Saturday, May 25, 2024

Israel's Majority, Brown, Black And Their Resistance

Where Jews had lived for centures, and in many cases, for thousands of years, they are no more.

For thousands of years before Islam came into being, Jews lived throughout the lands of the middle east, Asia and Africa. They lived on the Arabian penisula, now known as Saudi Arabia, before being driven out or slaughtered in the 7th century. 

Jews lived in Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Libya,Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Mali, Sudan, Iran, and more. In only a few of these countries are there tiny numbers of Jews left. 

Many of these countries expelled their Jewish populations. In other countries, the conditions were so bad for Jews that they fled the persecution. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were ethnically cleansed or fled from persecution from lands where they had lived for centuries, even for thousands of years.

There were massacres of Jews in British controlled Palestine, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Syria and more.

Jews lost lands and properties far greater in size than what is the entire state of Israel. A far greater number of Jews fled from Arab majority lands to Israel than the number of Arabs, now called Palestinian, that fled from Israel during the 1948 war when Arab armies and Arab forces inside of the new found state of Israel attacked Israel.

The Jews from Arab majority lands and their descendents now form the majority population of Israel.

There are also Jews in Israel from other African and Asian countries, including Ethiopia, India and elsewhere. 

Brown and black skinned Jews make up the majority population of Israel.

Throughout the west, there are protests for the Jews to leave Israel and return to Europe. 

There is the simplistic, racist narrative that Jews are Europeans, and therefore are white oppressors, and that they must return to Europe. 

The thing about a lie is that when it is repeated over and over, it starts being believed. 

Israel has been a UN recognized nation for over 75 years. Most Israelis were born on that soil. Most Israelis are not Jews whose ancestors lived in Europe. And for those Jews whose parents or grandparents survived the holocaust, and who were born and raised in Israel, Europe is nothing but a graveyeard for the Jews and not a place to ever return.

And why would they want to? Europe is full of immigrants from the middle east and North Africa raised on hatred for Jews. There is also the many centuries old hatred for Jews in Europe that still exists to this day, despite the holocaust and long history of persecution Jews experienced in Europe.

For the majority of Israelis, born on the soil of Israel whose parents or grandparents originated from places like Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria and elsewhere, they know that there is nothing for them in those countries but death, persecution or enslavement. 

For the Jews who originated in British controlled Palestine, or whose parents or grandparents originated in British controlled Palestine, they remember the massacres against the 1929 massacre of the Jews of Hebron, and the history of terror, pogroms and attacks against the Jews of Palestine by Arabs.

Contrary to the false narrative, Israel's history is an over 75 year old resistance to being exterminated. It is not a history of occupation and oppression, but instead a history of resisting oppression, persecution, and genocide.  

The Nakba and ethnic cleansing of the Jews of the middle east and North Africa is ignored to this day. 

They tried to wipe out the Jews of Palestine prior to 1948. They tried to wipe out Israel and exterminate its Jews in 1948, and in all of the years since, including the 1967 war, the 1973 war, the intifidas, the wave after wave of Hamas and Islamic Jihad suicide bombings, deliberately driving vehicles into pedestrians, stabbing civilians on the streets, shooting civilians, the October 7 massacre, and more.

The millions of brown and black skinned Jews in Israel, Israel's majority population, are an indigenous people to Israel and to the middle east, and are not naive like the mass protestors in the west who are enamored of Hamas and the genocide and extermination Hamas seeks. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Morally Bankrupt Support For Rape And Murder Against Israelis And Jews

No matter the excuse given, whether it is occupation, resistance, oppression, apartheid, nonnative, anti-Zionism, settlers, victims, oppressors, or something else, nothing ever gives anyone the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder.

There are no exceptions to this most basic of moral codes. 

The anti-Israel crowd believes that by demonizing Israel or Jews, kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder becomes acceptable. 
The anti-Israel crowd believes a dehumanized, demonized people have no rights.

The Nazis believed the same thing.

No one that supports, justifies, approves or defends kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder is worth one second of anyone's time. Yet there they are, professors, teachers, religious figures, politicians, media figures, all kinds of people in all kinds of positions, with voices and platforms. The fact that many of these morally bankrupt people are followed and lauded by many shows how blind is hate and obession, and how little was learned from the holocaust and WW2. 

No matter the people, no matter the cause, no matter the grievance or injustice, past or present, real or not, nothing ever justifies the evil of kidnapping, rape, mutilation, torture, murder and other crimes against humanity.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mobs For Hamas And The Right To Rape And Murder

 No matter how many millions or billions of people justify kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder, arguing that exceptions are made for resistance, occupation, or something else, it does not change the fact that these are evil acts that are always wrong, and must always be opposed.

Instead, millions of people believe that even the worst cruel and evil acts that humans can commit are acceptable as long as they are directed against the target of their hate.

