Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Four Word Reason Famine and Genocide In Sudan Is Ignored

Thousands of children are dying from malnutrition, starvation and disease in the Sudan.

Not a single protest anywhere. 

Thousands upon thousands of children are dying in the Sudan from war and real genocide.

Not a word of protest anywhere. 

Not a single student protestor in the west. 

Not a single religious person or political person shedding one of their selective tears that are only shed if the group they hate can be blamed.

No anything. 

Millions of people will die from war, genocide and famine, on top of the countless millions that have already died from the war, genocide and famine in the Sudan, Dafur, Yemen, Congo region, Myanmar and more.

There is nothing but silence, as usual. 

Because of the four words. 

History keeps repeating itself. Millions, even billions, would rather nurture their crutch, their weakness, their scapegoat, their targe to hate, their pathetic weakness.

No one is coming to rescue the Sudan, the criminally ignored Sudan.


Because of the four words.

No Jews to blame.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Why More Journalists Have Been Killed In The War Against Israel Than Elsewhere

 A recent report castigates Israel for allegedly killing more journalists this past year than anywhere else. Statistics by themselves do not tell whole stories.

Let us leave aside the fact that some or many of these journalists were enemy combatants or propagandists.

Let us assume that all of the journalists killed were real journalists covering war in a war zone, which is extremely unlikely.

Why were more killed in the war against Israel than by any other country at war?

Afterall, there are terrible bloody wars and armed conflicts occurring in the Sudan, in Yemen, in Myanmar, in the Congo region, North Nigeria, Somalia, and in many other places in the world. 

So why then have more journalists been killed by covering the wars Israel fights than in these other wars and conflicts?

Most wars and conflicts receive little to no coverage. Most wars and conflicts have few to no journalists on the ground. If there are few to no journalists in a war zone, then there are few to no journalists killed by the inherent danger of being in a war zone.

The sad fact is that if there is not Israel to blame and demonize, then few to no one cares about the many wars and killing fields in the world that have nothing to do with Israel.

The vicious war in the Sudan, Yemen, Myanmar, and more receives little to no coverage. No journalists on the ground there to die by the inherent danger of being in a war zone. 

Millions of people have been killed in recent vicious, bloody wars and armed conflicts with virtually no coverage, no journalists on the ground, no protests in the west, no college students lifting a single voice

If there is not Israel to demonize, human life has no value to the millions that will cry fake tears for the Arabs now called Palestinian, but not a single tear for an Arab or anyone else if there is not Israel to blame. 

Hamas and company massacred, raped and murdered defenseless people inside of Israel on October 7, including babies and children, starting a war. This is a war being fought in a densely populated area in which Hamas and Islamic Jihad uses civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath. Hamas spent billions on tunnels for themselves, and not a single bomb shelter above ground for civilians. 

Civilian casualties, including that of journalists, propagandists and armed combatants claiming to be journalists, are inevitable if they are in the area where there is war. Journalists are not dying in places like Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Northern Nigeria and more where there is war or armed conflicts because they are simply not in those places with few, if any, exceptions.

In the war zones and killing fields all over the world, if Israel cannot be castigated and blamed, there is little to no interest or concern.

Millions continue to die with their stories untold. Human life is cheap to millions, perhaps billions of people, if there is no Israel to demonize, no anti-Israel propaganda value to be gained from the suffering and death of others.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Free Palestine Is A Genocidal Movement

 Hitler wanted a Jew free Europe. He and his demented cronies did not hide their intent. When they had the power, they mass murdered and exterminated almost all of the Jews of Europe in the holocaust, started a world war that resulted in the deaths of over 70 million people, destroyed Europe, created millions of refugees, and caused millions of people to be crippled, wounded, handicapped and scarred for life.

Hamas and company want a Jew free Palestine. They do not hide their intent, anymore than Hitler hid his.

On October 7, Hamas and company showed the world once again that when they get their hands on defenseless people, including babies, children and the very old, they rape, murder, behead, burn people alive, mutilate, torture, kidnap and commit other atrocities. 

Hamas already showed the world they will murder every Israeli, every Jew they can get their hands on, in their relentless suicide bombing attacks, randomly running cars and trucks into pedestrians, stabbing people randomly on the streets, shooting civilians, and more. 

Hamas and company make it clear that murder is not taboo to them. 

Deliberately attacking and killing defenseless people - murder - violating the most basic of commandments enshrined in the ten commandments, was demonically elevated by Hamas and company from taboo to virtue. 

Murder is resistance in their demented, hate filled minds. 

From the years of relentless attacks, Israel constructed walls and fences. 

To Hamas supporters, walls and fences constructed by Israel to stop murder and terror is unacceptable. Jews defending themselves from murder and the driving force behind this conflict and why it never resolves, antisemitism, which means specifically hatred against Jews, is perversely reinterpreted to keep the narrative flowing of Jews as demonic or subhuman.They say walls and fences means apartheid and oppression, knowing full well why those walls and fences were constructed in the first place.

They excuse, deny, support or justify Hamas and company Oct 7 massacres and atrocities. As long as it is Jews that are the victims, rape, kidnapping, mutilation and murder finds its defenders. 

For the anti-Israel crowd, Israel forced into war by a war their enemies started, must be labeled genocide. The fact that children and civilians are killed because Hamas and company wages war hiding beneath and behind civilian, means nothing to the anti-Israel crowd. Hamas spent billions on terror tunnels for themselves, and not a single bomb shelter for civilians above ground. Hamas themselves declare they do not care how many civilians they use as human shields are killed as long as they get to attack Jews.

Hamas and their many allies openly declare their intent to murder Jews and have already showed that when they have the opportunity, they rape, kidnap and murder the defenseless. The free Palestine crowd could care less, or supports the atrocities.

Hamas and company want a Jew free Palestine. The public record of their intent to commit genocide and wipe out the Jews of Israel is no more hidden than are their actions.

Most of the Hamas and anti-Israel crowd are clueless about Israelis themselves, not understanding that most Israelis are from the middle east, including what is now Israel, from Africa, and from parts of Asia, where they have their own history of ethnic cleansing, occupation, land theft, murder and massacres. 

Free Palestine is no different than Hitler's call for a Jew free Europe. Free Palestine means destroying Israel and exterminating its majority population; Israeli Jews.

Free Palestine is a call for extermination. It is not a call for two states. It is not a call for coexistence. It is not a call even for one state where Jews and Arabs live together. 

Free Palestine means exactly what Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime, and their many supporters and allies say that it means; destroy Israel and kill Jews.

How many more wars, how many more innocent people must suffer, how many more children must die, to fulfill the blood lust of the anti-Israel, anti-Jew crowd?

If the war in Gaza ends today, it is only a matter of time before another war begins, more children are killed, more misery unfolds. Unless the root cause of the conflict - hatred of Jews and the embrace of murder - is actively resisted, which is the true resistance, the senseless killings and wars will not end.

The blood-lust of the anti-Israel crowd is insatiable. They complain about war as they call for war. They complain about civilian causalities and children being killed, as they call for more war and phony violent resistance, the very things that causes this misery and children to die.  

They complain about genocide, conflating the horrors of war with actual genocide, as they support the actual organizations and countries, including Hamas, the Iranian regime and others, that actively seek genocide.

They complain about children being killed, as they openly support the murderers of Jewish children  that wage war using their own children as their human shields.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Palestine/Israel Conflict Is Not Complex To Bigots

 Simple narratives appeal to bigots. Whether they are on the left or right politically or are of one religious persuasion or another - when they are bigoted narrow minded people- they want simple narratives to validate their bias.

The complex history of Israel's majority population - Jews that originated in the middle east, Asia and 
Africa - where Jews experienced a long and difficult history of persecution, ethnic cleansing and theft of their lands, property and lives, is absent from the narratives of the bigoted. 

Everything that is claimed about the Arabs now called Palestinian are claims most Israeli Jews can  make. These Jews were ethnically cleansed and driven from their lands, where they were forced to flee to Israel. The entire middle east and North Africa, outside of Israel, where Jews once lived for thousands of years in some places, and for centuries in others, are now Jew free, with only a few tiny exceptions. 

Jews - whether they are the descendants of  holocaust survivors from Europe, or are the descendants of Jews that lived throughout the middle east, including in what is now Israel, North Africa and other parts of Africa and Asia - have a long history of being ethnically cleansed, having there be theft and occupation of their homes and lands, and having been massacred and persecuted.

While bigots seek simplicity in order to disregard the legitimacy of Israel itself, there is nothing that they can claim in their false narratives about Israel that is not true about Arabs, Europeans, Americans,  and many other people in the world.

Billions of people live on lands violently stolen from indigenous people and that are now occupied. This includes lands throughout North America, South America, Central America, the middle east, North Africa and much of the rest of Africa, large parts of Asia, Australia, New Zealand and more.

Countless millions that can claim rights of return do not do so because time moves on, history is not stagnant, and only a cruel person and a complete fool believes that time can be reversed by new ethnic cleansing and slaughter. 

Jews, Arabs and others are stuck with one another on a small piece of land. Those that want them at each others throats have sinister motives.

The right to murder, to slaughter and ethnically cleansed, no matter how this is disguised, is the right of no one. 

Oct. 7 was not liberation, resistance, or anything other than the murder, slaughter, rape and kidnapping of defenseless people, including babies, children, the weak and old.

This conflict, this war, is kept alive by the evil belief that murder is a right, that murder is a legitimate form of resistance, whereas in fact murder is an evil that is the right of no one. 

War, including casualties of war and murder are not the same. Hamas wanted this war. Hamas uses civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath. Hamas built billion dollars tunnels for themselves, and not a single bomb shelter above ground for civilians. 

