Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Abby Martin Or Mossab Yousef On Hamas And Morality

Who knows more about Hamas, Abby Martin or Mossab Yousef?

Who defends those that deliberately attack and harm civilians, including kidnapping, raping and murdering, and who opposes this? 

Who has jumped to the defense of the October 7 kidnappers,rapists, mutilators and slaughtering of people inside of Israel?

Who has served as a propagandist for the brutal Venezuela regime and their massive cronyism, corruption and destruction of the Venezuelan economy and social structure? 

Who defends some of the most reactionary forces on the planet, despite being considered a leftist, including those that attacked the United States on Sept. 11?

Absolutely nothing ever changes the fact that kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder are always wrong. A person's politics or religious persuasion does not give anyone the right to cherry pick exceptions allowing for rape, kidnapping and murder..

The so called leftists that believe their politics trump basic morality are contributing to a world washed in war, blood and misery. 

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