When people believe it is their right to kidnap, rape and murder, there ceases to be any middle ground of compromise.

Nothing in the world,including the many false arguments made against Israel regarding indigenous, colonizing, occupation, apartheid or anything else, erases the fact that no one ever has the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder. Even if all these accusations and defamation were true, which they are not, it still does not erase the fact that no one, without exception ever, has the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder.

The enemies of Israel want people to believe that this is their right. Millions of their supporters happily go along with this.

They miss the most fundamental moral code of humanity, that no one ever has the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder, and that there are no exceptions ever.

No matter how many millions or billions believe exceptions are made based on religion, politics, or something else, wrong and evil still remain wrong and evil.

The fact that millions march in the west in defense of Hamas and Islamic Jihad raping, kidnapping and murdering, or at the very least cannot bring themselves to condemn these crimes, is a bad sign for the days to come.

Whether or not someone likes Israel, hates Israel, supports Israel or does not Support Israel is not even the issue anymore more.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Gaza, Darfur, Children, War And Genocide

 There is war and genocide in the Sudan, especially in the Darfur region. 

There is genocide in Darfur against the black indigenous Muslim population, including by Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and their allied Arab militias. In El Geneina, a city in Western Darfur, thousands of Massalit and other non Arab residents were slaughtered. RSF forces and their allies raped women and girls. They murdered in cold blood civilians of all ages. They murdered children, parents, babies. Bodies were thrown into the river.

From that one city alone, hundreds of thousands of people that survived the massacres fled and are now refugees.

Hundreds of thousands of people, children and babies included, have been slaughtered from the deliberate targeting of indigenous black populations in Darfur. Rape is used as a weapon of war to shame and degrade the Masalit and other native people. 

The refugees from Darfur and the people still in Darfur face starvation. 

The deaths of hundreds of thousands of people have not been the result of casualties of war, but from the deliberate targeting and murdering of civilians of all ages. Thousands upon thousands of women and girls have been raped. Millions of people fleeing the ethnic cleansing and genocide are refugees.

This genocide continues to be ignored. 

Reporters, journalists and propagandists (which are often one and the same) like to cover wars that fit their political and religious narratives, and in which only the targets they despise and want demonized can be blamed.

Furthermore, the Sudan is a war and genocide that cannot be covered where reporters and propagandists can luxuriate in first class, comfortable hotels, so they decline to go there. 

The anti-Israel mobs like to virtue signal their concern for the children of Gaza. If they cannot virtue signal, or use children and claims of genocide in order to demonize Israel, they are not interested. This is why they are silent about the genocide in Darfur. This is why they are silent about the deliberate attacking and slaughtering of children and other civilians not only in Darfur, but also in Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Northern Nigeria, Myanmar, Democratic Republic Of The Congo, and in many other places.

If they cared about children, they would insist Hamas release the hostages, including the Israeli baby and four year old child kidnapped and still held in captivity. They would demand that Hamas and Islamic Jihad stop waging war from densely populated areas. They would demand that Hamas and Islamic Jihad stop using the civilians and children of Gaza as their human shields. They would demand that Hamas and Islamic Jihad be held accountable for building tunnels to protect only themselves and from which to wage war, while leaving the civilians above ground without even a single bomb shelter. They would demand Hamas and Islamic Jihad stop indoctrinating children into believing their only purpose in life is to murder Jews. They would demand an end to the genocidal ambitions of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Iran and others, in which they openly declare in their words, actions and in their charters their intention to destroy Israel and wipe out its Jewish population. They would demand accountability for the Oct 7 attack against thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel, from babies to old people, in which people were wounded, kidnapped, raped, burned alive, beheaded, mutilated, murdered in all kinds of horrific ways.

They would not continue to show the world that they could care less about children and genocide, including the millions of children harmed and murdered by wars, genocide and terror raging across the globe, as long as Israel or Jews are not involved and cannot be blamed and demonized.

They would stop trivializing the meaning of genocide, and conflating genocide with war itself. Civilians and children are always casualties of war when war is waged in densely populated areas by combatants or terrorists that hide behind and beneath civilians, and that use civilians as their human shields. 

The simple fact is that because there is not the Jew or Israel to blame, no one cares about the children,  raped women and girls, and genocide now taking place in Darfur.

That is why in the killing fields in Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, Northern Nigeria, Somalia, the Congo region, and in a thousand other places, no matter how many babies and children are slaughtered, there is nothing but silence.

The meaning of genocide has been perversely altered to mean only acts of war by Israel in which civilians are not deliberately targeted and are the casualties of war against terrorists who use civilians as their human shields. If Israel cannot be blamed, then the deliberate targeting of civilians, including of specific ethnic or religious groups, either receives approval and celebration, such as the approval and celebration by many for the October 7 Hamas and Islamic Jihad atrocities, or it receives silence, such as the silence for Darfur.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Trashing Israel Is Big Business

 The best thing for every theocratic regime and dictatorship is Israel. Focusing on Israel keeps all eyes away from themselves.