The only way for civilians not to be harmed by war is to not start wars, and to not be one of the cheerleaders for war. Millions protest civilian casualties in Gaza but are silent for the far greater number of civilian casualties in wars not involving Israel. They pretend to care about the children and civilians of Gaza because they want to demonize Israel while they cynically call for more war and phony violent resistance that causes the civilian casualties in the first place. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

No Jew News Silence For Syria, Sudan, Dying Oceans

 Now that the Syrian war has started full force again, there will be no protests or outcry's for the children. 

Hundreds of thousands of children and other civilians have already been killed in the vicious Syrian war, with million of civilians caught between the brutal barrel bombing Assad regime, backed by Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, against fanatical violent jihadis backed by Turkey and others. 

Arab militias are slaughtering children and civilians in Darfur and elsewhere in the Sudan. Rape and murder are commonly inflicted upon civilians.

The war continues in Yemen between the Houthis backed by Iran and the Saudi backed Sunnis. Already hundreds of thousands of children and civilians have been killed. 

A large part of Somalia is controlled by Al Shaabab fanatics that do not hesitate to murder civilians. 

There are no rights for women, girls and religious minorities in Afghanistan and in many other countries. 

Boko Haram continues to murder Christians and others in North Nigeria.

Religious ethnic minorities, including Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh, middle east Christians, Bahais in Iran, Jews, Yazidis and others are at great risk in many countries.

Food shortages, disease and famine are present in many war torn and poverty stricken nations.

Countless millions are homeless refugees.

No one cares. We have to face that fact. You can do anything you want in this world, murder, rape, destroy the environment, poison the environment, kill off the oceans upon which all life depends, contaminate the oceans with plastics and more, destroy forests, wipe out biodiversity and wildlife, destroy mangroves, sea-grass beds, pollute the planet, and there will be no protests.

It does not matter if it is genocide in Darfur, which is unfolding once again right now. 

It does not matter that billions of dollars are being squandered on nuclear weapons, increasing the risk of the end of all of humankind.

It does not matter that real slavery still exists.

It does not matter that child marriage destroys the lives of countless children. There is an effort in Iraq to lower the age of marriage to 9. Child marriage is already common in a number of countries. 

It does not matter the massive violence and persecution of religious and ethnic minorities in a number of countries throughout the world that are governed by religious fanatics and mobs. 

It does not matter how much corruption, greed, poverty and violence are destroying the lives of millions.

No one cares. 

The only thing that they care about and that gets countless students and others onto the streets is ensuring that Israel is turned into a Jew free nation like the rest of the middle east and North Africa. Jews lived throughout the middle east and North Africa for thousands of years in many places, and for many centuries in other places. These Jews and their descendants form the majority population of Israel, where they are told they must leave and go back to Europe, a land from which they never came; those that they do not slaughter. Europe, the graveyard of millions of European Jews where mobs chant to this day for the death of Jews.

Countless millions want one world under the rule of one religion, and do not hide their violent intention to implement this goal.

And if, including by violence, terror, war and intolerance they achieve their goal, it will be a world in which no sane person will want to live - an environmentally depleted world full of poverty, misery, and submission to the tyranny of men pretending to speak for god.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Qatar And Qatar's Al Jazeera Intolerance

 Qatar and its Al Jazeera media empire are cushioned by massive oil and gas wealth from the intolerance and religious fundamentalism they propagate. In poverty stricken nations like Afghanistan, the intolerance and rigid fundamentalism that Qatar disseminates is pure poison. When religious intolerance and rigidity combines with poverty - with no cushioning from their adverse affects by wealth- women, girls, religious minorities and others are trapped in a nightmare.

The Qataris live in luxury. They rely on often exploited workers from other poorer countries where many have few to no rights. Many are the workers that have been killed in work related accidents to build the Qatari illusion of paradise. How these workers live and work has been kept hidden.

Qatar spends billions to keep the conflict with Israel alive, violent and inflamed. The peacemakers and realists that recognize that Israeli Jew and Palestinian Arab must come to terms with one another on a small piece of land are drowned out. Hamas leaders live like kings in Qatar, themselves cushioned with enormous wealth while ordinary Jew and Arab suffer.

Blessed are the peacemakers continues to be disregarded in a world consumed with hate, intolerance and violence.

While oceans are dying, the planet heats up, biodiversity collapses, plastics and poisons are everywhere, the enormous temporary wealth that oil and gas provides continues to not be used to create a safer, kinder, healthier world.


Qatar does everything it can to keep the Palestinian Arab conflict with Israel inflamed. 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Male Jew Hater Weaklings

Weak men need a crutch. Having an enemy to hate, dehumanize and demonize provides that crutch. It energizes weak, cowardly men.

It is easier for them to have an external enemy to hate, demonize, blame and scapegoat, than to worry about themselves and make themselves a better person.

Having a demonized enemy makes life simple and less complex. The world is often confusing, painful,and difficult. Hate energizes and provides easy answers in a complicated world.

Strong men do not need to hate, and if they do hate, they resist their hate. They do not allow themselves to dehumanize or demonize others.   

Not all weak people are bullies, but all bullies are weak people. Not all bullies are Jew haters, but all Jew haters are weak minded bullies.

Bullies think themselves strong. In fact, it is the opposite.

Strong, couregous men are not defined by physical appearance. Many are the muscular weak minded, and many are the physically weak brave.

In the course of one lifetime, great forests have been destroyed, coral reefs killed off, oceans dying, wildlife, including birds, bats, fish, insects, large mammals, biodiversity itself,  have declined greatly. Poverty, religious intolerance, hate for tiny religious ethnic minorities, nuclear weapons, plastics and poisons everywhere, terrorism and the approval of terror, the very things that should be decreasing, are instead rising. 

If the weak minded with their hate, demonizing and dehumanizing continue to dominate, serious problems will not be addressed, and the world will be consumed by their weak man's cowardly agenda.


Sunday, November 24, 2024

Norman Finklestein, Antisemitism Denial And October 7 Justifying

 Bashing and demonizing Israel is a path to fame, fortune, audiences, attention and unlimited fawning followers.

The evil of hatred against Jews, or antisemitism, lies dormant at times, never dying, just waiting for the right opportunity to emerge. 

October 7 showed the world once again that it never went away. 

It did not matter that there was a holocaust.

It did not matter that the majority population of Israel, Jews from the middle east and North Africa, experienced their own ethnic cleansing, persecution, occupation and theft of their lands, properties, and for many, their lives.

October 7 showed that given the opportunity, thousands of people will murder, rape, loot, steal, kidnap, mutilate and commit atrocities against defenseless people, including children, babies, the very old, for no other reason than that they are Jews. 

For thousands of years the most basic rules of civilization, enshrined in the ten commandments - do not murder, do not bear false witness - have served as the glue holding humanity together. When these basic and most fundamental of commandments have been thrown to the wayside, what resulted was Hitler's genocide and world war, Stalin's genocide, Rwanda genocide. Yazidi genocide. Armenian Genocide,The Khmer Rouge genocide, Genocide in Darfur, Congo genocide, war and horror in Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar, N. Nigeria and much more. 

Lies, defamation, bearing false witness, demonizing, dehumanizing, opens the door to murder.  

Murder is a grave evil. As are torture, mutilation, rape.

The demented excuses to justify these evils are nothing more than that; demented. 

Billions of people the world over live on lands that are occupied, stolen from indigenous people, lands that were colonized, conquered, forcibly taken. If land theft, occupation, true or not, are the excuse to murder, then why is it selectively applied to the Jew alone? Jews themselves have been murdered, massacred, occupied, persecuted, ethnically cleansed, had genocide committed against them numerous times throughout history, had their lands stolen and occupied. 

The well fed, well armed, well clothed Hamas and their allies, murdered and committed atrocities. No amount of whitewashing, excuses, or anything else, erases the fact that this is wrong and evil. And yet, there they are by the millions, defending, excusing and justifying murder and all of the atrocities committed on October 7.

The argument from the alleged scholar and others that grown men from Hamas and company were forced to rape, kidnap, murder and mutilate because they were oppressed, is beyond morally bankrupt and disgusting. Hundreds of millions of people the world over experience extreme oppression and suffering, and are not raping, murdering, kidnapping and committing atrocities.

About antisemitism, the alleged scholar argues that it does not exist in the United States because Jews in the states have no institutional barriers against them. There are no institutional barriers against any group in the states, including Jews. That does not mean that racism and antisemitism does not exist. 

There are plenty of physical and verbal attacks against Jews in the U.S. and elsewhere for the mere fact that they are Jews. These numbers have increased greatly since October 7. 

The alleged scholar is a darling of many antisemites. A Jewish born man with no connection to Judaism, religiously, culturally or ethnically, he serves as a token Jew that validates the hate and defamation of Jew haters or antisemites.

Antisemites want simple narratives. Black and white narratives that excuse the gravest of evils.

The eagerness to deny the existance of antisemitism is about an insidious belief held by far too many Jew haters on the left that if Jews are perceived as victims, they can no longer be demonized and murdered as oppressors.

Lastly, murder and war are not the same. Hamas wanted this war. They built billion dollar tunnels below ground and not a single bomb shelter above ground. They wage war using civilians as their human shields. They deliberately attack and murder the civilians of the enemy they hate, and they willingly sacrifice their own civilians that they hide behind and beneath.

There is not a military expert on the planet that knows how to fight an enemy such as this without there being civilian casaulties.

