn cannot bring himself to condemn the Maduro regime's violence against the Venezuelan people. Just like the leftists that supported Stalin as Stalin murdered millions, Corbyn follows the disgraceful tradition of left wing cowards that love every dictator, mass murderer and thug as long as they call themselves leftists and/or are against the United States and west.
       The robber barons that rule Venezuela may call themselves leftists, but they are nothing more than common thieves and murderers.
       Millions of poor people are the ones suffering the most in Venezuela. The fact that Corbyn cannot see this and does not care speaks volumes about the man. He pretends that the violence in Venezuela is committed equally by the government and the protestors. No, it is not. The government and their paramilitaries are the ones killing. The government has beaten, imprisoned and jailed thousands, including opposition mayors and other opposition leaders. True progressives will reject the phony, callous Corbyn and stand up for the the oppressed people of venezuela.

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