Entire corrupt and brutal governments, such as Turkey, Qatar, Iran, Russia and more, support worldwide, lucrative and powerful government sponsored medias that are filled with nonsense and anti Israel hate. 

Focusing on anti Israel vitriol brings money, mobs, followers, and helps indoctrinate people and mold them into the sheep that the sponsoring governments desire. 

Without Israel to trash, lazy, demented men and women that are earning handsome sums of money on the Israel bashing train, would be penniless. 

Without Jews to hate, Hitler would have lived and died in obscurity, as a fringe lunatic, instead of the demonic monster he turned out to be by the power given to him to act on his demented desires. 

Jew hate and Israel bashing is big business. But it does nothing to help or heal the world, let alone the actual conflict between Israel and Palestinian Arabs.

Israel is the world's scapegoat. No one possessed by this hate feels the need to do anything productive to make the world a better place. They only have to indulge in their hate and demonizing and be part of the mindless anti-Israel mobs like blind sheep.

The killing fields of Darfur, Myanmar, the Congo Region, Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Northern Nigeria, and many more places harmed by war and terror, the mass excruciating poverty in the world for hundreds of millions of people, oceans heating and dying and the environmental degradation and destruction that is making life unlivable for hundreds of millions of people, all of this and more will never be addressed. This is because of the obsession, manipulation and greed of the anti-Israel crowd that wants everyone focused on despising and demonizing Israel and Jews alone, and ignoring everything else going on in the world. How easy it is for demented, demonic people and countries to focus lights on Israel and Jews alone so that no light is every shined on themselves.

How shameful it is for millions to go along with this, and ignore all the wars, brutal and corrupt governments, mass poverty, and environmental destruction that is destroying the lives of hundreds of millions of people. 

Do Not Go To A College Or University For An Education

 The only reason to go to college or to a university is because the job you want for your future requires it.

Certain professions, for example, like teaching, nursing, accounting, engineering, medicine, dentistry, require formal schooling.

If the job you want does not require going to a college or university, then there is absolutely no reason to go. 

The only ones served by the mantra that college and universities are important are the overpaid professors and administrators of these schools. They need students to help pay for their bloated salaries and support their lazy, do nothing positions. 

With few exceptions, tenured university professors especially are a lazy, shiftless lot.

Even worse, many of them do not know the first thing about education.

They only know indoctrination. 

Do not put yourself in debt to feed these useless ideologues.

Billions of foreign money, much of it from overseas oil rich theocratic regimes, pour into American Universities, hoping to groom the next generation of sheep like mobs that blindly follow their beliefs. 

For the many useless professors that parrot from books, and that have nothing original or creative to add, it is better to stay away from them and just read books on your own and not support these clowns.

Reading challenging books and travel will provide a far better education than what almost all American colleges and universities provide. This includes those schools falsely considered elitist and prestigious. 

The U.S. government especially and private donors must stop funding any school receiving money from foreign governments. 

Professors must stop parroting from books. They must learn how to be creative and engaging.

All those that indoctrinate must be thrown out, tenured or not.

Tenure must cease to exist. No one is entitled to a lifetime of job security no matter how lazy, incompetent and indoctrinating they might be. The only job security anyone should have is one based on skill and competence.

The best thing young people can do is not go to any of these schools. Read books, travel, be curious about the world around. Learn a trade. Only go to one of these cesspools of laziness and indoctrination when the job you want requires it.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Free Palestine, The Racist Call For Genocide

 Free Palestine sounds like a liberation. But for the millions of Jews living between the river to the sea, and that form the majority population of Israel, it is a call for their murder. 

Free Palestine is a racist call that completely dismisses the lives and well being of the millions of Israelis that are Jewish and whose lives are imperiled by the so called liberators that want them raped, enslaved and murdered.

They do not want the liberation that Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Hezbollah, and their millions of  supporters seek. They know full well what it means. October 7 showed exactly what Free Palestine means to Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others: kidnapping, raping, beheading, burning alive, mutilating, murdering as many defenseless people inside of Israel that they can get their hands on.

The majority population of Israel are brown and black skinned Jews from the middle east, Asia and Africa, including Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Mali, Sudan, Lebanon, Iran, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, British controlled Palestine and many more places. Many of these Jews were persecuted and driven out from lands where they lived for many centuries, even thousands of years in some places. Everyone knows that for these Jews, and for the millions of Jews born on the soil of Israel over the past 75 years of Israel's existence as a state, and for all the Jews living there, nothing but rape, torture, slavery, murder, mutilation and genocide awaits them if they lose even one war.