The only way to end civilian casaulties is to end war. Not to be one of the many cheerleaders for more war or violent phony resistance.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Piers Morgan's Platform For A Weak Minded Jew Hater, Qatar, And How Sudan And Elsewhere Are Harmed

The obsessive hate against Israel and Jews continues to be given platforms. This hate indirectly helps Israel in that it reinforces the need for Israelis and their supporters to be unified and strong.

This obsessive hate harms children and civilians all over the world in that it keeps all eyes perversely on Israel and Jews and away from all of the horror and misery hundreds of millions of people endure. 

Piers Morgan giving a platform to a dime a dozen antisemite, or Jew hater, without a rational guest opponent to respond, speaks volumes about greed and the exploitation of Jew hatred to attract audiences.

Even demonic Hitler knew that Jew hatred and blaming the Jew for everything attracted fame, fortune and ultimately control of one of the world's most powerful, developed nations. By the time that nightmare ended, almost all of the Jews of Europe were exterminated, Europe lay in ruins, over 70 million people were killed, and countless millions more that were not killed were permanently wounded and scarred.

History repeats itself. Many are the people that cannot break free of their demonic obsessions. The evil of hate, dehumanize, demonize and destroy the Jew remains.

A Jew hater spits out defamation and accusation as though they are facts. Even when accusations and defamation are refuted, the Jew hater will persist or latch on to new accusations. Their need for a dehumanized, demonized Jew, reflects their own inner weakness and cowardice.

The tragic outcome of where Jew hate leads extends way beyond Jews or Israel. 

Piers Morgan's weak minded Jew hating obsessed guest is wealthy. Qatar, where he presently lives in luxury, is one of the world's wealthiest nations. With great wealth comes great power.

Is it used to stop the genocide, starvation, mass killings, rapes and atrocities in the Sudan?

Is it used to fight against child marriage and the destruction of the lives of countless girls?  Child marriage is already common in Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Niger and in many other countries.

All over the world hundreds of  millions of people face daily war, extreme poverty, complete repression for being a woman, girl or religious minority. Hundreds of millions of people are harmed by religious or political intolerance and oppression. Hundreds of millions of people suffer under the weight of intolerance, extremism, corruption, violence, war, extreme poverty, horrific governments, religious oppression, and more. Somalia, Yemen, Haiti, the Congo Region, N. Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, Myanmar, N. Korea, and far more are places where the lives of countless millions have been turned into living hell.

All over the world there is environmental degradation and destruction. The oceans themselves are dying, resulting in hunger, malnutrition, loss of a way to earn a living and more. The more the oceans are destroyed, contaminated by plastics, forever chemicals, other pollutants, destructive fishing practices, coastal destruction of wetlands and mangroves, and much more, the more dismal is the future.

Are the rich individuals and super rich nations consumed with hatred against a tiny minority in the world stepping up to the plate to do a single thing to help humanity other than to spread their agenda of intolerance, hate and destruction? 

The hatred against a tiny minority does nothing to help humanity, stop wars, end environmental destruction and biodiversity collapse, lessen poverty, reduce disease, end child marriage, end religious intolerance, and more

Lastly, in Qatar, many of the laborers and other workforce are exploited foreigners. Many workers have been killed from unsafe, dangerous work conditions. Qatar exports a fanaticism and intolerance that Qatar itself is cushioned against by its oil and natural gas wealth. The intolerance Qatar exports is poison to millions of people living in poverty stricken countries.

The squandering of wealth by rich individuals and wealthy nations that choose spreading propaganda, hate and intolerance instead of ending wars, conflicts, poverty and environmental destruction, is beyond criminal. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

Jew Hatred (Antisemitism) Exists Because Evil Exists

The reason antisemitism exists, which means specifically hatred against Jews, is because evil exists. 

Jew hatred is a form of weakness, cowardice and evil.

Jew haters need a target to hate, demonize and scapegoat.  

They need an external enemy to despise instead of looking inside of themselves to become a better person.

The Jew hater uses excuse after excuse to justify their hate. 

The Jew hater looks for any example, whether fabricated or real, of a Jew or Jews that they think validates their hate and demonizing. Even if a million Jews do a million good deeds, the Jew that does not or that does something wrong will be held up as the example for how all Jews are. Even though every human being is unique in their own way, the Jew hater lumps all Jews together as one monolithic entity to be demonized and despised. People as unique individuals and individuality itself means nothing to the Jew hater when it comes to Jews.

Jew haters cannot just live and let live.

They are incapable of taking responsibility for their own hatred and actions. 

One clear sign of Jew haters is their inability to accept responsibility for anything, and their never ending blaming the Jew for everything. 

Bullies are a type of weak, cowardly people that pick on targets they perceive as weaker than themselves. Bullies choose targets they think they can intimidate, demonize or destroy. 

The ranks of Jew haters are full of weak minded bullies.

Some people that oppose antisemitism expend enormous energy refuting the endless demonizing.  As soon as one accusation or defamation is put to rest, another one takes its place. The Jew hater's obsession with Jews is seemingly never ending.

The hatred against Jews has everything to do with weakness, cowardice and evil that exists in the hearts of humankind. Unfortunately, too few of the weak minded Jew haters develop the strength and courage to combat their need to hate, demonize, and scapegoat.

If demonizing and antisemitism did not lead to tragic outcomes, namely murder, massacres, atrocities and more, it would be easy to ignore. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Qatar Is Key To Ending The War, Gaza, Hamas, Hostages

 Release the hostages.

Once the hostages are released, the war immediately ends. 

Hamas has already been decimated. It is time to rebuild Gaza, and for a new chapter to unfold without the reign of terror, indoctrination and poisoning of children and young minds by Hamas and their Muslim Brotherhood poisonous ideology of bigotry, supremacy, racism and hatred against Jews.

Asking for a ceasefire while the hostages are still held in captivity achieves nothing. It only extends the nightmare for the hostages and all of the people of Gaza.

Qatar, where many of the Hamas leaders live in luxury, is the key for this to end. It is time for Qatar to choose tolerance over fanaticism and cruelty. 

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program; Greatest Threat The Next U.S. President Must Face

Humankind faces very real threats to its existence. Environmental degradation and poisoning of the planet are destroying the lives of millions and any hope for a better future for countless millions.

Nuclear weapons threatens the existence of all humankind and almost all life on earth.

Whoever becomes the next president of the United States must face the fact that if Iran becomes a nuclear weapons power, the hate filled, violent, intolerant corrupt fanatics that rule Iran will set off a nuclear arms race that will be unstoppable. 

Even worse, these corrupt fanatics that have no respect for human life that does not conform to their bigoted, hate filled way of thinking, will start a nuclear war. There will be no coming back from that catastrophe. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Marriage Of Murder, Hamas And The Left

The commandment not to murder dates back thousands of years. 

It is violated many times in the name of religion, politics, race, and more.

Many people violate the commandment under the guise of seeking a greater social justice. Communists promised a workers paradise, as they slaughtered millions of workers and average people in order to keep in power corrupt elites. 

Stalin murdered millions. So did Mao, Pol Pot and others. They did their murdering hiding behind righteous claims regarding liberation, colonialism, oppression, oppressed and oppressors, liberation, imperialism, resistance and more.

Many on the left label the people they want slaughtered as colonialists, settlers, nonindigenous or something else, believing murder is acceptable against those they label and accuse.

Hamas is a reactionary force. So is Hezbollah and their Iranian regime masters. Because they use the words the left likes to hear, the left eagerly supports their genocidal, murdering campaign.

Hitler slaughtered Jews. Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime seek to achieve the same. Unlike Hitler, they dress up their genocidal, murdering ambitions in what appeals to the left.

Murder is murder. There is no context, no excuse, nothing that explains away this evil, no matter how hard the left or anyone else tries. 

Standing firm in support of the commandment not to murder is the most basic glue that keeps humanity from descending into the worst of creatures. No one, not on the right, not on the left, not from any religion, has the right to murder. Past or present injustices or grievances, real or imagined, must also cease being used as the excuse to murder. 

Thou shall not murder is clear and unequivocal. There are no exceptions, not for religion, politics, race or anything else.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Hitler To Hamas And The Defenders Of Murder

Thousands of years ago humankind learned something far more important than any modern day technology or discovery. 

Do not murder. 

Even though this is violated over and over, it still remains the most important glue that allows humankind to survive. 

In the past, the murdering was often committed in the name of religion or  God, even though no real God would in any way promote or condone murder.

Hitler made it about race. 

Racial superiority as the excuse to murder or enslave has largely been repudiated. Murder in the name of religion is often not repudiated and continues to be used to justify murder. Think Yazidis, Bahais in Iran, Christians in Northern Nigeria, Jews in the land of Israel, and others. 

Hamas made it clear long before October 7 that their goal is murder and genocide against Jews. They declared this in their words and in their actions, including wave after wave of suicide bombers sent to murder Israeli civilians. 

On October 7, Hamas murdered defenseless civilians inside of Israel of all ages, from babies to the very old. This was not war. This was murder. Israel responded with war, and in war, civilians always die. Murder and war are not the same. Hamas uses civilians of Gaza as their human shields from which to wage war and hide behind and beneath. 

No one is being asked to support or like Israel. But support for Hamas does nothing but enable them to continue murdering in Israel and harming the children and other civilians of Gaza.

Calling for war, starting wars, and then complaining about civilian casualties is beyond shameful.

Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and their allies, are doing everything they can to murder Jews and destroy Israel.

Hitler made his murdering about race. Hamas, Iranian regime, Hezbollah, Houthis, make their murdering about religion. They want Israelis murdered. 

