Saturday, August 12, 2017

Bats In The Third World Are Out Of Luck

     In the third world, where organizations can make all kinds of claims and boasts with minimal accountability, bats are out of luck. To the organization(s) and academics that studied two of the most endangered large flying fox bat species in the world, that conducted counts of these bats as though counting is conservation, but did nothing to stop the destruction of these bats' habitat, the bats are going extinct from their inaction and failure to act. (Bats are the second largest mammal group, so there are many other bat species these organization(s) can make money off of. And in the third world, bat organizations have token programs here and there that make their supporters in the developed world think they are wonderful.)
      Bats in the third world face not only enormous hunting pressures, enormous losses of habitat, but have no one fighting for their protection.

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