 Creating a Jew free Palestine, murdering and driving out millions of Israelis that are Jewish, is not freedom. It is not liberation. It does not free Palestine.

If there is to be a Palestine, a country that never existed before, it cannot be built on the graves of Jews.

Quick Guide To Identifying Anti-Semiticism (Jew Hate)

A fundamental rule of Jew hate is that the Jew is blamed for everything, past, present and into the future. Even the demonic Hitler blamed the Jews right until the end, taking responsibility for absolute nothing despite his incompetence, mass murdering, cruelty, arrogance, and demented personality that millions followed because of his pathological hatred for Jews. His actions and those of his many followers led to a holocaust, Europe destroyed, over 70 million killed, including over 40 million civilians, millions of refugees, and millions of people permanently wounded and scarred for life.  

Jew hate has driven the over 75 year war to destroy Israel. Jew hate dictates that no matter what the enemies of Israel do or do not do, only Israel is be blamed. And thus, Hamas and Islamic Jihad that started a war, that kidnapped, raped, murdered, mutilated thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel, that use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields, are not held accountable or responsible. 

It is legitimate to criticize and oppose the government of Israel and its policies. Supporting the goals of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran and others to destroy Israel is nothing more than supporting genocide.


Abby Martin Or Mossab Yousef On Hamas And Morality

Who knows more about Hamas, Abby Martin or Mossab Yousef?

Who defends those that deliberately attack and harm civilians, including kidnapping, raping and murdering, and who opposes this? 

Who has jumped to the defense of the October 7 kidnappers,rapists, mutilators and slaughtering of people inside of Israel?

Who has served as a propagandist for the brutal Venezuela regime and their massive cronyism, corruption and destruction of the Venezuelan economy and social structure? 

Who defends some of the most reactionary forces on the planet, despite being considered a leftist, including those that attacked the United States on Sept. 11?

Absolutely nothing ever changes the fact that kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder are always wrong. A person's politics or religious persuasion does not give anyone the right to cherry pick exceptions allowing for rape, kidnapping and murder..

The so called leftists that believe their politics trump basic morality are contributing to a world washed in war, blood and misery. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Blame And Defame The Jew That Keeps Hate, Terror And War Alive

 The hatred against Jews is ancient, evil and obsessive. It is like an addiction or disease that many people cannot resist. The Jew hater needs the Jew to hate, and by extension, their one small country.

If enough feces is thrown against a wall, some of it will eventually stick. The Jew haters throw accusation after accusation against Jews and Israel, hoping that at least some of it will stick. And if it does not, then they go on to other accusations and defamation. 

Because the Jew is blamed by the Jew hater for everything bad and everything hated and despised, anyone opposed to the Jew gets a free pass to do whatever they want without accountability, including kidnapping, rape and murder.

For the Jew haters, non Jews are victims of the Jew, not people with free will. Anyone against the Jew is therefore a victim. This is made worse by the added simplistic incorrect narrative many people have that victims are always right, even when violent, cruel and wrong.

In this era of false political correctness, victims and oppressors are categorized by skin color, skin pigmentation, native or not native, colonizer or colonized, oppressed and oppressors, even though these labels are weaponized and grossly incorrect not only when it comes to Jews. These incorrect narratives are used as an entire new set of reasons to hate, demonize and dehumanize Jews and Israelis.

Jew hate is a form of evil, an obsession that few possessed by it have the courage and moral clarity to break from. 

And so, in a time of enormous environmental degradation, wars, mass poverty, nuclear weapons, biodiversity collapse, cruel theocratic governments, oppressive regimes, global warming, dying oceans, toxic poisoning of the environment and more, millions choose to ignore all of this and continue to focus their hate and energy on a tiny minority population and their already beleaguered nation. 

Blessed are the peacemakers, it is said, but instead, those that incite, demonize, advocate for more war, violence, hate and terror, hold center stage.

Jew, Arab and others live on a small piece of land. The way forward is not for more of the same hate, demonizing, violence and terror that has dominated for the past century and more. Israelis, Palestinian Arabs, everyone, needs to be freed from the bondage of hate, intolerance,war, violence and terror.

The Left's Conditional Approval Of Rape And Murder

 The left and many so called progressives defend rape and murder, as long as it is committed against Jews and Israelis, and as long as it is committed by those the left considers downtrodden victims.

Besides the harm they have already caused by their pandering, lowered standards for those considered victims, they are actively increasing hate and violence by their constant incitement and failure to hold everyone to the most basic of moral standards.

No amount historical context nonsense justifies or excuses kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder. 

No past or present grievance or injustice excuses or justifies kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder. 

Resistance is used as the pretense to justify rape and murder. 

Kidnapping, raping, mutilating and murder are not resistance. 

Good and evil have not ceased to exist.