The mobs in the west supporting Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian regime, Houthis and their murdering genocidal agenda, often use buzzwords they think justifies murder. Some in the mobs do not hide what this is really about- kill Jews. Others think that murder is excusable, even laudable, if they use one of the buzzwords. They think that murder, rape, kidnapping, burning people alive, beheading, all of which Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza committed on October 7, is defensible. 

When they use one of their buzzwords, the argument often deteriorates into a rebuttal of their claims instead of what this is really about. They are looking to justify murder, and murder is never justified.

Legitimate rebuttals to their accusations often lead nowhere. They want to make exceptions for murder, and there are none. For example, if someone is a colonizer, settler or living on occupied lands, they  claim, then murder is justified. Much of the human population lives on lands that were colonized, settled and are now occupied from the original indigenous people. They are selective as to who can be murdered by standards they themselves have determined and do not live by. Even if their narratives were true about the people of Israel, which they are not, it does not change the fact that murder is the right of no one.

Murder is never justified. Not by the buzzwords or by anything else. 

All of the buzzwords, colonialism, settlers, apartheid, racism, occupation, resistance, and whatever else they can think of to justify murder, does not negate the one indisputable reality that has been with human kind since time memorial, and that still stands. 

Thou Shalt Not Murder. Murder is always wrong and never defensible. If this world continues to become so twisted, so perverted, so filled with evil that this commandment no longer applies, then there is no hope left for humanity.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Cult Of Death

 People that brag about how they worship death, how they believe their enemy worships life, and how this makes them stronger than their enemy, are completely wrong.

First, they do not really believe in death. Instead, they believe that when they die, or when they are killed or martyred by their definition, they immediately enter into a hedonistic paradise. So instead of believing in death, they believe in a magical and instant transformation into a paradise full of earthly pleasures.

Many of these blowhards choose comfort for themselves in the west or east, as they encourage others to throw away their lives.

They often brainwash children and teenagers into believing in the cult of death. This makes it easier to recruit suicide bombers and others willing to throw their lives away while doing great harm to others. Meanwhile they themselves boast but do nothing.

Death comes to us all. People that choose life recognize the gift of life each of us is granted, not to be squandered. 

Brave people face their fears. If someone wants life, but is willing to risk that life for a greater good, that makes that person a braver person than the one who is brainwashed into thinking life has no value, and therefore is eager to throw it away. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Genocide In Darfur; Jews, Israel, Arab Militias And Hotels

 There is genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan...again. Already hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered. Countless women and girls have been raped. Millions of people are refugees. Millions of people face malnutrition and starvation.

Why is there silence? No protests? No outraged people concerned about the fate of Gaza, but completely unconcerned about the death toll and harm being done to Darfur civilians?

Jews cannot be blamed, Israel cannot be blamed, the one small Jewish majority nation in the world so hardly anyone cares. 

The Arab militias committing genocide, mass murder, mass rape of women and girls, do not fit into simplistic and harmful narratives regarding oppressor, oppressed, and who can be considered victims. Victims, in this harmful ideology, are held blameless even when they rape and murder. 

Arab militias are slaughtering black Muslim indigenous people, and there is not one protest anywhere.

As long as the killing is Arab against Arab, as it is in Yemen and Syria, or Arab against black, as it is in Darfur, or black against black, as it is in the Congo region, Somalia, Northern Nigeria and elsewhere, there is silence.

The war in Gaza must end. The war in Darfur must end. But not by the murderers remaining in power so that they can regroup, re-arm and murder another day. Civilians are dying in Darfur because they are deliberately being targeted and murdered. Civilians are dying in Gaza because Hamas uses them as their human shields from which to wage war and hide behind and beneath.

On October 7, when Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza murdered, raped, kidnapped, wounded, beheaded, burned alive, thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel, it became clear that we live in a world in which murder is no longer taboo, to the detriment of everyone. 

Millions are calling for more murder when it comes to Israel, and millions are calling for absolute nothing when it comes to the murdering in Darfur.

There are many propagandists masquerading as reporters and journalists, but few real journalists left anymore. This class of people likes spreading propaganda. Many of them like living in luxury, including staying in first class hotels. The same applies for many aid organizations and charities. There are no first class hotels in Darfur. There are first class hotels in Tel Aviv. For this reason, and the ones already mentioned, Gaza will remain the focus, and not Darfur.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Israel, Murder And The Resistance

 When Hitler and company murdered Jews, college students were not protesting in support of Hitler's genocidal regime and for no war against Germany. Young people were lining up instead to enlist in the fight against Hitler. Murder to them was murder, always wrong and never defensible, no matter how much Hitler or anyone else tried to dress it up. 

If Hitler tried the same genocide in today's times, all he would have to do is call his genocidal campaign resistance. In today's times, murdering, raping and kidnapping have become acceptable, even defended, by millions of people, maybe even billions. All that has to be done is to use the words not indigenous, colonialist, apartheid, occupiers, resistance, settlers, and millions line up like lemmings in blind support for murder. 

Many of the lemmings, the sheep, will not outright say they support murder. Instead, they will say they oppose colonialism and all the other in style buzz words that they think justifies murder

Slavery, conquest, occupation, colonization, imperialism, have a long and dark history independent of anything having to do with Europe. Europe has its own dark history in this regard.

Conquerors, enslavers, occupiers, colonialists, imperialists from the middle east, from Turkey, from Asia, from Africa and from lands outside of  Europe, have enslaved and murdered hundreds of millions of people.

The prohibition against murder gets dismissed when it comes to Israel. Instead, it turns into an endless debate regarding who is indigenous, who are settlers, who are colonizers, who are occupiers, as though proving the Israelis to be or not to be any of these things gives their enemies the right to murder. 

The majority population of Israel, Jews from the middle and North Africa, including not only British and before that Turkish controlled Palestine, but also Jews from Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Yemen and more that have their own history of persecution, expulsion, massacres and pogroms.

The fact that most Israeli Jews are indigenous people to the middle east gets ignored or dismissed in the eagerness to label Israelis as colonizers and nonindigenous, and to use that as the excuse to murder. 

Indigenous or not, colonizers or not, nothing justifies murder. Deliberately harming and murdering civilians is always wrong, without exception.

Millions of people, even billions, live on lands stolen from indigenous people, lands that were colonized, occupied, often by brutal conquest. Countless millions call for the murder of Israelis for allegedly being occupiers, nonindigenous or colonizers, while they themselves live in countries all over the middle east, North Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Australia and elsewhere, that were stolen from indigenous people by conquest, colonization, imperialism, and enslavement.

Hypocrisy comes to mind. But what is far worse is the effort to rationalize, to accept, to defend, to justify, to even encourage murder itself. People that are the target of murder have the right to defend themselves, which often means there will be war. War and murder are not the same. Casualties of war is not murder. People that are the target of murder that do not have the means of defending themselves often become the true victims of genocide. Casualties of war and genocide are not the same. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza raped, kidnapped and murdered defenseless people on October 7, starting a war. Hamas uses the civilians of Gaza as their human shields to hide beneath and behind. 

The well fed, well armed, soldiers and commanders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad on October 7 committed their massacres, their atrocities, inside of Israel against defenseless populations from babies to the very old. There would not be war now if not for that day of infamy. 

No one has the right to murder. If this is too hard to understand and defy, then there is no hope left for humanity. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Blood Is On The Hands Of The Anti Israel Crowd

 The anti Israel crowd is out there by the millions, pushing for war, for hate, for incitement, for murder, for genocide, and then screaming genocide when the side they want murdered prevails in war. Israel is committing war, and war is not genocide. War is one of the worst things human beings can do to one another. Civilians suffer. Children are always killed and harmed in war. They and other innocent people are the casualties of war. The only way to keep civilians, including children, out of harm's way, is to not start wars and not to incite for wars. 

Civilian casualties are increased when one side squanders billions of dollars to enrich their leaders and to build terror tunnels and networks below ground from which to wage war, without building a single bomb shelter for the civilians living above ground. Civilian casualties are increased when one side wages war and deliberately uses civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath, and civilian structures, including hospitals, mosques, schools, apartment buildings, etc., from which to wage war. 

The anti Israel hate filled mobs scream shame on you, while they shamefully call for war. Many scream their support for the phony so called resistance which is not a resistance at all. The word resistance is used to make the effort to murder, rape, kidnap and commit other atrocities on as many Jews as possible sound lofty.  

The anti Israel crowd uses every excuse in the book to justify the genocide and murder they seek. The long history of Jews is a history of getting blamed for everything while the side that murders and commits atrocities against Jews is held blameless.

The commandment to not murder continues to be defied by Jew haters. The commandment to not bear false witness continues to be violated over and over by Jew haters as they fabricate every lie imaginable in order to demonize Jews.

The endless effort to demonize Jews leads to tragic outcomes.

It is not enough that there was a holocaust. It is not enough that Europe's most advanced nation followed an incompetent evil fool, a demonic lunatic, drawn in by the seductive poison of having a demonized enemy to hate.  All of it led to Europe destroyed, with over 70 million killed, and millions more permanently crippled and wounded for life.

The Jews of the middle east and North Africa, Israel's majority population, have their own history of persecution, expulsion, theft of their lands and property, massacres and pogroms. They know that there is no place in the world other than Israel for them.  Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, British controlled Palestine, Egypt, Algeria and more are places where their ancestors would be slaughtered if they still lived in those places.

They and all the people of Israel know that their enemies do not want peace. The people of Israel know that their enemies seek their extermination. 

