Where Jews had lived for centures, and in many cases, for thousands of years, they are no more.
For thousands of years before Islam came into being, Jews lived throughout the lands of the middle east, Asia and Africa. They lived on the Arabian penisula, now known as Saudi Arabia, before being driven out or slaughtered in the 7th century.
Jews lived in Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Libya,Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Mali, Sudan, Iran, and more. In only a few of these countries are there tiny numbers of Jews left.
Many of these countries expelled their Jewish populations. In other countries, the conditions were so bad for Jews that they fled the persecution. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were ethnically cleansed or fled from persecution from lands where they had lived for centuries, even for thousands of years.
There were massacres of Jews in British controlled Palestine, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Syria and more.
Jews lost lands and properties far greater in size than what is the entire state of Israel. A far greater number of Jews fled from Arab majority lands to Israel than the number of Arabs, now called Palestinian, that fled from Israel during the 1948 war when Arab armies and Arab forces inside of the new found state of Israel attacked Israel.
The Jews from Arab majority lands and their descendents now form the majority population of Israel.
There are also Jews in Israel from other African and Asian countries, including Ethiopia, India and elsewhere.
Brown and black skinned Jews make up the majority population of Israel.
Throughout the west, there are protests for the Jews to leave Israel and return to Europe.
There is the simplistic, racist narrative that Jews are Europeans, and therefore are white oppressors, and that they must return to Europe.
The thing about a lie is that when it is repeated over and over, it starts being believed.
Israel has been a UN recognized nation for over 75 years. Most Israelis were born on that soil. Most Israelis are not Jews whose ancestors lived in Europe. And for those Jews whose parents or grandparents survived the holocaust, and who were born and raised in Israel, Europe is nothing but a graveyeard for the Jews and not a place to ever return.
And why would they want to? Europe is full of immigrants from the middle east and North Africa raised on hatred for Jews. There is also the many centuries old hatred for Jews in Europe that still exists to this day, despite the holocaust and long history of persecution Jews experienced in Europe.
For the majority of Israelis, born on the soil of Israel whose parents or grandparents originated from places like Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria and elsewhere, they know that there is nothing for them in those countries but death, persecution or enslavement.
For the Jews who originated in British controlled Palestine, or whose parents or grandparents originated in British controlled Palestine, they remember the massacres against the 1929 massacre of the Jews of Hebron, and the history of terror, pogroms and attacks against the Jews of Palestine by Arabs.
Contrary to the false narrative, Israel's history is an over 75 year old resistance to being exterminated. It is not a history of occupation and oppression, but instead a history of resisting oppression, persecution, and genocide.
The Nakba and ethnic cleansing of the Jews of the middle east and North Africa is ignored to this day.
They tried to wipe out the Jews of Palestine prior to 1948. They tried to wipe out Israel and exterminate its Jews in 1948, and in all of the years since, including the 1967 war, the 1973 war, the intifidas, the wave after wave of Hamas and Islamic Jihad suicide bombings, deliberately driving vehicles into pedestrians, stabbing civilians on the streets, shooting civilians, the October 7 massacre, and more.
The millions of brown and black skinned Jews in Israel, Israel's majority population, are an indigenous people to Israel and to the middle east, and are not naive like the mass protestors in the west who are enamored of Hamas and the genocide and extermination Hamas seeks.