No one anywhere ever has the right to deliberately attack and harm civilians. No one ever has the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The War Against Israel Is About Genocide

 The war against Israel is different than other wars, past or present, with few exceptions, in that the goal of the enemies of Israel is extermination and complete destruction of the state. Even the allies that won WW2, which was all out war that caused the death of well over 70 million people, and over 40 million civilians, did not harbor the genocidal goals that Israel faces. 

The goal of the allies was the destruction of Hitler and the Nazi regime, and German and Japanese war machine. The goal was not the extermination of the German and Japanese people. Not once was the goal the forced removal of the Japanese or Germans, or their removal by genocide.

In the Vietnam war, the goal of the Americans was to stop the spread of communism, not to exterminate the North Vietnamese population. The goal of the North Vietnamese was to unite South and North Vietnam under one communist government, not exterminate the people of South Vietnam. In all of the recent wars, including the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, the Russian war against Ukraine, the goals may be misguided and wrong, but they are not extermination. The bloody civil war in the United States, the revolutionary war, WW1, the Spanish American war, and countless other wars, have been painful, bloody, but not wars in which one side or the other faces complete destruction and genocide.

Jews lived thoughout the middle east and North Africa, including in British controlled Palestine. They faced persecution before and after Israel became a state in 1948. In 1929, Jews were massacred in Hebron. In the years before and after 1929, in a number of other places in British controlled palestine, there were massacres of Jews. There were massacres of Jews not only in British controlled Palestine  but also in Iraq, Libya, Yemen and in many other places in the middle east and North Africa. During the Nazi era, over 90 per cent of the Jewish population of Europe, over 6 million people, were wiped out. When Israel became a UN recognized nation in 1948, Israel was attacked by Arab armies, and also by Arab forces inside of the new state. Israel won the war. After Israel won the war, many Jews throughout other countries in the middle east and North Africa were forced to flee for their lives to Israel. A greater number of Jews were forced to flee to Israel as refugees, leaving behind their lands and properties, than the number of Arabs that fled from Israel during the war. 

The debate as to why Arabs, now called Palestinians, fled from Israel continues to this day. Wars create refugees. People flee war to be out of harm's way. The narrative that all of the Arabs that fled from Israel in 1948 were forced out is untrue. Arabs inside of Israel that did not fight against Jews, or heed the call by Egypt and other Arab countries to leave Israel while they slaughtered Jews, now make up over 20 per cent of the citizens of Israel with equal and full rights as Jews. 

The forced expulsion of a greater number of Jews from Arab lands than the number of Arabs that fled from Israel continues to be ignored to this day. The Jews that fled from Arab majority lands and their descendents now constitute the majority population of Israel. 

Regardless of the narrative that is believed, no grievance, no injustice from the past or present, justifies or excuses terror and deliberately harming civilians.

Before Israel became a state and after, the goal was to exterminate the Jews. The goal was no different than what Hitler sought. When Israel became a state in 1948, the attacking Arab armies made clear their goal to destroy the new state and exterminate Jews.

This goal of destroying Israel and wiping out its Jewish majority population continues to this day. Hamas openly declares this goal in their words and in their charter. On October 7, Hamas and Islamic Jihad and others showed the world what they will do to defenseless Jews if given the chance; kidnap, rape, mutilate, murder. Thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel, from babies to the old, were wounded, raped, kidnapped, beheaded, burned alive and other atrocities on that day.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad brag that they want death, they want martyrs, as they use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields to hide behind and beneath. Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders, just like Iranian leaders and others sworn to wipe out Israel, are willing to sacrifice the civilians of Gaza, but not themselves.

As long as the goal remains to destroy Israel and exterminate its Jewish population, there will be no resolution to the war. 

If the war was about changing the government of Israel, or about land, it would be resolved. Because it continues to be about extermination of the Jews of Israel, it has no resolution. 

If someone truly cares about Arab lives, or lives in general, whether it be of Jews, Arabs or another people, they would not support the genocidal goals of anyone. 

There is no compromise with an enemy that wants you dead, no matter how many of their own children they are willing to sacrifice in order to achieve that demonic goal. Sadly, millions of people support Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the corrupt mullahs of Iran, using the pretense that it is Israel committing genocide, when they ignore or know full well that it is Israel that faces genocide. The fact that Israel is stronger than its enemies does not mean that Israel is wrong, or that the threat Israel faces of genocide is not real. The threat Israel faces today is no different than what it was over 75 years ago. Israel's enemies can lose many wars. If Israel loses one war, it will be wiped out and the Jewish majority population of Israel will be exterminated. 

Because hatred against Jews continues to be widespread, the goals of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and others to destroy Israel and commit genocide is broadly supported. No different than how people gladly embraced Hitler. History shows where that led. This time, the hatred against Jews is often less overt, and finds cover under the pretense of concern for Palestinian Arabs.

