Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Boko Haram Murders Fishermen In Nigeria Because That Is What Islamic Jihadists Do

     Boko Haram just murdered, including by hacking, at least 31 fishermen in the Lake Chad area in northern Nigeria. Why would these murderous Islamic jihadists kill in such a cruel way, and why innocent, defenseless fishermen?
     Islamists and Islamic jihadists the world over believe their religion gives them a green light to murder, torture, rape and enslave at will. When confronted, they cry victimhood, and the rest of the world often capitulates to their demands. Islamic jihadists everywhere, including in Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya, India, Philippines, Afghanistan, Libya, Gaza, west bank,  South Thailand, Kashmir, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Europe and many more places, may have a gullible west think they are fighting for freedom, or against oppression, or for something noble, but they are not. They are fighting for Islamic supremacy and tyranny.
       Islamists and Islamic jihadists care nothing about this world. The lives of innocent fishermen means nothing to them. They do not care who starves, who suffers, who is murdered. They care only what their narrow minded, cowardly hate filled little minds care about- kill, rape, torture and enslave for Allah (God).

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