October 7 was the point of no return. All of the many years of demonizing Jews, teaching endless hatred and incitement, and then having the opportunity to harm defenseless civilians, including babies, children, girls, boys, old people and more, showed where the road to hate, demonizing and endless incitement leads. When Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others said that they said they want to murder Israelis, including babies, they meant every word of what they said. This should have already been known from the many years and times Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others blew themselves up in order to murder babies, children, defenseless people inside of Israel.

On October 7, defenseless people of all ages were raped, wounded, kidnapped, murdered, beheaded, mutilated, tortured, burned alive. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza took many videos themselves of their atrocities. The anti-Israel crowd still finds ways to defend, deflect, excuse, or justify the atrocities. Or to even blame Israel for the atrocities despite the enormous forensic evidence, including the videos the terrorists themselves took, and the people that survived and witnessed the massacres.

October 7 is what the anti Israel crowd wants more of. If they cared about the lives of the Arabs now called Palestinian, they would want the war, the hatred, the incitement, the demonizing, the terror, to end. They would recognize that Jew, Arab, and others share a small piece of land where they need to live together in peace.

The way forward is to lay down the sword. Lay down the sword does not mean a temporary ceasefire so that Hamas, Hezbollah and the others can re-arm, regroup and do their killing on another day.

October 7 should have so horrified the world that Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and all of their allies would have been have been immediately denounced the world over. All of the hostages should have been returned in the days following the massacre, and that should have been the end of Hamas. This could only have happened if there had in fact been an enormous outcry and if we lived in a sane and just world. Instead, Hezbollah, backed by the Iranian regime and their allies joined the war against Israel on October 8, and millions of people the world over defended and even rejoiced in the atrocities committed on October 7.

Now the world is left with a nightmare that the anti-Israel crowd spurs on.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Broken Bodies, Israel And The True Resistance

How many more lives must be destroyed on all sides in order to satiate the bloodlust of those who seek the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jewish people? 

The countries and organizations calling themselves the resistance are the ones seeking the genocide of the Jewish people and destruction of Israel. They honor themselves with this false title.

The resistance are the Israelis. They resist being murdered. They resist being raped. They resist being kidnapped. They resist being tortured and mutilated. They resist the genocidal that they are surrounded by. 

October 7 proved once again that the enemies of Israel will rape, murder, torture, behead, burn alive, kidnap even babies when given half the chance. 

This is not about land or resistance to occupation, colonialism, racism, apartheid, imperialism or anything other than the pursuit of genocide. 

Those words are used to masquerade the true agenda. Hundreds of millions of people, even billions, live on lands that were conquered, that are occupied from the true indigenous people, that are racist, where there is apartheid against women, girls, religious minorities, lands that were and are being colonized, lands where there is genocide, including now in Darfur, lands where the indigenous people have been completely or near completely colonized and occupied, which includes lands all over the middle east, North Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Africa, Asia and elsewhere. No one uses any of this as the excuse to murder except when it comes to Israel. Hypocrisy has become the bedfellow of murder.

October 7 showed the true agenda. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Massad, Colombia University, Arab Jews And Genocide

 Murder, raping, wounding thousands of defenseless people, kidnapping hundreds of defenseless people, even a baby, beheading, burning people alive, shooting them point blank range, all of which Hamas and others from Gaza committed on October 7, finds its many defenders.

A perverted morality seeks to change the most basic and fundamental morality that keeps human civilization from completely collapsing, including the prohibition against murder.

This perversion of morality justifies murder, rape, genocide, torture, mutilation, all of which Hamas and others from Gaza committed on October 7. It defends crimes against humanity. Accusing the murdered, and defending the murderers, by the use of the words settlers, colonialism, racism, occupiers, and so on, means anything goes and the murderers and rapists get to do whatever they want. 

The perverted morality does not hold the people they favor responsible for what they do, even when they murder, torture, rape and mutilate. Instead, the perverted morality shifts all blame, all responsibility, onto the people that they scorn. 

The perverted morality tries to obscure the clear lines between acts of murder and casualties of war. 

Those the perverted moralists consider oppressed can commit whatever crimes they want. Those the perverted moralists consider oppressors are blamed even when they are raped, mutilated, tortured and murdered.

Hamas wants genocide. They showed this once again on October 7. Hamas's long history of suicide bombings against defenseless civilians already proved this.

A propagandist professor at Colombia University, allegedly researched the exodus history of Jews from Arab majority lands, whom he calls Arab Jews, and why they fled to Israel. Where there were once millions of Jews living in Arab majority and Muslim majority lands, there are now virtually none.

Perverted morality dictates that history must be twisted so that the despised are always blamed, and the so called oppressed, no matter what crimes they commit, are always held blameless. 

The professor, a defender of the October 7 massacre, ventures into the subject of why Jews fled from Arab majority lands after Israel became a U.N. recognized nation in 1948.

He does not hold responsible Arabs in any way whatsoever for why Jews fled from Arab majority lands, places where many of these Jews and their ancestors had lived for many centuries, even for thousands of years in some places.  

Why Jews fled from Arab majority lands he blames on the Jew. He distorts history and casts blame on the flight of Jews from Arab majority lands onto the Jews that fled from European lands. 

The Jew is consistently the target to blame in the world of perverted morality. Blame the Jew, even when they are raped, murdered, massacred.

There are plenty of Jews still alive today that know firsthand why Jews fled, why they were expelled, their persecution, their exodus from lands all over the middle east, North Africa and Asia, including Yemen, Syria, British controlled Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, and more. There are also millions of the children and grandchildren of the Jews that fled from Arab and Muslim majority lands that know the true history of why their parents or grandparents fled.

Did the professor interview any of them? Did he interview even just one Jew that fled from Arab majority lands and that bears witness as to why? Did he interview even just one of the millions of children or grandchildren of the Jews that were refugees from Arab majority lands and that learned firsthand from their parents or grandparents as to why they fled? 

These Jews and their descendants from Arab majority lands constitute the majority population of Israel. They know why they were expelled or had to escape, why they fled, their history of persecution, massacres, pogroms. They know why they are in Israel. They know full well the dangers for them in places like Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Iraq, Palestinian controlled areas, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and more. They know why they must defend Israel.

There is a difference between scholarship and propaganda.

Hamas Fails To Understand October 7 Only Strengthened, Not Weakened , Israel

 A very rich Hamas leader, safely living in luxury in Qatar, far from the hell Hamas unleashed, stated that October 7 was important because it proved the vulnerability of Israel. It showed, he said, that Israel can be defeated. It showed to him the weakness of Israel.

He fails to understand the strength of Israel and its people, and how October 7 only strengthened, not weakened, the people of Israel.

Israel as a nation suffers from what is common in every country at various times in their history. There are leaders that are good, and at other times there are leaders that are bad, arrogant, incompetent, and so forth.

Israel has lost battles during its over 75-year history.

But every Israeli knows, and October 7 only reinforced this knowledge, that if Israel loses even a single war, there is nothing that awaits them but mass rape, murder, massacres, beheadings, atrocities, genocide. 

Unlike Hamas leaders that can run and live like kings in any number of countries, including Iran, Qatar, Turkey, and elsewhere, where many of them already live, Israelis know that they only have their one small country. There is no place for them to go.

The majority population of Israel, Jews and their descendants from the middle east and North Africa, know perfectly well what life would be like if they were still living in Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, British controlled Palestine, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Iran, Lebanon and more.

October 7 only showed again that the enemies of Israel will rape, torture, behead, burn alive, mutilate and murder every Israeli they can get their hands on if given half the chance. October 7 did not weaken Israel. A people with their back to the wall are a people made strong, especially when facing an enemy that seeks their complete destruction and genocide.

Leftists And Progressives' Support For Genocide, Imperialism, Occupation And War Crimes

 Do not be fooled by the moral high ground many leftists and progressives claim. 

Murder, genocide, imperialism, war crimes, occupation, all of this is just fine with them depending strictly on who is doing the murdering, raping, war crimes, imperialism, genocide, apartheids and occupations.

Their moral outrage is defined not by the crimes, but by the identity of the perpetrators. 

They judge people based on their identity, not on their actions.

And thus, in Darfur, where Arab militias have been raping, mass murdering, occupying, committing genocide, against the native black Muslim indigenous population, there is no outcry. Not a single protest. 

On October 7, the mass murder, rape, burning people alive, beheadings, kidnappings even of babies, is denied, justified, even applauded by many, because of the identity of the perpetrators, and the identity of the victims. The left and progressive moral compass is based on identity, and not on what people do.

They do not see human beings. They only see preconceived notions of oppressed and oppressors. Personal responsibility means nothings to them.

They were and are silent about many atrocities, many of them still ongoing. This includes mass murder, atrocities and wars in Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Northern Nigeria, Myanmar, Darfur, and elsewhere, China's persecution of its Muslim minority, persecution of religious minorities and of women and girls in Iran, Afghanistan and elsewhere, just to name a few of the many places where the lives of millions are being destroyed, and where the left and progressives are completely silent.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Anti-War Advocates Call For War. Not Your 1960's Peaceniks

 Asking for war and then being outraged at the consequences of war does not make someone an anti-war activist. 

Many in the west call for more war, more violence, more resistance, knowing full well that resistance to Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and their allies means murdering, raping and kidnapping Israelis.

A true peace activist, of which there are few to none, does not have to support Israel.

But a true peace activist in no way whatsoever condones the atrocities Hamas and others from Gaza committed on October 7, which started this war. 

On October 8, Hezbollah was already attacking Israel with rockets, artillery and more. 

Instead of condemning this senseless violence, the anti Israel crowd screams for more terror and violence against Israel and its civilian population, while condemning whatever Israel does in response.

There would have been no pager explosions in Lebanon against Hezbollah, no Israeli invasion of Gaza to destroy Hamas and its terror tunnels, no civilians harmed and killed as casualties of war had there been no October 7. 