The people truly concerned about Palestinian Arab lives will want no more bloodshed. The only way for this war to finally end is for hate, demonizing, inciting, and the pursuit of genocide to finally end. Jews, Arabs, and all of the other peoples on that small land, must find a future together that is no longer absorbed with hate, violence, war, extermination, and terror.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Kidnapping, Raping, Murdering Is Supported By Millions In These Twisted times

 If Israel was a country no larger than one or two square miles, or two or three  kilometers, it would not bring peace and it would not stop the war. The demands of the enemies of Israel are absolute. There can be no Israel period. None of the enemies of Israel hide this fact. They openly declare their goal to completely destroy Israel and annihilate its Jewish population. This includes Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Hezbollah, and more. 

No how much or how often Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the other enemies kidnap, rape, murder, defenseless civilians inside of Israel, from babies to old people, those that hate and despise Jews will find a way to blame the Jews and free the rapists, kidnappers and murderers of Jews from accountability or any responsibility. 

October 7 showed the true colors of these rapists, kidnappers and murderers, and the millions in the west that support them and their crimes. 

It did not start on October 7, although October 7 was the worst pogrom since World War 2. 

Prior to Israel becoming a state, Arabs, their descendants now called Palestinian, attacked Jews living throughout British controlled Palestine. There was the Hebron massacre in 1929 and many more massacres of Jews throughout Palestine and other places in the middle east and North Africa where sizable numbers of Jews lived.

Throughout the more than 75 years of Israel's existence, there has been constant deliberate attacks against civilians, including the waves of Hamas and Islamic Jihad suicide bombers into Israel. Israel withdrew from Gaza, and hoped that the fences and barriers separating Gaza from Israel would be enough to protect Israeli civilians.

Hamas said over and over their goal is to murder Jews. They spent years preparing for this terrible war that is now unfolding. They built tunnels to protect themselves, and deliberately left the civilians of Gaza without protection and to be used as their human shields. 

It does not matter what Israel does or does not do. 

These are fanatical people that use religion to promote their death cult, and to justify kidnapping, rape, murder, torture and other atrocities.

Their many supporters in the west, full of demonic hate for Jews and Israel, consistently come to the defense of a bunch of rapist, kidnappers and murderers. They hide their hate, often behind twisted political or religious ideologies, often unwilling to outright admit they are no different than the Jew haters that supported Hitler. 

Hamas is a death  cult; a murdering, raping cult. This is who self righteous ideologues in the west defend. It needs to be called for what it is. No one has to support or like Israel. But no decent human being on the planet should ever excuse, deflect, defend, justify, condone or promote rape, kidnapping, mutilation, murder, as millions of people across the globe are presently doing.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Hamas Supporters Legitimizing Kidnapping, Rape And Murder

Kidnapping, rape, murder, mutilation, torture, are crimes against humanity.

There are no exceptions. 

No matter the excuses given, these are crimes against humanity that are indefensible.

The continued chorus that kidnapping, raping, murdering are justified because of occupation or some other excuse is beyond disgraceful. 

What Hamas and Islamic Jihad did to defenseless people on October 7, from babies to old people is indefensible. 

This is not about liking, hating, supporting or not supporting Israel. 

It is about humanity having a basic moral compass. No amount of deflection, excuses, whataboutism, justifications, historical context nonsense or anything else changes the fact that kidnapping, raping, mutilating, murdering are always wrong, with no exceptions ever.


Monday, May 6, 2024

The Truth About Whiteness And Apartheid In Israel

 In South Africa when there was apartheid, a white minority population ruled a much larger black majority population, denying them basic rights including the right to vote. 

In Israel, the Jewish population is over 70 per cent. The Arab population is over 20 per cent. All citizens, Jews, Arabs, Druze, and others have the right to vote and equal rights. 

The majority population of Israel are brown and black skinned Jews, most of whom were born on the soil of Israel. Their parents, grandparents or great grandparents originated in countries throughout the middle east and Africa, where many were persecuted and forced to flee for their lives to the land of Israel. Many of these Jews lost their lands, their property, and in many instances, their lives. The black and brown majority population of Israel consist of Jews that originated in British controlled Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Iran, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, and more. 

There are also Israelis whose grandparents and great grand parents were from India, the Sudan, Mali, Brazil, and many other corners of the world.

Israel is not a white minority population controlling a disenfranchised black majority population. Israel is a mixed race Jewish majority country with equal rights and religious freedom for all of its citizens, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Baha'i and others. Accusing Israel apartheid by virtue of race is a complete lie. 

Nelson Mandela succeeded because he offered to his enemies, the white rulers of South Africa, a way forward without genocide, rape, murder and slaughter. Nelson Mandela made it clear that there were to be equal rights for all, and that it would not be achieved by the violent ethnic cleansing and genocide of the white population. 

