Sunday, August 13, 2017

Michael Vick Was A Windfall For Animal Organizations

     Michael Vick was money in the bank for a number of animal organizations. Combining his celebrity status with the public love for dogs, and a media that was all over this money making story, it was inevitable that certain animal organizations made sure they were at the forefront, garnishing all the attention they could get. There they were, ineffective, do nothing, often harmful animal organizations that were all of a sudden dogfighting experts. Not once did the fawning, money grubbing media question the efficacy of what these animal organizations actually do. Or why hardly anyone ever gets arrested for the common occurring crime of dogfighting. Or what it is about these organizations that made them deserve the free publicity. The outrage towards an exceptionally rare dogfighting arrest, especially by a celebrity, was money in the bank for undeserving, exploitative animal organizations.

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