Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mobs For Hamas And The Right To Rape And Murder

 No matter how many millions or billions of people justify kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder, arguing that exceptions are made for resistance, occupation, or something else, it does not change the fact that these are evil acts that are always wrong, and must always be opposed.

Instead, millions of people believe that even the worst cruel and evil acts that humans can commit are acceptable as long as they are directed against the target of their hate.

When people believe it is their right to kidnap, rape and murder, there ceases to be any middle ground of compromise.

Nothing in the world,including the many false arguments made against Israel regarding indigenous, colonizing, occupation, apartheid or anything else, erases the fact that no one ever has the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder. Even if all these accusations and defamation were true, which they are not, it still does not erase the fact that no one, without exception ever, has the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder.

The enemies of Israel want people to believe that this is their right. Millions of their supporters happily go along with this.

They miss the most fundamental moral code of humanity, that no one ever has the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder, and that there are no exceptions ever.

No matter how many millions or billions believe exceptions are made based on religion, politics, or something else, wrong and evil still remain wrong and evil.

The fact that millions march in the west in defense of Hamas and Islamic Jihad raping, kidnapping and murdering, or at the very least cannot bring themselves to condemn these crimes, is a bad sign for the days to come.

Whether or not someone likes Israel, hates Israel, supports Israel or does not Support Israel is not even the issue anymore more.

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