There is no Nelson Mandela among the enemies of Israel. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Hezbollah and others offer nothing to the Jews of Israel but their demented dream of destroying Israel and slaughtering its Jewish population. 

The rape, kidnapping, wounding, beheading, burning people alive, murders that Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed against thousands of defenseless civilians inside of Israel on October 7 was opposite to everything Nelson Mandela came to stand for. 

If Nelson Mandela offered what Hamas and Islamic Jihad offers to the Jews, nothing but rape and extermination, South Africa would have not achieved a peaceful transition. It is unfortunate that the present corrupt, greedy rulers of South Africa are destroying the country and everything Nelson Mandela hoped to achieve for all of the people of South Africa.

Jews, Arabs, and all those living in Israel and on the land between the river to the sea are married to one another way they like it or not. There has been far too much terror, incitement, war, hate and violence. Non corrupt people for peace and coexistence like Nelson Mandela are desperately needed.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

A True Christian Does Not Hate, Blame Or Demonize Jews

A lot of Jew haters like to tell the world what Jews think and do, believing Jews are not unique human beings like everyone else, each with their own individual personality. It is common for the Jew hater to blame everything they do not like on the Jew, as though everything is controlled by Jews, and there is no such thing as free will. In their false and demonic view, the Jew, not god, a higher power, or anyone or anything else, controls the world.

When someone claims to be a Christian and is a person that hates Jews, that is contrary to true Christianity. Some Jew haters that claim to be Christians denounce Jews on the basis of Jews allegedly hating Jesus. Judaism does not treat hatred, not towards Jesus, and not towards those that believe in Jesus or any other religion. 

Jews do not hate Jesus. They do not worship Jesus in the way Christians do, but Jews do not disrespect or hate Jesus or Christianity. Hating is against the teachings of Judaism. Even though there are some individuals that may act differently, which is wrong, they are not representative of the Jewish religion or of the Jewish people. Disagreeing about the divinity of Jesus or whether Jesus was the messiah or not is a theological and religous disagreement. That is not the same as hate or disrespect.

Jews are a tiny minority in the world. Christianity is the largest religion, followed by Islam. Billions of people follow Christianity, and billions of people follow Islam. There are far less than twenty million Jews in the world. The majority of Jews live in one small country, Israel, in which there is a determined effort to destroy Israel and slaughter its Jewish population.

There is so much wasted time and effort that goes into demonizing Jews, hating Jews, scapegoating Jews, blaming Jews for everything, and trying to destroy them. 

Despite the mass extermination of Jews in recent history by the Nazi regime and their allies, nothing has been learned from history and where hate, scapegoating and demonizing leads.

On October 7, the whole world witnessed the pogram against defenseless Jews who were kidnapped, raped, mutilated, burned alive, beheaded and slaughtered in Israel.

For those that demonize, scapegoat, blame the Jew for everything, and that think themselves Christians, they are falsely using Jesus' name as a shield to hide behind as they spread their hate. They are not following Jesus or what Jesus taught. They are following evil.

Killing Children And Committing Genocide Is Wrong. Gaza, Israel And Who should Be Shamed

 If these supporters of Hamas truly believe killing children and committing genocide is wrong, then there is no way they would support Hamas. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are the ones that raped, kidnapped, wounded, burned alive, beheaded, mutilated, desecrated bodies, murdered people in all kinds of horrific ways, and committed other atrocities agaainst thousaands of defenseless people in Israel on October 7, from little babies to old people. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are the ones using the children and civilians of Gaza as their human shields to hide behind and beneath.

No amount of deflection, justifying, or excusing these evil acts erases the fact that this happened, and that  Hamas supporters are defending indefensible evil.

Rape, kidnapping, murder, mutilating, torturing, are what these Hamas supporters are fighting for. They do not care if the victims are babies, girls, women, children, defenseless men and women, or old people. 

If this is the future, in which rape, kidnapping, mutilation, torture, murder now have exceptions based on perverted political and religious ideologies, then there is no future worth having.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Without the Jew To Blame, There Is Silence. War, Poverty, Oppression

 The protests in universities in the states and elsewhere have everything to do about Jews. 

That is why the protesters are silent, not enraged about injustices, oppression and genocides occurring all over the world. 

Silent about the continuation in North Korea of extreme repression, murder, forced prostitution of young women to communist party corrupt leaders, torture, forced labor camps and more.

The mass incarceration and repression of Uighur Muslims in China by the communist regime has resulted in no boycotts, no calls for boycotts, no protests by any of the many Islamic nations that eagerly do business with China. 

The vicious war in Myanmar by the brutal military dictatorship that levels entire villages to the ground, raping and slaughtering, receives silence. 