True anti-war activists want no civilians harmed because they know that civilians are always harmed by war. 

True anti-war activists want no war. They are not part of the large crowds screaming for more blood. They are not part of the large crowds complaining about genocide and the loss of civilian lives, knowing full well that Hamas and its allies are trying to commit genocide, and proved this once again on October 7. 

This is war, and civilians, including children, die in war. If true peaceniks did not want this, they would not support Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian mullahs and regime, and their allies. When these so called anti-war anti-Israel protestors get the wars they scream for, they all of a sudden pretend there is genocide when Israel responds. 

Casualties of war is not genocide. Hamas deliberately murdered defenseless civilians inside of Israel, including babies and children, and wages war while using the civilians of Gaza, including children as their human shields.

Murder, rape, kidnapping, are the right of no one. 

No true anti-war person, no true person for justice, would be out on the streets protesting anywhere on behalf of Hamas, Hezbollah and their allies. But there they are. On the streets by the millions. These advocates for violence, war, the phony resistance, and terror, make sure that they themselves are far away from the bloodshed. From their safe distances, they may be out of harms way, but they are not free of responsibility for the evil they are upholding.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sheikha Nasser, Qatar Is Not An Innocent Bystander to The Tragedy In Gaza And Afghanistan

 Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser, Qatar is not an innocent bystander to the tragedy of Gaza. Qatar has supported Hamas, the Taliban, others of the Muslim Brotherhood and more. Qatar and its government media, Al Jazeera has done everything it can for years to demonize Israel.

Hamas made it clear for decades that its goal was the destruction of Israel and genocide of its people. They showed this not only in their words and writings, but also in their actions, including the many suicide bombings targeting defenseless civilians inside of Israel.

On October 7, Hamas are the ones that started this senseless war when they massacred, raped, kidnapped, wounded, burned alive, beheaded, shot at point blank range, thousands of defenseless people, including babies, children, young people, old people and more. They took to Gaza even a baby and little boy, teenage girls and others that are completely unaccounted for. 

Hamas spent billions of dollars and years constructing tunnels for themselves to hide beneath and from which to wage war. They built nothing for the civilians above ground; not one single bomb shelter. Hamas uses the civilians and children of Gaza as their human shields. They brainwashed an entire generation of children into believing their only purpose in life is to kill Jews.

No normal human being wants this bloodshed. No normal human being wants this war. Qatar has the power to stop the war. Qatar has the power to get Hamas to release the hostages and end this war once and for all. The leadership of Hamas, most if it, has long resided in Qatar. They are multi billionaires and multimillionaires, having squandered the aid provided to Gaza to enrich themselves and build the stupid terror tunnels.

It is time for this evil to stop. 

Jews are not going to disappear from Israel because its enemies want this to be so. The myth that the end times comes when the Jews are slaughtered needs to be dispelled once and for all and recognized as the evil for which it is.

The billions of dollars Qatar spends on universities in the west to promote an anti-Israel agenda would be better spent teaching tolerance, coexistence and a future of peace where people work together to address poverty, intolerance, hate, nuclear weapons proliferation and environmental destruction that threats humanity itself.

Murder is the right of no one. Murder is a crime against humanity and God. The belief that it acceptable to murder civilians needs to be opposed once and for all. Yet this remains a core belief of Hamas and many like minded organizations.

The war must end. Not by the calls for more war, for more murder, for more atrocities, for more horror masqueraded as resistance.

You are a woman with a voice. The women and girls of Afghanistan do not have a voice at all. The girls and women of Afghanistan are completely oppressed. They have no freedom at all, and are being terribly abused. There is no powerful women such as yourself speaking on their behalf.

Qatar must not continue to incite against Israel and Jews, and ignore the cruelty and horror under the regimes Qatar supports. And inside of Qatar itself, stop the exploitation and abuse of foreign workers, the millions of foreign workers that do the work Qataris themselves refuse to do. 

No society should be built on exploitation.

No country that declares it wants no more war should continue to support the very genocidal people and organizations that thirst for more war, for murder, for genocide. 

It is not necessary for Qatar to ever open its arms to Israel. But if there is to be any hope for Israelis and Palestinian Arabs to live together without endless war, it will not be achieved by never ending incitement, demonizing, and calls for more killing.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Similarity Between Dentists And Used Car Sales People

 Dentists and used car sales people have information that most people do not have. The dentist knows what is on the inside of the mouth. The used car sales people usually know what is beneath the hood of a vehicle. People have to blindly hope that the dentist or used car sales people are honest about what they say. Unfortunately, honesty is absent far too often in both professions. 

Far too many dentists are performing procedures not because they need to be done, but because the dentist makes money from performing the procedure. Healthy teeth are being damaged and replaced with less resilient fillings, crowns or something else in procedures that can jeopardize human health, especially when they are unnecessary. 

At least the dishonest used car sales person is not unnecessarily permanently damaging tissues of a human - teeth and gums- that cannot be replaced and that can and should last a lifetime for most people.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Difference Between Greedy Dentists And Greedy Used Car Sales People

 Greedy used car sales people are interested in making a sale, and do not reveal what is wrong with a vehicle even when they know. It is not uncommon for the greedy ones to sell a lemon and pretend it is a well functioning vehicle.

Greedy dentists, of which there is no shortage perform dental work and procedures on people not because it is needed, but because they make money from these procedures.

This is the true story of a woman we will call May. May was told by a dentist that she had a broken tooth that needed a crown, and that if it was not done, the tooth would soon become infected and lost. The dentist also said she had a cavity, even though she saw a dentist 6 months prior and took good care of her teeth. She agreed to fix the alleged cavity, but not the tooth that allegedly needed a crown. 

Afterwards, she was presented with a large bill. "How can one cavity cost so much", was asked. She was told that it was a widespread deep cavity. How was it possible that in six months, she developed such a deep, widespread cavity? Because she had not. The dentist fooled her into believing a stain on the tooth was a cavity.

After several years went by, with routine visits every six months to an honest dentist who told her nothing was wrong with the tooth that supposedly was cracked and needed a crown, it was clear that the dishonest, lying, greedy dentist was wrong and that the honest dentist was right. 

Here is the difference between greedy used car sales people and greedy dentists. With the greedy used car sales person, all that is lost is money and time.

With the greedy, dishonest dentist, money and time are lost, and one more thing far worse. The greedy dentist destroys healthy teeth and healthy gum and tooth tissue that can never be replaced. A filling is never as good as an intact healthy tooth. A crown, besides being expensive, requires a tooth to be grinded down to a pulp that will never equal a healthy tooth or last as long. 

The greedy dentist destroys healthy tissue of the living human being. Even the worst greedy used car sales person does not do this kind of damage.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hamas Cult Of Child Abuse In Gaza

 The surest recipe for war is to brainwash children into hating a demonized enemy, and into believing war, killing, terror and violence is their only purpose in life. When these children grow up, there is a ready army of genocidal fanatics.

A hedonistic afterlife is promised to these children and teenagers if they murder and throw their lives away.

There is a short video called, The Road To Oct 7 Education for Jihad and Martyrdom.

Hamas and their followers brainwashed an entire generation of children into thinking their only purpose in life is to kill Jews. 

Many are the mothers whose only only demented wish for their children is that they kill Jews and sacrifice themselves in the process. 

It is not only child abuse. It is much worse.

If the aforementioned is not to be believed, then go listen to the speeches and words of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar himself, and watch the mentioned video, The Road To Oct 7  Education for Jihad and Martyrdom.

And ask yourself, even if you choose to dismiss the Hamas and Islamic Jihad massacre inside of Israel on October 7 when thousands of defenseless people, from babies, children, to the elderly, were wounded, murdered, with many being raped, kidnapped, mutilated, beheaded, burned alive, why Hamas hides in tunnels and built no bomb shelters for the civilians of Gaza. Why Sinyar openly is willing to martyr  the people of Gaza by the hundreds of thousands, but not himself and army of the brainwashed that hide in the tunnels, and that use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields and sacrificial lambs to hide behind and beneath as they wage war.

In Syria, ISIS women and their children, are kept in a large barbed wire encampment. Over 53000 people, considered by many too dangerous to be let out. 

Hamas created a monster. There can be peace. There must be peace. But genocidal Hamas, just like genocidal ISIS, cannot be allowed to control territory and destroy yet another generation of children.

The Difference Between Hamas And ISIS

 Courage is not about something physical. Strong, brave people do not need a scapegoat. They do not need a target to hate. They do not need a group of people to demonize. They do not need a target to blame. 

Strong, brave people take responsibility for their own lives. 

Weak people need to believe the Jew controls everything. It is their crutch. Weak people need to have someone to demonize. 

Hate is a seductive force. It mobilizes people around the worst of leaders, the worst of people, the worst of movements. It frees weak people from being responsible for their own lives. Strong people do not allow themselves to succumb to hate and demonizing.

The only difference between Hamas and ISIS is that Hamas targets the Jew. Even though Hamas and ISIS are genocidal organizations, only Hamas gains widespread favor because the target of their murdering, mutilation, raping, kidnapping, and derangement, is the Jew. 

It is irrelevant if someone supports Israel or not. No decent, brave human being alive should support people that rape, kidnap, mutilate and murder. History is being repeated. Instead of advancing, human beings are reverting to their most primitive and evil of forces; needing to hate, demonize, and target once again the Jew. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Silence For Dying Oceans, Wars, Poverty; Hitler's Footsteps

 Instead of worrying about their own people, their own problems, the focus of millions of people, maybe even billions, is instead on Jews and destroying their one small state.

