Monday, August 28, 2017

Maduro Spreads More Violence And Chaos In Venezuela By His Use Of A Militia

      The Maduro government is giving more arms to a militia created by his predecessor, Chavez, called the Bolivarian Militia, under the guise that the militia is defending the revolution and the country from a U.S. invasion. The militia is being used as another force of repression by a corrupt government that robs and brutally suppresses the people of Venezuela. The militia has attacked unarmed protestors that want freedom for their country and an end to the massive corruption and looting of their nation.
       Already Venezuela suffers from an extraordinarily high homicide rate. Instead of offering greater security and hope for the future, the government offers nothing but more violence and the concentration of power into their thieving hands. Meanwhile, ordinary people continue to suffer from widespread shortages of food and medicine.

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