Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Industrial Meat Profit And Pain

     Industrial meat production is big business and profits for agribusiness, including a number of chemical companies, and a whole chain of companies from fast food restaurants to meat producers. Moving livestock indoors on a massive scale has contributed to inhumane conditions, which few people seem to care about.
      The environmental impact and the adverse effects on human health from meat production and consumption are enormous. The inefficient utilization of land to grow crops used to feed factory farm livestock require enormous amounts of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals, much of which contaminates and poisons streams, rivers, lakes, lands and the ocean. Disposing of the massive amounts of factory farm animal waste, methane gas from cows, and much else, continue to be environmental concerns
       The environmental damage is not a price paid by the businesses that prosper from meat. They get the profit, and others - people and the environment - get the pain.
       Eating less meat or no meat has significant health and environmental benefits. Heart disease, colon cancer, other cancers and diseases and their relation to meat consumption can easily be researched.  The effects of exposure to the pesticides, herbicides and fungicides required for meat production are also well documented. Many of these poisons are in the water people drink.
        At the very least, the companies that profit from meat should bear some responsibility for meat's environmental impact.

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