Hitler rose to power by mobilizing people behind his demonic hatred against Jews. History shows where that led. A world war, over 70 million people killed, almost all of the Jews of Europe exterminated, millions of other people exterminated, Europe in ruin, the lives of millions upon millions of survivors permanently scarred, millions of people permanently wounded emotionally and/or physically, millions upon millions of refugees and far more adverse consequences.

Less than a century later, much of the world is determined to follow in Hitler's footsteps. This time, in an age of advanced weapons and nuclear weapons, it will not end as well as did WW2. There will be no coming back from this war. Humanity survived WW2. It will not survive this final war of extermination.

It is a war that still can be stopped. But not if extermination of the Jewish people and the destruction of their one small state continues.  Simplistic demonizing narratives have long attracted people far too easily in a world of complexity.

What is criminally tragic is that the hatred for Jews and Israel has become the focus instead of the real threats to the survival of humanity, including the collapse of biodiversity, dying oceans, mass poverty, nuclear weapons proliferation, an overheating planet, ocean acidification, environmental destruction and poisoning, brutal wars across the planet, and far more.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

One Word Why War Against Israel Never Ends

 They dress up the ugliness, their hate, their true intentions with lofty words. They tell you it is about resistance, occupation, liberation, land, colonizers, or some other lie. 

They change the history to suit their narratives, pretending that a changed history disguises and justifies their hate. If an Arab fled from Israel in 1948, when the newfound state of Israel was attacked by Arab armies and also by Arab forces inside of the new state, they will tell you it can only be because of the Jews, not because of war, even though war creates millions upon millions of refugees. 

The Jews that were persecuted and driven from their homes all over the middle east and North Africa, who with their descendants make up the majority population of Israel, are told they have no place in their one small middle east country. The Jews from Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, and other countries in the middle east, North Africa and Asia, know that nothing awaits them in those countries if Israel should fall except persecution, misery and death.

The political and religious leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Islamic Jihad, Qatar, Houthis and more tell the world over and over in their speeches, in their sermons, in their actions, that they despise Jews and want them dead. They demonize Jews in order to justify their genocidal campaign.

Hamas and those that share their beliefs want the women and children Hamas uses as human shields to be killed and wounded so that the world will blame Jews, not Hamas, and hate Jews as they do. This is why Hamas built tunnels and shelters for themselves and nothing for the civilians above ground. This is why they embed their military in schools, hospitals, mosques, apartment buildings and other civilian structures. They want civilian casualties, and do everything they can to sacrifice civilians for their demented beliefs. Unfortunately, much of the world goes along and blames Israel, not Hamas, for the civilian casualties caused by Hamas. Their support for Hamas is no different than if someone demanded the allies to ceasefire and leave Hitler in power so there would be no more German civilian casualties.

Hamas and company say over and over that they are not interested in two states. They say over and over that they want Israel destroyed and the millions of Jews living on that land wiped out.

They make it about religion. They believe they serve God by murdering Jews.

On October 7, they showed the whole world once again that they mean every one of their words. On that day, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza entered into Israel and murdered, wounded, kidnapped, raped, mutilated and tortured thousands of defenseless people, from babies to old people. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields, knowing that the world blames Israel, not them, for civilian casualties. Civilians are killed by the millions in the wars in Yemen, Syria, Congo, Myanmar, and elsewhere, and no one cares.  

Antisemitism, hatred against Jews, drives the war against Israel. Antisemitism is why if Israel cannot be blamed, no one cares about human life. 

The hatred of Jews is an ancient evil. It is not of God, even though many of the enemies of Israel make it about God. They make it clear that they do not want compromise, reconciliation, or anything other than genocide.

Unless the real driving force behind the war against Israel is recognized and completely rejected -antisemitism, hatred against Jews- there will be no end to this nightmare.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Abby Martin; Maduro, Venezuela, Hamas

 From the comfort of the United States, it is easy to have a love affair with Hamas and all of the other violent religious imperialists that murder, kidnap, and rape civilians and that use civilians as their human shields.

From the comfort of the United States, it is easy to have a love affair with the violent Maduro regime as it murders, tortures and imprisons people, including poor and working class people, average folk that no longer want to be ruled by a corrupt brutal dictator.

Venezuelans are crying for freedom. Israelis are crying for freedom from the violent religious imperialists who want to drive away and murder every Jew on the land of Israel.

It is not enough to support evil simply because you think it is opposition to the country where you live and its allies, including Israel. A country that has made you wealthy. 

You do not suffer under the hand of violent religious imperialists.

You do not suffer, as do millions of Venezuelans, under the thumb of the violent, brutal and corrupt Maduro.

Instead of appealing and pandering to your like minded crowd, stand up for what is right and speak to the average folk of Venezuela, the majority people of Venezuela, not the Maduro sycophants.

Instead of pandering and appealing to the pro Hamas crowd, why not speak to the families of hostages, the victims of Oct 7, the millions of Israelis that do not want war, that want only peace, but not by having their throats cut by Hamas and co., and not by having their daughters and sisters raped and kidnapped.

It is inexcusable for anyone to defend Hamas. 

It is inexcusable for anyone to defend Maduro.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Religious Imperialism Is A Worldwide Threat

 Those that believe in religious imperialism, expanding religion by the sword and murdering, enslaving or subjugating those that believe differently or are of a different religion, are a threat to all of humanity. The religions that are smaller in number in the crosshairs of the religious imperialists, along with the people of all religions on the frontlines where the religious imperialists are active, are at greatest threat. 

Murdering in The Name Of Religion: What Hamas Supporters Support

 As long as the goal remains to destroy Israel and murder its majority population, which happens to be Jewish, there will be no end to the war and suffering. 

Hamas murdered, raped and kidnapped defenseless people inside of Israel on October 7, starting a war. Hamas uses the civilians of Gaza as their human shields. 

This is not about supporting Israel or not supporting Israel.

It is about denying the right of anyone to murder, no matter the excuses or justifications given. 

Untold millions of people believe their religion, their politics, their beliefs, grants them the right to murder. 

Unless this reality is finally faced and opposed, there will be no end to the suffering not only for the people of Gaza and Israel and the surrounding areas, but also for the many other people across the world facing violent organizations and nations that believe religion grants them the right to murder, enslave and subjugate.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Shame On You, Shame On Who? Hamas Cheerleaders

 Hamas supporters like screaming shame on you to supporters of Israel, even though it was Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza that entered into Israel on October 7 and raped, kidnapped, murdered, beheaded, burned people alive, mutilated, and wounded thousands of mostly defenseless people of all ages, including babies and children. Hamas broke an existing ceasefire and started a war.

The shame on you screamers find no shame in that.

They find no shame that Hamas started a war, and instead of releasing the remaining hostages, keeps the war going. They find no shame in Hamas and Islamic Jihad using civilians, including children, as their human shields, and using civilian buildings, such as hospitals, schools, mosques, apartment buildings and so forth from which to wage war, store weapons, and hide. 

It is not necessary to support Israel or like Israel. But finding no shame in an organization that purposefully goes out and rapes, kidnaps, mutilates and murders civilians, and then wages war using civilians as their human shields, speaks volumes about Hamas supporters.

Millions of civilians, including countless children, have died in the wars in Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, the Congo region, Mali, Northern Nigeria, Myanmar, and many more places, without shame on you voices screaming, or even whispering anywhere.

The ongoing genocide in Darfur, where Arab militias are murdering indigenous black Muslim people and raping women and girls, receives no shame on you calls. 

If you cannot blame the Jew, it does not matter how many millions are killed. No one cares.

Why The Houthis Are Heroes to Many

 The Houthis are heroes to many not because they vigorously fight against child marriage. In fact, they and their allies, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and others fight for the opposite. They want child marriage. Houthi militiamen also take female children from civilian families into forced marriages with Houthis.

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because of their treatment of women and respect for women's rights. In fact, it is the opposite.

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they protect the environment. It is the opposite, including Houthi deliberate attacks on ships and the damage this does to the Red Sea, coral reefs and environment.   

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they have done everything they can to promote peace in Yemen. In fact, they have done the opposite. Hundreds of thousands of people have already died because of the war, including thousands upon thousands of children. Many people have been killed by Houthi deliberate attacking and killing civilians in Yemen.

The Houthis and their allies, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iranian regime, Hezbollah, are not heroes because they are at the forefront of an effort to establish peace and co existence with those of a different religion. In fact, they are the opposite. They despise Jews and want them murdered. 

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they do everything they can to end poverty and the suffering poverty causes. In fact, everywhere they and their allies go, poverty follows and increases. 

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they have ended malnutrition and starvation in Yemen and elsewhere. In fact, they are the cause of increased malnutrition and starvation with their endless wars and violent fanaticism.

Everywhere the Houthis and their like minded allies go, including Hamas, Iranian regime, Hezbollah and others, there is poverty, corruption, leaders that enrich themselves in the millions and billions from their corruption, leaders that steal foreign aid, violence, war, intolerance towards certain religious minorities, intolerance towards people that believe differently, collapsed governments and economies, misery.

All the Houthis have to do is shoot some rockets into Israel, or send some drones in order to kill some Jews, and all of a sudden they are heroes in the eyes of millions.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah; What They Want And What Resistance Means To them

This is not about land, occupation, settlers, or anything else except for one thing. 

It is about killing Jews. 

They do not hide this. Hamas openly declares in their charter, in their words, and their actions that they exist to kill Jews. 

The October 7 massacre inside of Israel - murdering, raping, kidnapping, wounding, beheading, burning people alive, mutilating defenseless people of all ages - is what Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Iranian regime, Hezbollah, and all of their supporters want to achieve over and over.

