Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Left's Conditional Approval Of Rape And Murder

 The left and many so called progressives defend rape and murder, as long as it is committed against Jews and Israelis, and as long as it is committed by those the left considers downtrodden victims.

Besides the harm they have already caused by their pandering, lowered standards for those considered victims, they are actively increasing hate and violence by their constant incitement and failure to hold everyone to the most basic of moral standards.

No amount historical context nonsense justifies or excuses kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder. 

No past or present grievance or injustice excuses or justifies kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder. 

Resistance is used as the pretense to justify rape and murder. 

Kidnapping, raping, mutilating and murder are not resistance. 

Good and evil have not ceased to exist.

No one anywhere ever has the right to deliberately attack and harm civilians. No one ever has the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder. 

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