The Rohingya Muslim minority, repressed in Myanmar, and poorly treated in Bangladesh, with hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas living in squalid refugee camps, receives silence.

The continued war in Syria, with Assad not hesitating to use barrel bombs on his own people, with hundreds of thousands of civilians already murdered, and with millions of Syrians turned into refugees, receives silence.

ISIS in Syria and Iraq that have already caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and genocide against minority religious populations in these two countries, including against Christians and Yazidis, still receives silence, even as thousands of Yazidi women and girls taken as sex slaves are still held in captivity. ISIS and their ideology and terror are still alive in many countries.

The ongoing war in Yemen that has claimed the lives of countless thousands, with war, famine, mass poverty, disease, child marriage continuing, with one side supported by Saudi, and the other by Iran, receives silence. There are only voices raised of approval are when the Houthis fire missiles at Israel, or stop the flow of commercial traffic on the red sea by hijacking and destroying ships no matter how much this hurts the world economy and people already suffering in poverty.

War, terror, drought, famine, mass and extreme poverty in Somalia, with countless people displaced by these terrible things, receives silence. Including by a woman in congress originally from Somalia that can only find oppression when it suits her political and religious narratives. 

Violent organizations that believe their religious beliefs give them the right to rape, kidnap, enslave and murder, are active not only in Gaza in the form of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but also all over Africa and Asia, destroying the lives of thousands in places like Northern Nigeria, Mali, Mozambique, South Thailand, parts of Mindanao, and much more.

Violent organizations and nations that use religion to justify violence, terror and deliberate attacks against civilian populations, including Iran, Hezbollah, Al-Shabaab, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and more, are met with silence. 

Child marriage, extreme repression of women, of religious minorities, including of the Baha'i and Christians in Iran, and many more evil things, receives nothing but silence. 

In Qatar, where countless foreign workers have died in poor working conditions, where many foreign workers are exploited, where vulnerable foreign women workers are raped, not one word of outcry against this extremely wealthy nation that sponsors the spread of hatred and intolerance against Jews and others, especially with its government sponsored media network. Qatar spends billions in donations to western universities to spread its vision of hate and intolerance, but will not take in the many millions of Muslim refugees fleeing from war and conflict all over the globe.

In Darfur, where genocide is occurring now against the black Muslim indigenous population by Arab militias, untold thousands of women and girls have been raped. Thousands of civilians of all ages have been slaughtered. Entire villages have been destroyed with all the inhabitants massacred.

The vicious and senseless war against Ukraine continues. 

Violent criminal gangs are making life a living hell in a number of countries, including in Haiti, Ecuador, parts of Mexico and more. 

In a number of theocratic states, religious minorities are being raped, forced to convert, and murdered.

Environmental degradation is turning this planet into a living hell for millions. Extreme poverty with no hope is the sad fate of hundreds of millions of people.

No one cares about any of this. There is not the Jew to blame.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Ilhan Omar; Genocide, Hamas, Al-Shabaab, Somalia, Jews

Ilhan Omar said the following:

“I think it is really unfortunate that people don’t care about the fact that all Jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate antisemitism or bigotry for all Jewish students, whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide.” 

Hamas openly proclaims its goals to destroy Israel and exterminate Jews. 

Jews that oppose Hamas are not pro genocide. 

On October 7, Hamas and Islamic Jihad raped, wounded, burned alive, beheaded, mutilated, kidnapped thousands of defenseless people, from babies to old people. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad started a war. They are the ones using the civilians of Gaza as human shields to hide beneath and behind. 

It is not the obligation of Jews or anyone else to submit to the genocidal goals of their enemies. 

Supporting Israel does not mean supporting the government of Israel or its policies. It does mean supporting the right of the people of Israel to not be raped, kidnapped, mutilated and murdered. 

No one anywhere in the world should be subjected to this cruelty and brutality. 

Some consider Ilhan Omar to be a progressive. Hamas and all of its sister type organizations, including Al Shabaab, are some of the most bloodthirsty, reactionary, genocidal forces on the planet.

Does Ilhan Omar support or oppose Hamas and Al Shabaab, which is driven by similiar religious beliefs as Hamas? 

If Al Shabaab succeeds in taking over all of Somalia, just as Hamas took over Gaza, the nightmare that will descend to even more of Somalia than what exists now will be met with silence.

Ilhan Omar, in much of Somalia, there is widespread child marriage, child soldiers, no rights for women and girls, excruciating mass poverty, drought, famine, war, terror, rule by corrupt, oppressive, violent religious fanatics, and millions of internally and externally displaced refugees. Will you fight for the oppressed downtrodden people of Somalia as a priviledged person that was fortunate to escape from Somalia and now hold one of the most powerful positions on the planet, if Israel or Jews cannot be blamed?