Hezbollah and the rest like to dress up their genocidal ambitions to murder Jews with lofty words like resistance and martyrdom. When Jews fight back and do not submit to their genocidal ambitions, Hezbollah and the others consider fighting against Jews who do not want to be murdered as resistance. When their brainwashed soldiers die in the effort to commit genocide against the Jews, they consider them martyrs.

The Iranian regime, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and all of the other genocidal murdering thieves that steal from their own people, hide behind civilians that they use as human shields, exist solely to murder Jews and keep their own people brainwashed by uniting them behind an enemy to hate and a false God of gore and violence to worship. 

Not facing the truth does not resolve wars and conflicts. This conflict is about murdering Jews. Facing this truth does not mean unconditional support for Israel. It does mean looking the genocidal in the eye and not letting them continue in the footsteps of Hitler.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Land Excuse To Murder

 There are many that believe that they have the right to murder if they accuse their enemy of stealing their land, no matter how many years, decades or centuries have passed. They assert, you stole our land, so we get to murder you into perpetuity. This is the thinking of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and many others. Even if this claim were true, which it is not, it does not justify murder.

Far more lands were stolen from the Jews of the middle east and North Africa, who with their descendents are the majority population of Israel, than lands lost by Arabs, now called Palestinians, that fled from Israel in 1948 during a time of war when Israel was attacked from all sides, including from within.

The lands of Jews and of many other people throughout the world have been stolen. They do not use that as an excuse to murder. The people of many different religions and ethnicities have had lands stolen, and do not use that as an excuse to murder. 

If people cannot agree that no one has the right to deliberately harm civilians, and that no one has the right to murder, no matter the excuse or justification given, then there is no hope for humanity.

Furthermore, the sins of the past are not inherited sins giving people the right to endlessly harm and murder the descendents of the accused. If sins of the past are the latest excuse for murder, then no one in the world is safe. The lands of native people all over North America, South America, Australia, Africa, Asia, and elsewhere have been stolen, and they are not out murdering.

It has not only been Europeans that have been imperialistic, stolen lands, occupied, settled, colonized, and murdered native populations. It has also been Arabs, Turks and others.

If land is used as the excuse to murder, then there is no one people that has a monopoly on this demented excuse.

Many people have grievances and have had suffered injustices, including having lands taken.  

But no one, without exception, has the right to murder. Not over claims of land or anything else.

Murder is the right of no one.

Israelis, Over 75 Year History Of Facing Annihilation

Many Israelis are a traumatized people. They have experienced since the very founding of the state, a concerted effort to destroy their one small Jewish majority state in the world. In 1948, when the UN recognized the new state of Israel, Arab armies attacked the tiny state from all sides. Arabs forces living inside of Israel also attacked. Jews won the war, but it did not stop there.

It has been an over 75 year history of constant wars to destroy Israel and constant terrorist attacks to murder Israeli civilians. It has been over 75 years of rocket attacks, missile attacks, suicide bombers sent in wave after wave by Hamas,Islamic Jihad and others, shootings, stabbings, kidnappings, cars and trucks deliberately driven into civilians, bombs placed in supermarkets, on roads, in buses, and far more. 

The effort by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and others determined to destroy Israel, provides nothing but continued trauma and misery to Israeli and Palestinian Arab alike.


Friday, July 12, 2024

Qatar Is A Leftist Paradise

 Qatar is a country that relies on imported exploited foreign workers. It is a country that exports religious intolerance, hate and violence. Many of the foreign workers are poorly paid, poorly treated, and housed in substandard conditions. It is not uncommon for some exploited workers to be underpaid for what was promised, or not to be paid at all. Foreign workers that are women are vulnerable and risk being raped and sexually abused.

Qatar has lots of money from their oil and gas reserves. With big money comes big silence. 

Qatar deflects all eyes away from themselves and on to the target of their hate. Their government controlled powerful media arm, Al Jazeera, ensures there is endless propaganda directed against Israel and no criticism ever of Qatar. 

Qatar gives billions to American universities and other institutions. They want a world receptive to their hate and intolerance.

Qatar will support practically any terrorist movement, as long as they are against Israel.

In countries that lack the oil wealth of Qatar, but follow the same religious fanaticism that Qatar loves to export, there is widespread child marriage, complete suppression of women, prison or death to homosexuals, and no tolerance for religious minorities. Intolerance in countries without oil guarantees these countries are mired in poverty. 

Hamas leaders, multi millionaires and multi billionaires, live like kings in Qatar. Qatar is paradise for the super rich, no matter how much chaos they create in other parts of the world. 

Super rich Qatar doors are not open to the many millions of Muslims fleeing wars, famines, poverty, including Rohingyas, Uyghyurs, Arabs from Syria, Yemen, Gaza and elsewhere, black Muslims from Darfur, and more. Only the super rich need apply. The poor can come but only to do the work Qataris are too lazy to do themselves. And when Qatar is through exploiting them, they must go.

Qatar's money is spent on spreading hate and intolerance, not on alleviating poverty, or promoting tolerance and peace.

It does not matter to the leftists how exploited are the workers inside of Qatar, or how much hate and intolerance Qatar exports overseas. They love Qatar because Qatar hates who they hate. 

Roger Waters, Fake Tears for Palestine

 When Arabs kill Arabs by the millions, such as in the vicious wars in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere,  there are no Roger Waters shedding tears or in the least bit concerned,

In the ongoing genocide in Darfur, in which Arab militias are raping and slaughtering indigenous black Muslims, there are no Roger Waters shedding tears.

The only thing that moves the Roger Waters of the world to their fake tears is if the Arabs now called Palestinian are getting killed by Jews because of the war Hamas started. 

What is unfortunate is that many Palestinian Arabs mistakenly do not see that many of their supporters could care less about them, and are only interested out of hatred for Jews.

One day, Israelis and Palestinian Arabs must learn to live with one another, and no longer let hate mongers that have no skin in the game other than to see other people shed blood that is not their own control the narratives.

Roger Waters tells Israelis to go back to Europe. Millions of Israelis are born on the soil of Israel and have no connection to Europe. And of the these many millions, most are the descendants of parents, grandparents and great grand parents of Jews that are from the middle east, Asia and Africa, not Europe. 

Roger Waters insists no rape took place on October 7, when Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others kidnapped, raped, wounded and murdered thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel. He does not deny that murder took place. Murdering Jews is fine with him. Just do not accuse the murderers of being rapists. That makes him angry.

People driven by hate for Jews pretend to care about Palestinian Arabs. Their tears are fake, as is their concern.  


Abby Martin And The Depravity Of the Oct 7 Rape Denial Movement

 In Darfur, where there is mass rape and murder by Arab militias against the native black Muslim population, there are no so called progressives or leftists raising a voice. They could care less because  Israel cannot be condemned or blamed. This genocide is occurring now. 

The killing in Yemen, in the Congo region, in Syria, in Myanmar, in many other places, also receives silence.

To the leftists and progressives, their politics, not people, is all that matters. 

When women and girls are being raped, when people are being murdered, they have no interest unless the targets of their hate can be blamed.

Arabs killing Arabs, Arabs killing blacks, blacks killing blacks, are of no interest to the leftists because the ones doing the killing are not on their list of who can be blamed or held responsible. 

The leftists want the world to believe there is genocide in Gaza. There is war in Gaza, in which Israel is fighting an enemy in a densely populated area in which Hamas and Islamic Jihad use civilians as their human shields. The leftists want this war to be considered genocide so that they can continue to ignore every real genocide and unjust war where the object of their hate and scorn cannot be blamed.

The leftists and progressive hatred for Israel, for Jews, has reached a new level of depravity. They have become the deniers of rape. Others are the defenders of rape, believing that rape and murder are justified under the guise of resistance.

They know that on October 7, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza, went into Israel and wounded and slaughtered thousands of defenseless people, men, women, children, babies. They know that hundreds of people were taken hostage, from a baby, children, to the very old.

They do not dispute any of this because they cannot. Even Hamas videotaped the slaughter. They may  try to justify the slaughter, but they cannot deny it.

What many on the the left vigorously dispute is that there was rape and sexual violence on October 7. 

They have inexplicably coupled their claims of genocide with their need to disprove that rape and sexual violence occurred. 

Their politics, including defaming and demonizing Israel, are more important to them than actual rape victims. 

They believe that they can deny rape occurred on October 7, in that almost every girl and women that was raped was also murdered. Many bodies were also set on fire by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They assume incorrectly that without living witnesses, they have an additional way to discredit Israel by asserting rape is a false claim made by Israel. As it turns out, there are some survivors and witnesses to the rape and sexual violence, and enormous forensic evidence.

It is not necessary to support Israel or Israel's war in Gaza in order to believe there was rape. It is the height of depravity to deny rape occurred simply out of hatred for Israel. No matter how much someone hates Israel, human beings still live inside of Israel and no human being anywhere should be subject to rape and sexual abuse. 

Many of the leftists and progressives that fancy themselves journalists or reporters are nothing more than propagandists. The mass murders on October 7 Sparks no outrage in them. They are only animated about disproving rape.

 Leftists and progressives deny the existence of rape not because they have evidence to support their claim, but only because they have carefully crafted political narratives that they eagerly protect. They put their politics above people.  They deny that rape occurred on Oct 7 because blaming Israel is more important to them than what happens to living human beings. For all of the other mass rapes, in Darfur, in the Congo, in Myanmar, in Syria, in Iran against women dissidents, and elsewhere, they are silent because if there is not Israel to demonize, they could care less.